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Approved Tech FFS- Refined Phobium Emitter

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Manufacturer: Valin Zenth, Force Forge - Sabercraft
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average
  • Intent: To provide a high-quality lightsaber emitter that enhances effectiveness.
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link:
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Enhanced disruption capabilities in saber blades
  • Advanced usability / stability in saber blades
  • High durability
  • While maintaining the robust nature of its crude predecessor, the refined phobium emitter offers enhanced maneuverability and increased effectiveness, surpassing most other disrupting emitters in both precision and power. Its design reduces the unwieldiness typically associated with crude phobium emitters, allowing for a more fluid integration into combat styles that require swift and powerful strikes.
  • Heavier Component
The Refined Phobium Emitter is a sophisticated lightsaber upgrade for skilled Force users who favor aggressive combat styles. It enhances disruption capabilities, making it more effective and easier to handle. This component is ideal for those needing a powerful and reliable addition to their lightsaber.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To provide a high-quality lightsaber emitter that enhances effectiveness.
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Valin Zenth, Force Forge - Sabercraft
Model: FFS- Refined Phobium Emitter
Modular: Yes
Material: Phobium, Doonium
Last edited:
Valin Zenth Valin Zenth


As lightsabers have a production cap of semi-unique its components do as well. The production will need to be reduced
Technology Forum Rules
  • Fully constructed lightsabers and forcesabers are restricted to a maximum of Semi-Unique Production.​
  • The Armor Rating Extreme will require the submission to be Semi-Unique. This armor rating is considered very strong and are usually dealing with unique items that should be restricted to Player Characters only.
I don't see where you're getting the components from? It says 'Fully Constructed Light sabers and Force Sabers'

Factory Rules

Says the same. Please show me where you are getting this?
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