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Approved Tech FFS- Utility Belt

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Manufacturer: Force Forge - Sabercraft
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average

  • Intent: To make a specialized combat utility belt.
  • Image Source: I drew this.
  • Canon Link: Utility Belt
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Manufacturer: Force Forge - Sabercraft
  • Affiliation: Braze Braze Character Bio | Force Forge - Sabercraft
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: FFS- Utility Belt
  • Modularity: Yes
  • Production: Minor
  • Material:
    • ArachSilk: A strong and flexible silk used in clothing and armor for its durability and light weight.
    • Concussive Absorbing Material: A material designed to absorb and dissipate kinetic energy from impacts.
    • Durasteel: A tough and durable metal used widely in the construction of starships and buildings.
    • Leather: A flexible and durable material made from animal hides, used in clothing and armor.
    • Susurra-weave: A lightweight and durable fabric used in clothing and armor, known for its silent movement properties.
    • Synthmesh: A synthetic material used in armor and clothing, known for its strength and flexibility.



  • Bacta Injectors x3: Contains a small amount of bacta for self-healing or medical administration.
  • Bacta Spray x3: A convenient spray for quick application of bacta to minor injuries.
  • Medical Pack: A pouch for carrying items like bacta, gauze, stim-packs, and medical wipes.
  • Tourniquet: Essential for controlling severe bleeding in emergency situations.
  • Painkillers: Quick-access pain relief for injuries sustained in combat.
  • Med Tracer: Med Tracer device for tracking and monitoring vital signs and administering medication remotely.


  • Survival Kit: Includes a small water purification system, a rebreather for hazardous environments, and a compact shelter for overnight missions.
  • Survival Rations: A small pouch with long-term survival rations, flavorless and hard to chew but essential for survival.
  • Environmental Sensor: A device that can detect and analyze environmental conditions, alerting the user to hazards such as toxins, radiation, or extreme weather.
  • Camouflage Netting: Lightweight, foldable netting to blend into various environments.
  • Inflatables: Small pouches with lifesaver-sized inflatables for water missions.
  • Fire Starter: A compact tool for starting fires in wilderness environments.
  • Thermal Blanket: Lightweight and compact, provides warmth in cold conditions.
  • Signal Mirror: For signaling aircraft or distant rescue teams.
  • Scent Masker: Eliminates or alters the user's scent to avoid detection by animals.

Tools and Equipment

  • Grappling Hook: Supports the weight of a standard humanoid and can be adjusted for non-humanoid species.
  • Lockpicking Kit: Contains rakes, snappers, combs, and security tunnelers.
  • Repair Tools: Includes a screwdriver, pliers, and spare power packs.
  • Tool Kit: A more comprehensive set of tools for on-the-go repairs and modifications.
  • Data Spike: A tool for slicing into and hacking various computer systems, stored in a secure compartment.
  • Retractable Carabiners: Carabiners with retractable and sturdy metal cords for securing and accessing equipment easily.
  • Holographic Projector: A miniature device for projecting holograms, useful for communication and tactical planning.
  • Sonic Emitters: Devices that emit high-frequency sounds.
  • Storage Pouches: Can store various small items, from coms devices to trackers.
  • Cold Storage: Specialized pouch with small refrigerator capabilities.
  • Holsters: Four holsters held in place by red tassel ribbons that also allow for additional attachments or bags.
  • Large Bags: Five large bags for storing various larger items.
  • Side Clips: Two side clips for holding ropes, whips, or similar items, such as a lightsaber whip.
  • Lightsaber Hooks: 16 D-rings for attaching lightsabers or other items.
  • Small Mag Lock Panels: Two smaller mag lock panels, one on the lower back and one on the front, for secure attachments.
  • Laser Cutter: For cutting through various materials in emergencies.
  • Multitool: A compact tool with multiple functions such as pliers, knife, screwdriver, etc.
  • Portable Charger: For recharging electronic devices in the field.
  • EMP Device: (like a small cattle prod) Can disable electronic equipment and small droids temporarily.

Communication and Navigation

  • Com Link: A compact, high-range communicator for long-distance communication.
  • Navigational Aid: Includes a compass, a map pouch, and tools like protractors and glowsticks for navigation when electronics fail.
  • Signal Whistle: For emergency signaling and communication.
  • Black Box Transceiver: Transmits the user's location to the NJO if they stop moving for an extended period during dangerous missions.

Tactical and Combat

  • Grenade Pouch x3: Stores various grenades, from thermal detonators to EMPs and flash or smoke grenades.
  • Thermal Detonators x3: Enhanced thermal detonators for high-impact situations.
  • Handcuffs and Handcuff Key x3: For restraining individuals when necessary.
  • Escape Tools: A small knife and laser cutter for emergencies when a lightsaber isn't available.

Vision and Energy

  • Electrobinoculars Holder: A small, secure pouch designed to hold electrobinoculars for enhanced visual range and scouting.
  • Energy Capsules: Storage for emergency energy boosts.

Support and Comfort

  • Back Brace Support: Provides additional support and comfort during extended missions.
  • Large Mag Lock Back Panel: Snaps or clips into a chest plate armor piece. The back plate mag lock is detachable for versatility.

Storage and Carrying

  • Expandable Backpack: Attachable for additional carrying capacity when needed.
  • Quick-Release Mechanism: For rapidly detaching pouches or equipment in emergencies.
  • Vacuum-Sealed Pouches: For protecting sensitive items from water and dust.


  • Sturdy: Made from durable leather that can withstand various mission conditions, ensuring it stays intact in any environment.
  • Form-Fitting: Custom-made for each Jedi, providing a snug and comfortable fit.
  • Hidden Features: Includes several standard-issue tools concealed within the belt.
  • Secure: Once attached, the pouches and other features require significant strength to remove without the user's consent. Side clips, mag locks, and locking mechanisms on bags enhance security.


  • Heavy: Can become cumbersome depending on the items added.
  • Not Armor: Not designed to block lightsabers or other attacks.
  • Limited Space: Only a limited number slots for various items, requiring careful selection.
  • Easily Removed: Designed for easy removal, which can be a drawback if someone tries to steal it, or knows how it's attached.

The FFS-Utility Belt by Force Forge - Sabercraft is a versatile and durable belt for Jedi missions. It features D-rings, storage pouches, a grappling hook, bacta injectors, a medical pack, a survival kit, grenade pouches, a lockpicking kit, a navigational aid, and food storage. It also includes holsters, repair tools, inflatables for water missions, and side clips for ropes or whips. Mag lock panels integrate with chest armor, and it provides storage for energy capsules, a communications array, a tool kit, camouflage netting, thermal detonators, sonic emitters, an electrobinoculars holder, and a holographic projector.

Made from sturdy materials, it ensures durability and a custom fit. Hidden compartments hold escape tools, a transceiver, and survival rations. Users must manage its weight to avoid overloading, and its easy removal can be a security risk. The FFS-Utility Belt combines practicality, durability, and style for Jedi missions.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make a specialized combat utility belt.
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Braze, Force Forge - Sabercraft
Model: FFS- Utility Belt
Modular: Yes
Material: Susurra-weave Synthmesh Concussive absorbing material ArachSilk Leather Durasteel
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