Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fight Fire with... Fire? (Pyrokinesis)

The sun shone down on the plaza, casting its golden rays upon the pavilions now littering the area. The cool wind balanced the heat of the morning sun, sweeping under the Shi'ido's form and catching on her hair, dancing with several strands before subsiding. Rasu stared out across the horizon, taking a slow, long breath before turning back to the activity that was slowly rising around her.

Like many of the Jedi present, Rasu had decided to lead her own class, re-immersing herself in what had once been her life long ago on Tython. At one point in her long life, she had acted as Headmistress of the Jedi Academy, however this role had been abandoned due to her desertion of the Jedi Order. She had taken a more active role since then, however even now she could feel the excitement and joy of instructing beginning to refill her veins.

The members organising the event had offered her a pavilion to conduct her separate training, however the Shi'ido had chosen to decline, favouring the natural aesthetic of training in the outdoors. Besides it would not do well to play with fire within a tent of flammable material. What a way to start the day that would be!

Pyrokinesis had become a specialty of the Shi'ido, having trained several students in the art of fire conjuring. She was actually looking forward to imparting her knowledge. Time to see who showed an interest.
There was always a chance to work on things and she had missed the last workshop they had going on before. She was wanting to work with it and preparing for a number of things She wanted to work with her mothers friend and one of the masters whom she knew when she was little. There was a lot of work on many of the things that they would be able to do. "Master Gan, it is so great to see you once again." She said it and was hoping others would come here to help them and partake in the fun of the classes offered.
This planet was hot enough without throwing fire around!

At least in so far as this bear was concerned.

Fire was actually a very precious commodity on Midvinter. Fuel and heat were essential to survive the harsh winter conditions, even among Beorni who were well adapted to the climate. Plus, fire was a shaper's tool, enabling a blacksmith to work hard metals into a more pliable medium. If Kiriko was going to learn about being a craftsman... er, craftsbear... then learning how to live with the heat was going to be essential.

Even still, he'd dumped a bucket of water over himself before going out into the sun. One trick about Beorni fur was that it lost its heat retaining value when wet. So, when the Beorni were in the ocean, it was actually their body fat keeping them insulated and not their fur.

Wandering out into the training grounds, the cub bowed his respects to the two tall aliens.

[member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Orihime Ike"]​
Fire wasn't exactly Undin's thing, he liked to keep it cool. But, since he had to stay the whole day there, since the transport shuttles back to Voss wouldn't arrive until the end of the workshops, why not?

As he approached the training area where the class was being located, he greeted the group that was there. A Master and two other Jedi, whose ranks were unknown to him.
The boy waved his hand around, as he asked "Is this the Pyrokenisis workshop?".
Taking my swoop into the Voss temple I saw there was a training session on pyrokinesis... A specialty of both Master DragonsFlame and my own Master. I'd seen Master Gan's use of this power when we'd worked together on Jabiim and I was eager to learn what I could of this. Following the directions to a fairly empty plaza I noticed Master Gan speaking with another Jedi. There was also an adorable little bear-boy who I saw bow to Master Gan and the woman she was speaking with and I briefly considered scratching behind his fuzzy ears before deciding that could be impolite...

There was also another young padawan whom if memory served had been under house arrest not long ago...good to see he was doing better though I'd run into him briefly on Malachor V during my last mission there. Walking over next to the bear boy I bowed to my Master bringing my left open palm vertically against my horizontally closed right fist. Looking at my Master I said, "Master Gan, good to see you." Turning to the bear boy I said, "I'm sorry if you find this terribly rude of me but may I scratch behind you ears?"

[member="Rasu Gan"] - [member="Orihime Ike"] - [member="Kiriko"] - [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]
To be completely, bluntly honest, Audren wasn't interested in much of the training workshop. So much so that he almost hadn't traveled to Ossus - this would be his second time visiting. It had nothing to do with the teachers and everything to do with the classes: healing, telekinesis, empathy, beast trick, and others. Some he knew already, some he simply didn't care to learn. It might be interesting to get others' perspective on what he already knew, but such information might not be useful, and that was the whole point of this workshop.

On the other hand, pyrokinesis had caught his eye. He'd seen it in use before, but the only time he'd seen it up close was when he'd done some training with Rasu. Maybe not so coincidentally, Rasu was the one putting on this training session. The power could be rather useful in combat, and on rare occasions outside combat. Considering his method of sensing and using the Force however, this was one of the more logical elements to learn. Maybe. It really depended on how it was done. He assumed that he was going to figure that out here.

