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Tech Review FFS-ACV (Advanced Cooling Vents)

Manufacturer: Valin Zenth, Force Forge Sabercraft
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large
  • Intent: To create an advanced cooling system/vents for lightsabers that enhances heat dissipation and stability, enabling the use of high-temperature blades without overheating.
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Links / Links:
    • Aerogel Insulation: A lightweight material with excellent thermal insulation properties.
    • Advanced Heat Sinks: Devices used to dissipate heat in high-energy systems.
    • Beskar Dust: Fine particles of the rare Mandalorian iron, known for its extreme durability and ability to withstand lightsaber strikes.
    • Cortosis Alloy: A rare and durable material known for its ability to withstand lightsaber strikes.
    • Haysian Smelt: A high-quality metal known for its durability and use in luxury items.
    • Tibanna Gas: A valuable gas used as an energy source for blasters and hyperdrives.
    • Vardium Steel: A strong and lightweight metal known for its excellent thermal conductivity and resistance to extreme temperatures.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Force Forge Sabercraft
  • Affiliation: Valin Zenth, Force Forge Sabercraft
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: FFS-ACV (Advanced Cooling Vents)
  • Modularity: Yes
  • Production: Limited
  • Material:
    • Aerogel Insulation: A lightweight material with excellent thermal insulation properties.
      • Role: Provides thermal insulation.
      • Function: Reduces heat transfer, keeping components cool.
    • Advanced Heat Sinks: Devices used to dissipate heat in high-energy systems.
      • Role: Dissipates heat.
      • Function: Increases surface area to enhance heat dissipation from components.
    • Beskar Dust: Fine particles of the rare Mandalorian iron, known for its extreme durability and ability to withstand lightsaber strikes.
      • Role: Adds durability and resistance to thermal degradation.
      • Function: Enhances the stability of thermal paste under extreme heat.
    • Cortosis Alloy: A rare and durable material known for its ability to withstand lightsaber strikes.
      • Role: Provides resistance to energy-based attacks.
      • Function: Used in armor and weapons for added protection.
    • High-Performance Thermal Paste:
      • Refined Tibanna Gas:Acts as the base medium for the thermal paste.
        • Role: Acts as the base medium for the thermal paste.
        • Function: Transfers heat efficiently between surfaces.
      • Micronized Haysian Smelt:Enhances the thermal conductivity of the paste.
        • Role: Enhances thermal conductivity.
        • Function: Conducts heat away from components rapidly.
      • Beskar Dust:Adds durability and resistance to thermal degradation.
        • Role: Adds durability and resistance to thermal degradation.
        • Function: Increases the stability of thermal paste under extreme heat.
      • Gel-Therm Compound:Maintains the paste's consistency and adhesion properties.
        • Role: Maintains consistency and adhesion.
        • Function: Ensures effective heat transfer by filling gaps and adhering to surfaces.
    • Vardium Steel: A strong and lightweight material used in advanced heat sinks.
      • Role: Provides structural strength and thermal conductivity.
      • Function: Used in heat sinks for improved heat dissipation.
  • Superior heat dissipation using Vanadium and Cortosis alloys
  • Electromagnetic pulse cleaning system to prevent vent blockages
  • Enhanced cooling efficiency with advanced heat sinks
  • Aerogel insulation for additional thermal management
  • Compatibility with standard and custom lightsaber hilts
  • Integrated thermal sensors for dynamic cooling adjustment
  • Exceptional Heat Management: Utilizes Vanadium and Cortosis alloys for superior heat dissipation, allowing for the use of high-temperature blades without overheating.
  • Self-Cleaning Mechanism: Electromagnetic pulse system ensures the vents remain clear of debris, maintaining optimal performance.
  • Dynamic Cooling: Integrated thermal sensors adjust cooling intensity based on real-time temperature data.
  • Enhanced Thermal Insulation: Aerogel provides additional thermal insulation, further preventing overheating.
  • Complex Maintenance: The advanced technology requires specialized knowledge for repairs and maintenance.
  • Resource Scarcity: Vardium Steel, Cortosis, and Haysian Smelt are rare materials, making the cooling system difficult and expensive to produce.
  • Increased Weight: The use of robust materials like Vanadium and Cortosis adds weight to the lightsaber hilt.
  • Requires Non-Dimetris Circuits for functionality in sabers.
The FFS-ACV (Advanced Cooling Vents) is a high-tech cooling system by Force Forge Sabercraft designed for managing the heat from lightsaber blades. Utilizing Vanadium and Cortosis alloys, it ensures superior heat dissipation and stability. Advanced heat sinks and high-performance thermal paste (refined Tibanna gas, micronized Haysian Smelt, Beskar dust, and Gel-Therm compound) provide efficient heat transfer. Aerogel insulation enhances thermal management. The electromagnetic pulse cleaning system prevents blockages, while thermal sensors dynamically adjust cooling intensity, preventing overheating. Compatible with standard and custom lightsaber hilts, the FFS-ACV is ideal for high-intensity combat, though its complexity and rare materials make maintenance and production costly.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an advanced cooling system/
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Valin Zenth, Force Forge Sabercraft
Model: FFS-ACV (Advanced Cooling Vents)
Modular: Yes
Material: Aerogel Insulation Advanced Heat Sinks Beskar Dust Cortosis Alloy Vardium Steel Refined Tibanna Gas Micronized Haysian Smelt Gel-Therm Compound
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Valin Zenth Valin Zenth

An interesting idea here, and a nice bit of fluff when it comes to saber design, I just have two questions.

