Darth Banshee
Exiled Queen of Serenno
She need phrik again, this time to impress customers in what she could make. The best source for her was alderaan. That meant dealing with [member="Elaine Thul"] again, she did not like the girl. Something was off with her, she could not put her finger on it. Though it did not matter she had money to but the phirk anyway.
So she sent a letter to her
To acolyte thul
I wish to purchase, a substantial amount of phrik from you. I will enclose two hundred thousand credits, please deliver asap. I have need of it.
Darth Banshee
So she sent a letter to her
To acolyte thul
I wish to purchase, a substantial amount of phrik from you. I will enclose two hundred thousand credits, please deliver asap. I have need of it.
Darth Banshee