Undisputed lord of the fluffy!

Coruscant Undercity, 2300 Hours
Ahh Coruscant, the best place in the galaxy to be loved upon. Everything was bigger, which a lot of Tyrion's fellow small sapients found to their displeasure. To the Kushiban that just meant they weren't up high enough. Things were great where he was. The little lagomorph was lounging around a Zeltron's neck as she held a whiskey glass steady for him while he drank deeply from it and she ran her fingers through his luscious fur. This was the good life and soon he'd be in the spotlight he loved so much again. "Ty baby, the race is starting. You're going to be too watered to make the announcement." She crooned at him and he pulled his face from the glass to lick at the golden drops around his muzzle. "Nah I've got it," he patted her nose reassuringly as his comm began to beep the hour. It was time to start. He keyed the mic looped over his ear and took a deep breath...
"LADIES AND GENTLEBEINGS!!!!" His excited voice boomed out into the crowd packed into the platform and surrounding walks from speakers set up on the back of a few speeders set up just for tonight. "I'm proud to announce the Fifth Coruscant Open! You know the route, you know we run by modified Hoth Rules! No race-side help, no shooting!" Of course that wouldn't stop racers from finding other ways to frack with the other riders. But it would keep the undercity police off the organizer's backs. For everything else, they'd be on the honor rules. "Five legs through the city ending back here at the start line! First across walks away with fame, bragging rights, and Five... Thousand... CREDITS!" From his perch half on the scantly dressed Zeltron's head Tyrion surveyed the swoop racers on the street below. He could make out another Zelton, a few humans, a Twi'lex that somehow had even more real-estate than the woman who's shoulders he was standing on, a Cathar lashing her tail with poorly concealed anticipation, as well as near a dozen others wearing concealing riding gear or blocked from view by the people crowding the sidelines. On the walls of the surrounding buildings the projected image of the little Kushiban swapped to the starting line as one of the probe droids set up along the route for the spectators was set active.
"NOW!" He tapped a hind paw on her shoulder. "On your marks!" She drew a remote, finger on the trigger. "RACE!" She pulled it, a buzzer rang out, and synth smoke jetted into the air over the onlookers as the speakers cut over to pump loud party music that was immediately drowned out by the roaring whine of over a dozen swoop and speeder turbothrusters as the pack shot off .

((I tagged everyone I thought may be interested from the ooc thread, feel free to join even if you aren't tagged or pass if you aren't interested))