Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Fight or Flight

Katherine Holt was frustrated.

Having returned from a number of solo adventures, of which included a few misadventures. The winged Padawan had opted to return to Coruscant to undertake some missions. Unfortunately much to her annoyance, all the current ones were tagged ‘partner required’.

And there was no one at the Temple.

Well…that wasn’t entirely true, there were of course other Jedi present. But of those that were friends and acquaintances of Katherine’s, all were either busy or offworld. Leaving the Padawan without any easy go-to for a partner.

The redhead let out a sigh, crossing her arms together. “Guess I need to go find someone to drag along.” But as Katherine went to turn around, a thought occurred to her. She’d likely need to figure out what mission she wanted to undertake first, before even thinking of approaching someone.

Katherine let out a noise of frustration, her right foot tapping against the floor as her eyes scanned across the information before her.

Aveline was enjoying some downtime at the temple. Enjoying wasn't really the right word. No mission did not mean vacation, and she was hard at work practicing her lightsaber form.

Today she'd been asked to take off. Off from the training room, at least, to solve something more practical. A day for her body to rest and recuperate, and her mind to engage. That meant a different kind of mission. Something local, usually of the type that did not technically require Jedi attention, but it provided valuable experience for Padawans. It was the kind of task they could be given unsupervised, and allow them the chance to reflect - and aid in their other lessons. It did not hurt one bit that it came with the added benefit of showing the people of Coruscant that the Jedi were looking after them.

Aveline was treated like a senior Padawan at this point, but it didn't relieve her from such duties. If anything it became a useful test. Aveline passed the first hurdle by accepting it, proving she did not think it was beneath her.

The brunette Jedi walked through the halls when something gave her pause. Was that... An angel? It was probably not polite to stare, but stare she did, at Katherine Holt Katherine Holt , the winged beauty.

"You" Aveline said, as their eyes met, pretending this was her intention all along. "You" she repeated, now pointing a finger her way, and walked over with deliberate steps. Her index finger shifted from pointing at Katherine, to the information before her. "Are looking for something to do. So you're coming with me" Was that too direct? That was too direct.

"What I mean to say is, I've got a mission, and I could use a second. I was told I could bring whoever, so... Are you whoever?"

Katherine Holt Katherine Holt

She was so lost in her own thoughts, that Katherine hadn’t even noticed Aveline’s approach. Not until the telltale sound of walking grew louder, that it pulled her back to reality. The Padawan turned to look, immediately noting the young woman as someone she had seen in passing, but never spoken with.




Katherine’s expression was a mix of mostly confusion, but also some amusement. She knew some people preferred being direct, but it seemed her fellow Padawan was defining a new definition. It partially reminded Katherine of the interactions she had shortly after arriving on Coruscant. Of civilians marching up to her, pointing their fingers and accusing her of being a monster.

Fortunately, those days were long past, as was their effect they had on the winged Padawan.

And it seemed they were of alike minds, both needing another to embark on a mission.

What was that saying? Two birds and a stone? Why would anyone want to throw a stone at birds?

I am indeed whoever, Katherine Holt to be specific.” She let out a small chuckle. “What’s the mission exactly?

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«Aveline Cuilein, also a whoever» she replied with a grin.

«It's nothing too spectacular. Some complaints from one of the trade districts on the mid level. Inventory disappearing, some vandalism. Missing shipment. That sort of thing» she said with a light shrug. «It wasn't clear if these things were even connected, but then everyone all of the sudden changed or retracted their statements. Maybe everything is back in order, but it struck the Masters as odd. They'd like to make a show of Jedi getting involved.»

Aveline walked with Katherine to the hangars, where they'd find a speeder to loan while heading out. «How long have you been here? I originally trained on Kashyyyk, transfered her a year or so ago»

Katherine Holt Katherine Holt

As they walked, Katherine listened to Aveline’s explanation of their mission. “Well, that does sound pretty simple and standard…” The Padawan’s voice trailed off as she thought about her experiences on Coruscant. She had never dared venture to any of the lower levels. But it wasn’t too difficult to get information on its history.

But the fact everyone involved suddenly changed their tune, makes me think this is a big ol’ cover up.” Katherine glanced over to Aveline. “My head is already filling up with thoughts and suspicions, but that might be because I’ve watched one too many detective holo-vids.

The Padawan chuckled as they walked through the hangars. “Honestly? I’ve already lost track of how much time has passed. But a year sounds about right for me too.” Katherine paused at the mention of Kashyyyk, remembering a bit of information she had read. “That’s where the Silver Jedi are, right?” Eventually the Padawan duo stopped just before the area where all the Temple’s speeders were parked. A protocol droid approached them, datapad in hand.

Greetings, Padawan Cuilein, Padawan Holt. I take it you’re both heading out on a local mission?


"My thoughts exactly" she said, then laughed at Kat's holo-vid reference. She had often thought the holo-vids overdrawn parodies of real life, but found cases that hit closer to the mark than first expected. "At least they always catch the bad guys. I could do without the drama though"

"Yes! I was with the Silvers, back in the day. I thought it was very important back then, now I don't really know. Silver, NJO… Jedi are Jedi" their conversation was interrupted by the protocol droid.

"That's us. Case file #2147." "Affirmative. You have been cleared for vehicle nu-" Aveline had kept walking, past the one indicated by the droid to something far sleeker and modern-looking. "We like this one." "But-" "Thanks, we'll take this one" She looked back at Katherine, and couldn't keep a grin of mischief off her face.

The duo took off, leaving the hangar behind, and replacing it with Coruscant's busy skyline. It was both beautiful and terrifying at the same time. It was a shame that they were headed somewhere deeper and darker. Aveline had hopped into the pilot's seat, by habit more than anything else.

"Hopefully I didn't just get us in trouble."
Aveline laughed, not sounding sorry at all. "Hopefully fixing this problem will give us some goodwill" if anyone ever found out at all


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