Fianna Dray
Aliases | Fee |
Class(es) | Jedi Consular |
Birthplace | Naboo |
Place of residence | Coruscant |
Age | Late teens |
Personality Traits | Compassionate Stubborn Shrewd |
Education Traits | Adequate Bargainer |
Lifestyle Traits | Adventurer Scholar |
Rank(s) | Jedi Padawan |
Faction(s) | Rimward Trade League Jedi Coalition |
Species | Human |
Languages | Galactic Basic |
Gender | Female |
Force Sensitive | Y |
Force Alignment | Light |
Character Alignment | Neutral Good |
Height | 5'5 |
Dad died 'fore I was born, so it was just Mom and me. Mom had to work so I was stuck with Nanna.
Fianna Dray is a human Jedi Padawan, originating from Naboo. Born to a recent widow in Theed, Fianna was mostly cared for by her grandmother, who was a prominent negotiator and diplomat within the Naboo Diplomatic Corps. The time spent in her grandmother's care helped introduce Fee to the world of interstellar diplomacy, where honeyed words and sweet smiles often hid callous insults and rejection.
Random displays of power became more and more frequent as Fee entered her teen years. After consultation with offworld contacts, her grandmother arranged for the New Jedi Order to test Fee. Upon discovering her Force sensitivity, Fee was encouraged by her family to join the Rimward Jedi Coalition to learn how to harness her abilities and use them in the pursuit of something greater than herself.
Known for her gift of the gab, Fee's always been a good talker. Petulant pouting was replaced with intense questioning and a love of gossip as she grew older. Fee always loved a good barb and relishes the opportunity to prick a person's pride with a well-timed jibe. She was never that great at getting them in return, however. Despite her mouthy nature, Fee has always enjoyed diving into books and learning new things, particularly involving Galactic history. Her secret dream is to create a famous line of children's history holobooks that'll make her billions of credits.
Will come with time. Presume diplomacy/talking bull, mystic powers and tea-making.
None yet. Be the first!
To be filled out if and when I actually write.
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