Krasnaya Xue
Red Snow
Hello! It's your hopeful allies in the south, the Rebel Alliance! I've gotten permission from Coryth to post this here since you guys might be interested.
Right now we're about to have trouble with the ACA, and wondered if any of you Protectorate folks would like to exact some vengeance on these guys after all the Druckenwell stuff. Besides, who wants a Sith-friendly faction to win?
If you're interested in joining up, the invasion ally sign-up thread is right here.
Right now we're about to have trouble with the ACA, and wondered if any of you Protectorate folks would like to exact some vengeance on these guys after all the Druckenwell stuff. Besides, who wants a Sith-friendly faction to win?
If you're interested in joining up, the invasion ally sign-up thread is right here.