Unlike most of the other workshops, there was no tent. It was logical: when people started playing with fire things tended to burn. Rasu herself was already present of course, as were four others. Audren recognized the Ike girl from the Silver Watch and Undin from the trial, but not the other two. One of those two was a white-furred bear, er, bearling? Definitely didn't appear to be full-grown. The white fur was almost blinding to look at in the sunlight, more so even than Audren's hair. The other was a human or near-human female with brown hair.

It would be an interesting class.

[member="Rasu Gan"]
"I'm sorry if you find this terribly rude of me but may I scratch behind you ears?"

The small bear turned his head to look up at the human lady with the long brown fur. Her fur was really long! From the crown of her head down to her waist. The cub tried to imagine himself with fur like that. He'd be constantly tripping over it, especially when he went on all fours.

"I don't think you're rude," the boy answered immediately. Which, seemed a really strange way of greeting a new person.

But then, starting a conversation with a debate as to what was, or wasn't, rude was also a very curious way of introducing one self. And the whole scratching people behind the ears, what was that?

Was that some human customary greeting? Is that why she thought he'd find it rude, because he was Beorni?

Strange aliens, these human people.

"Uh, sure," the small cub answered, as to whether she could scratch him behind the ears or not. "I guess?"

She was looking at them while she was moving with the others that appeared there. The padawan had a look when she moved in seeing a small bear and others there when she stood ready for the lesson to begin when she saw the others who were there. More had come in and she waved but stayed there seeing the small bear as he was getting petted or asked about it from another one of the padawans. She stayed there looking at Master rasu with a nod of her head that she was hopingit would work well.
The small bear boy said I don't think you're rude and accepted. So I reached down and scratched behind his ears and found they were very soft indeed... After scratching his ears I backed away and began working my way through some Echani martial arts forms while I waited. From what I knew of pyrokinesis I was much like electric judgement in how it began. One had to accelerate the air creating friction and thus fire.

I'd heard of Echani Firedancers using this skill in their perfomances and I also knew it could be used as I did with electric judgement to alter my hand to hand combat skills... Well until Master Gan decided to begin I'd be working through my forms...

[member="Orihime Ike"] - [member="Kiriko"] - [member="Audren Sykes"] - [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] - [member="Rasu Gan"]
Rasu did not have to wait long before Jedi began to flock towards her section of the plaza. Smiling at the young Atrisian, the Shi'ido offered a small wave as the woman approached. Noticing the stark resemblance of Matsu in her daughter, it dawned on the Master that the young Jedi was a near replica to the mother. Widening her smile in response to such a realisation, she met [member="Orihime Ike"] halfway and welcomed the Atrisian to her class.

"It's great to see you too Orihime. You have grown up quite a bit since I last saw you, you're looking more and more like your mother each passing day." she said, still quite shocked from the transition. She could still remember the young girl that had passed through the Academy all those years ago on Tython.

As the next two Padawan's approached, Rasu's eyes lingered on the bear cub, [member="Kiriko"]. She knew little of the Beorni, however Rasu knew enough to be able to identify a member of the species. The other young man caught her attention also. She had yet to meet the notorious [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"], but she had heard enough of the stories floating around the Temple to recognise the Padawan.

"So at last we meet Undin." she said, bowing to both Padawan's, flashing a smile at the Beorni before turning back to Undin, adopting a sour face. "You've been up to no good I've heard. I hope you mean to rectify your behaviour through these workshops." She paused a moment to gauge some form of reaction from the two. However before she would let any emotion set in, her mouth grew into a wide smile. Chuckling she gestured for the padawan's to join them. "Welcome, both of you. We'll begin the Pyrokinesis training in a few moments."

While not surprised, it was nice to see her own Padawan join the group. [member="Celiana"] was growing into a fine Jedi and she would be proud to add her specialty to the repertoire of the aspiring Echani. Bowing in response to the young woman, she watched as she interacted with the young bear cub, bringing a hand up to hide the laugh that forced its way through at the sight before her. There seemed to be no fear in this young woman, although it was not a surprise despite her race. Catching sight of [member="Audren Sykes"], she offered her fellow Master a wave before taking stock of the students before her. Feeling that it had reached an appropriate number, she decided to start the lesson.

