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Approved Tech FFS- Refined Compound Lens - Vibration Dragite Lens

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Manufacturer: Force Forge Sabercraft, Valin Zenth
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large
  • Intent: To create a compound lens for lightsabers that enhances blade damage and incorporates vibrational energy to penetrate tough materials like Beskar and Phrik.
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link:
    • Compound Lenses: Multiple lenses combined to form a single optical system, improving image quality and magnification.
    • Dragite Crystal: A crystal used in lightsabers, known for creating a resonant, sonic effect when striking objects.
    • Dragite Lens: A lens made from Dragite Crystal, enhancing the lightsaber's damage and sonic impact.
    • Focusing Lens: A component in lightsabers that focuses the energy beam into a stable blade.
    • Lens: A transparent optical device that focuses or disperses light rays, used in a variety of applications.
    • Lightsaber: A plasma blade weapon used by Jedi and Sith, powered by Kyber crystals.
    • Lightsaber Components: Various parts that make up a lightsaber, including the hilt, emitter, and focusing crystal.
    • Lightsaber-Resistant Materials: Materials such as Beskar and Cortosis that can withstand lightsaber strikes.
    • Vibration Lens: A lightsaber component that creates vibrations to enhance the blade's cutting power.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Enhanced penetration capability: The vibrational energy disrupts and weakens tough materials at a molecular level, increasing the effectiveness against highly durable materials.
  • Increased power consumption: The addition of vibrational technology requires more power, potentially reducing the lightsaber’s operational time between recharges.
  • Complex maintenance: The advanced technology used in the compound lens system requires specialized knowledge to maintain and repair.
  • Takes up a more space and weight than your traditional one lense assembly.
The FFS - Refined Compound Lens - Vibration Dragite Lens is developed by Force Forge Sabercraft to enhance lightsaber effectiveness against tough Lightsaber-resistant materials like Beskar armor. It combines a Dragite crystal to boost the lightsaber's energy output and a vibration lens that introduces high-frequency oscillations to weaken material structure, increasing the blade's penetrative ability. This lens is useful for Jedi facing armored opponents.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a compound lens for lightsabers that enhances blade damage and incorporates vibrational energy to penetrate tough materials like Beskar and Phrik.
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Valin Zenth, Force Forge Sabercraft
Modular: Yes
Material: Dragite Crystal Dragite Lens Vibration Lens Focusing Lens Lightsaber components
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