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Approved Species Filcklyn

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Your drunk writer


A Filcklyn Lizzen

  • Intent: To create a pet companion species for Zorah Cinsilo and an addition to the fauna on the planet of Tsukuyi
  • Image Credit: [x]
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Cat
  • Name: Filcklyn (Everything till the age of 4 is often considered a 'Lizzen')
  • Designation: Semi-sentient
  • Origins: Tsukuyi
  • Average Lifespan:
    • Male: ~40 basic years
    • Female: ~50 basic years
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique
  • Description:
    • Lizzen: ''A funny-looking animal, as some might say when describing this predator. Its vibrant locs of fur and the little bits of scales scattered all over its body. It wouldn't hurt a fly without apologizing to it, they're cute.''
    • Full-grown Filcklyn: ''A predator, scary, tall, a true danger to my livestock, I don't want them around my farm. Friendly or not, I don't want them here! The Tsukuyian military should put those rodents into captivity.''
  • Breathes:
    • Type I
    • Type II
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.5m
  • Average Length of Adults: 1.9m
  • Fur color: Every shade from white to the darkest of brown/black with strands of vibrant color (e.g. pink, blue, green, etc.)
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions:
    • Light brown thin fur with some scales on its back while there are vibrant pieces of fur on its chest, these mammals are everything but similar to the anatomy of a humanoid species. They are quadruped and have claws at their paws which seem similar to the great canines that it can only show.
    • There is no difference between the female version of a Filcklyn and a male version, despite the reproductory organs.
    • As soon as the Filcklyn reaches the age of 35, for a male, or 45, for a female, it will start to show a lot of medical issues with their agility, and the colorful hairs on the chest will vanish and turn into a black and white canvas.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • Agility; Filcklyns are incredibly agile due to their force-sensitive nature they have ease in locating certain objects by simply sensing them, which is an instinct to them, which can be proven by science to be nothing like that. To elaborate on their agility, they can jump and climb on walls with ease and also have excellent stamina to fulfill travel for multiple days with only taking a handful of breaks.
  • Eager to learn: With a past that had been started with their own studies and explorations, Filcklyns are eager to learn more things whether it relates to hunting or a more superficial topic relating their communication and how to link it to Galactic Basic. Their force-sensitivity partially enhances this ability by giving them the skill to learn it quicker than the other semi-sentient fauna.
  • Nowhere to be found; Despite their vibrant locs of fur they are still excellent companions when it comes to stealthy missions, this is more of a hereditary strength coming from their eventual genetic correlations to those of other cat-like fauna. This doesn't take away the fact that they can't be seen or heard while sneaking through the tall grass, on their way to an opponent before 'silently' striking them down when the time arrives.
  • Cold: If there's one climate a Filcklyn can't survive in, it has to be the frozen lakes and wilds of the northern hemisphere of Tsukuyi. Their fur is too thin to survive the 'warmest' areas of the frozen wilds, it would take years for their fur to adapt to this situation... if they even make it to that moment.
  • Lack of trust: Filcklyns don't trust humans unless they've known them since birth, yet this doesn't only count for humans. Also the other members of the Felidae 'family' are nowhere near trusted to these animals. This means it takes years for them to even adapt to a certain change of relationship and status within their life.
  • Force Null: Like any other force-sensitive species, once they encounter such a bubble created by a Ysalamir and other corresponding species/objects. They will lose connection and the ability to use the Force for a limited amount of time, the longer in this bubble/area, the longer the Filcklyn species is unable to make use of the Force. Meaning they can't flee from certain dangers with as much ease as they would with it.
  • Diet:
    • Carnivore
      • Their common food varies but often consists of rats and other small animals, as younglings but as they grow they would search for greater prey, which often was a 'member' of the local livestock of the Tsukuyians. Leading to a lot of commotion from their side, yet they were never hostile to humans unless they directly target one.
  • Communication:
    • Communication through inaudible sounds often written down as 'meow' when they're small Lizzens to the growls at their mature version. They don't share the ability to talk in any of the recognized galactic languages and have to rely on their body language and these sounds to communicate.
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: Filcklyns are animals bred for their own survival and the standard 'survival of the fittest ' mentality, their mother would abandon them at birth to give birth to another Lizzen while the young Filcklyn has to figure out its way to survive on the horrid mesas of Tsukuyi. This is where their semi-uniqueness comes from, not many Lizzens make it to the age of four, where they would reach early adulthood for their perception. In these years their force sensitivity will assist them in hunting and surviving the rough conditions of the mesas while they grow and become more intelligent in their hunting and contact with other species. Filcklyns don't often explore and travel to the northern hemisphere of Tsukuyi, but those that are brave enough. Wouldn't return due to the harsh conditions in the icy plains and the lack of wildlife.

Being natives on the planet of Tsukuyi, they evolved alongside the native humanoid species there, starting with a gross population of about 1000, they expanded and eventually even hit the label of planetary for a while. Yet this also meant another thing... Filcklyns were known to be carnivores and adult ones had to feast on greater prey, meaning that the Tsukuyian livestock was often targeted. After years of terror for these farms, the military on the planet began their campaign to stop this endless torture for the farmers.

'Defeat the Filcklyns', is what all the farmers yelled as they walked across another soldier. This would progress till the military would expand their ideas and search for the primary sites where these animals were holed up at. The massacre would begin, thousands of Filcklyns would be killed while others tried to run towards the Northern Hemisphere and died to a natural cause, the cold. Most of the animals would run away from all the chaos that was happening at the farms and their proximity, eventually leaving the species in an endangered status.. In which they still are.

It had been less than 200 years since that had happened and the campaign had fully been abandoned, yet the amount of Filcklys would still be decreasing... And according to the officials of Tsukuyi, they want to bring this number down even quicker, as it is a possible hazard to the planet's stability.

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Ylla Caeli'runa

Afternoon, Aveney Aveney ! Hope you're having a lovely day. I love the concept for these guys, even if they are a menace to farmers! I just have a few edits I'd like to request before I stamp the shiny approval tag on:

Intent | Please link Zorah Cinsilo's bio instead of the character profile.
Image Credit | I've found an alternate source on Artstation for your adorable picture. Please replace your source with the one I've provided here as we try to stay away from pinterest/the like if other credible sources can be found!
Weaknesses | Because the species is completely Force sensitive, could you please add in a weakness that accounts for Force Null fields like void stones and ysalamiri?

If you have any questions or just wanna let me know that edits are complete, feel free to give me a tag!
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