"Alright everyone, gather round. Let's begin the workshop." Gesturing for the group to form a circle, Rasu led the Jedi in a small discussion. "Welcome everyone. I hope you're all raring to go for this lesson on Pyrokinesis today."

"Before we get straight into it, can anyone give me a description of what this technique is? Has anyone done their homework?"
She had a look of excitement and interest on her face at that, glad that she was getting the best of it all with Master Gan as more came in and she saw Kiriko and her mothers padawan Undin. If there was anyone who could work with him well her mother and Master Rasu could. There was two others here that she didn't know but the sight of Kiriko using pyrokinesis would be something cool to see.... Padabear stare darksiders.... Padabear stare... oh yeah. She thought about it bowing her head. "Thank you master Gan." She was moving over to gather with the others and see.
Finishing my combat sequence I bowed and as Master Gan asked about giving her a description of the power of pyrokinesis I looked at the rest of the padawans and people assembled. After waiting a bit for anyone else to pipe in I adressed Master Gan's question and said, "Master the power of pyrokinesis is achieved by utilizing The Force to grip the molecules in the air and accelerate them causing molecular friction, heat, and then fire."

While I'd never personally used this power I knew in theory at least how it worked. Suddenly I felt very conspicuous about having been the first to answer that question...I didn't want to be the padawan who acted as if she were a know it all...

[member="Rasu Gan"] - @ Everyone Else
The others didn't seem to pay the Sephi much attention, which was perfectly fine with him. If he'd really wanted to socialize, he'd have gone to Docking Bay 94 on Voss. There were always people there, typically spacers, and they always had good stories. Maybe not always the greatest company, but socializing wasn't his greatest strong point either. No, he was here to learn. The wave from Rasu was returned with a nod.

Without a word, he joined the circle. To be completely honest, he hadn't done any homework on the subject, it was a spur-of-the moment decision to join in on the class. He'd seen her throw fire at him, heard a class was being offered, and thought it might be useful. The Padawan had certainly done hers however, and rattled off an answer involving molecular friction, heat, then fire with air molecules. Which, as it so happened, was something he really didn't think he'd be too good at. Manipulating air would be difficult with the way he used the Force, though perhaps starting with the individual molecules would be simpler. From there the problem would be growing the fire and not letting it die between just a couple molecules.

If the answer was right, that was.

[member="Rasu Gan"]
"Has anyone done their homework?"

There was homework? The cub didn't think that Master [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] had said anything about homework...

The lady who had scratch his ears provided an answer. Or, at least, he thought it was an answer. He understood what heat and fire were, but what were molecules? Was that like kindling? Is that how it worked?

Rubbing his chin, the cub was looking between the lady with the brown fur and the green skinned lady as he waited for more to be said. He was just a bear from a fishing village on Midvinter. This talk of molecular acceleration was definitely not something that the Beorni talked about around the fire!

[member="Rasu Gan"]​
Undin's face turned serious. He didn't like to talk about his past actions, and he wanted to forget them, he wanted to redeem himself. He took off his sunglasses, and with a bow towards Master Rasu, he said "Yes Master. What I have done in the past.... I wish I could go back and erase it. But I can't, and now I'm trying to move past that. I hope that you can see the good in me.".

He then went closer to the group, and was a bit ashamed that his answer to the Master's question, wouldn't be a more of It's manipulating fire?, but [member="Celiana"] answered first, and he was a bit relieved.

The boy didn't know much about molecules or friction, he just knew, that the Force was involved...somehow. He realized that probably it was time for a demonstration, so he put his sunglasses back on before continuing.

[member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Orihime Ike"]
Moving slightly next to the boy with glasses who apparently had a past I nudged him. Speaking in a low voice so as not to distract other I said, "You were there with us on Malachor V if I recall correctly. Just so you know your past means nothing to me, we've all made mistakes and you're here trying to make them right. You're good the way I see it..." Pausing I said, "By the way, sweet glasses." Turning my gaze back towards Master Rasu I waited to see what was next...

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] - [member="Rasu Gan"] - @Everyone else
Orihime was looking at them and listening as she remained ready for herself a small look from her hand when she moved it around. Focusing the force energies within the small area above her palm. Focusing her mind when she was looking at it while she listened to the others when they were talking about it all. She focused her mind onto everything there letting the air get excitable with the friction until she snapped her finger to bring it forward above her palm in a small area as she controlled it. To hot and it would burn out but not enough and well it would just go away, all about the control.

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