Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fidelis (FN-9114)


DESIGNATION: FN-9114, AKA "Fidelis"
AGE: 34
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.9 m.
WEIGHT: 82 kg.



- FN-9114 has an exemplary service record, with stellar scores in Marksmanship, Leadership, and Field Medic Operations. This soldier is directly responsible for saving the lives of at least six personnel during combat conditions. Further, FN-9114 has shown proficiency with the F-11D blaster rifle, the SE-44C blaster pistol, and the Z6 riot control weapon, with marks just shy of qualifying him for special operations consideration. Prior to going MIA, FN-9114 was being considered for promotion to the rank of Sergeant.

- FN-9114 has noted physiological difficulties with Flying and Aerial Combat, though it should be noted that neither were a part of his training and often do not inhibit ground operations upon landing. Further, genetic makeup suggests that FN-9114 may have susceptibilities to Alcohol; ensure that this unit is kept away from the garrison's stills.

- FN-9114 has exhibited signs of being susceptible to severe Post-Traumatic Stress, and has taken far longer to recover from incidents than the standard for stormtroopers of his class. Recondition as necessary.


- FN-9114 stands taller than average and his weight is within First Order regulations, if slightly on the lankier side in comparison to his squad. Recommend stricter PT regimen.

- When not on duty, FN-9114 has shown himself to be a picture of regulation soldiery, with no disciplinary actions in regards to uniform dress and appearance for the entirety of his service record.

- FN-9114 has shown a preference for dark, tight clothing approximating the standard issue under-armor apparel for issued armor, and can often be found wearing it when not in combat situations.


- Apart from the aforementioned predilection for post-traumatic stress, FN-9114 has no noted mental deficiencies.

- FN-9114 has been extremely loyal to the First Order and its principles, to the point of not once lapsing in any general order or SOP. However, it must be noted that - unlike many of his comrades - FN-9114 fully expects this loyalty to be returned in kind. Room, board, and training seem to be enough.



FN-9114 served with distinction in the First Order Stormtrooper Corps, from which he and many others had been trained since birth. There was nothing particularly notable about his service record; for the better part of thirty years, FN-9114 did as he was ordered, shot at what needed shooting, and trained in his down time. The only true distinctions of his service were the moments where his aptitude for combat medicine shone, and FN-9114 has at least six stormtroopers (though this number is likely higher) that survived combat explicitly due to his intervention. Beyond that, the soldier was nothing particularly exceptional.

In truth, the only notable thing about FN-9114's service with the First Order was how it ended.

While en route to a combat drop, the craft carrying FN-9114's platoon had been shot down, resulting in a fiery crash that only the medic and a handful of others survived. Cut off from resupply and in a region with scarce resources and dangerous wildlife, FN-9114 and the survivors dwindled as the days passed. On the eighth day being stranded, the stormtrooper tasked with reestablishing communications was able to get a signal through...and was told that the First Order had pulled back. Rescue was not coming, and nor would it be. Stranded and abandoned, FN-9114 and the handful of remaining soldiers packed up their armor, scavenged what they could from the drop ship, and headed in different directions in the faint hope of reaching civilization. So far as the newly-christened Fidelis knew, he was the only one of his platoon to make it off that planet alive.

Ever since then, Fidelis has roamed the galaxy, never remaining with one group for too long. He has been spotted in the company of several in the Confederacy of Independent Systems (one Captain Lyla Quinn in particular), but has since abandoned that cause, finding it to be little more than another group of elitists attempting to enforce their will on those around them; exactly the same kind of faction that abandoned him to die.



- Fidelis keeps and maintains his issued First Order equipment to the best of his means, including:
  • F-11D blaster rifle
  • SE-44C blaster pistol
  • Z6 riot baton
  • Stormtrooper armor
  • Quadnoculars

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