So firstly, I wasn't aware that overheating was a problem for lightsabers, they've existed for thousands of years without that being mentioned in any stories I'm aware of. What kind of super hot blades causing overheating are you building this for? I love the more exotic parts of canon so I was curious to see what's out there.

Secondly. A lightsaber isn't very big, and is generally held on one's fist, with your hand pretty much entirely enclosing the hilt. So...where exactly will it dissipate the heat without burning the user's fist?

Also, could you please explain the text hidden behind the spoiler. Is this a separate submission, or part of this one?
Valin Zenth Valin Zenth

An interesting idea here, and a nice bit of fluff when it comes to saber design, I just have two questions.

So firstly, I wasn't aware that overheating was a problem for lightsabers, they've existed for thousands of years without that being mentioned in any stories I'm aware of. What kind of super hot blades causing overheating are you building this for? I love the more exotic parts of canon so I was curious to see what's out there.
You're right, typically "cooling vents" aren't standard lightsaber components.

I created a chart and standardized table for lightsaber components to help me keep track of everything that goes into a lightsaber-type weapon. I like to roleplay when certain weapons have components that get damaged. Generally, if I'm missing one or one is broken, that saber is out of commission until I roleplay getting it fixed.

Usually, it looks like this, where I separate the normally changeable parts from the standard parts all lightsabers theoretically need to function.


Lightsaber Components​

Changeable Parts​

Blade Emitter
Focusing Lens
Water Proof Casing
Stabilizing Coils
Power Cell
Specialized Extras / Mods

Standard Lightsaber Components​

ComponentsCanon Links
Activation Stud (Power Button)Activation Stud
Blade Power Adjustment KnobBlade Power Adjustment Knob
Cyclic Crystal ArrayCyclic Crystal Array
Cycling Field EnergizerCycling Field Energizer
Emitter MatrixEmitter Matrix
Energy Modulation CircuitEnergy Modulation Circuit
Field EnergizerField Energizer
Flux ApertureFlux Aperture
Pommel CapPommel Cap
Power InsulatorPower Insulator
Stabilizing RingStabilizing Ring
Super ConductorSuperconductor

We have a Radiator listed here. Generally, a radiator is a device used to transfer heat from one medium to another for cooling and heating.
I'm sure you've seen these parts so far:
Each of these components would make the blade hotter in some way, and by extension, the housing of the lightsaber:
If one were to combine all of these, it stands to reason that it would create a very hot blade, making the casing and internals very hot too. Logically speaking, if I were to create something needing to be that hot and volatile, it would demand a cooling element beyond what is typical.

I've read through other submissions and learned how certain things function for a desired effect. I intend on making a very specialized weapon with a specific purpose. To achieve its desired effect, I would first need to make certain components to help get it to that standard of operation. It's not a typical saber shape and is not listed on the Wookiee. This is an invention combining an older concept of a weapon with lightsaber tech to achieve the same effect. It's generally an unwieldy weapon too.

John Locke: "Secondly. A lightsaber isn't very big, and is generally held on one's fist, with your hand pretty much entirely enclosing the hilt. So...where exactly will it dissipate the heat without burning the user's fist?"
You're right again! The weapon in mind is going to have a much bigger section where these components will be housed. It's going to need everything to be made bigger in general to work the way it has been intended, a lot bigger than one could hold with one hand.
John Locke: "Also, could you please explain the text hidden behind the spoiler. Is this a separate submission, or part of this one?"
The spoiler just goes into the basics of how I came up with the thermal gel made from Star Wars materials and how I think each part functions to make the thermal gel. This weapon works with a long handle for a pivot point of the housing. Due to the nature of how this weapon is used, the aerogel is needed for the insular padding. I put it under the Description as a spoiler as it's just extra info for someone who wants to geek out about how the materials are being used to understand the logic and reasoning I put forward for each part.

Now I've sent you an image of what kind of weapon I'm intending on making. The functionality and rationale are to make an armor hole punch type weapon. My reasoning is it would need to be very hot to do so for certain types of armor. The vents will be aligned on the curved section of the heftier part of the weapon and far away from hands. This will be a heavy two hander weapon.

John Locke John Locke
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This submission has been updated with the following changes:

Drop-downs have been added.
A link to Canon links has been corrected.
Shorthand descriptions have been added.
Other text has been further simplified and shortened for ease of flow and readability.
Functionality and roles have been added and indexed under materials for easier readability and shorten and simplified.

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