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Filius Stellarum

Filius Stellarum


(Image URL:;currently unedited, subject to change)

NAME: Filius Stellarum, aka Asset Aurek-2
FACTION: Hutt Cartel, The Free Colonies, GenoHaradan
RANK: Silencer
AGE: 18
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters
WEIGHT: 75kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: White
SKIN: White
APPEARANCE: Tall and wiry, but well-muscled. Slightly youthful face with white hair and blue eyes. His only visible cybernetic is one on his eye that allows him to link with his sniper rifle. Knife scar on the left side of his face. Slightly tanned white skin.

+Cyborg: Filius has various cybernetic enhancements that increase his agility, intelligence, and mental faculties.
+Highly Trained: Filius has been trained, almost from birth, to be an assassin. He is higly trained and very disciplined, and a match for any seasoned opponent.
+Incapable of Fear: All triggers for fear have been suppressed from Filius's mind. He will withdraw if it is tactically sound, but is impossible to scare or imtimidate him unless you do it in just the right way.
-Stone Cold: Filius is nothing but a stone cold assassin. All feelings of mercy, compassion, or leniency have been suppressed. He is more droid than human.
-Internal Conflict: Filius is constantly struggling with trying to break free of the brainwashing that turned him into a ruthless killer. At the times when seeing or otherwise experiencing certain things causes him to lapse between his brainwashed side and the side that remains human, he is very vulnerable.
-Cyborg: As a cyborg, Filius's body contains metal machinery linked to his nervous system. A pulse with an ion weapon will render him helpless or extremely weak for a short time.

Blaster Rifle, Carbine
Blaster Rifle, Sniper
Blaster Pistol, Light

Long Range Marksmanship
Medium Range Marksmanship
CQB Marksmanship
Snap Shooting
Teras Kasi

Field Medic
Language: Huttese
Field Interrogation

X-2 Shadowblade sniper rifle with X-2 Shadowblade rifle scope
X-1 Scorpion vibroblade

The Avenging Angel


A Precise Instrument
Heroes without Glory
The Fall of Overlord
Return what is ours!
Hunting the King's Revenge

Filius has no knowledge of where he was born, or who his family was, as he was taken from his family while still an infant. He was raised in a secret facility in the bowels of Nar Shaddaa to be an assassin for the Hutt Cartel. Essentially a slave, he was given his first weapon at age two and his first cybernetic implant at age three, and killed his first living being at age four. From the moment he arrived at the facility he was taught that there was nothing but evil in the galaxy, and the only way to survive was to kill. He was told that his family was dead, killed in a fire, and that he should be grateful to his captors for taking him in. For the first ten years of his life, Filius did nothing but train and kill, train and kill, until it was the only thing he knew. At age ten he was given his first assignment. He killed the target with such ruthless efficiency that even the Hutt who called the hit was surprised. For the next eight years he was a prize assassin, with the fees for his services running into the tens of thousands of credits for even menial targets. However, Filius saw none of it. Despite his importance, he was still a slave, and lived in grungy quarters in the facility that had raised him. The Hutts thought he would be theirs forever, but when Filius turned eighteen, something changed. He was still a stone cold assassin, but he was beginning to grow less and less controllable. The scientists who had watched over him and put the cybernetics in him said that his mind was beginning to fight against his brainwashing. The Hutts, knowing that allowing this would be suicide, ordered him killed. Seeing the very people that had claimed to be his friends try to kill him snapped something in Filius. He went rogue, stealing the facilities computer files before burning the building to the ground. He fled Nar Shaddaa, hoping to get his mind right, but when he looked at the computer files he found that his family had not died by accident, and he was not the only assassin the Hutts had made. His sister had come before him, Asset Aurek-1, and had met the fate he would have had he stayed. The rest of the family had been murdered in prison when his mother had given birth to him. The knowledge, though sickening, just strengthened the brainwashing in Filius's mind, making him even more of a stone-cold, ruthless killer. He returned to Nar Shaddaa, determined to find the Hutt that had murdered his family. He decided to infiltrate the Hutt Cartel and lie in wait until the right time came.

After a brief stop on Alderaan, Filius arrived on Nar Shaddaa. While waiting for his contact there, Filius spotted the official opposition to the Hutt Cartel, Lady Kay. He talked with her for quite some time, opening up to her the true reasons for his admission to the Hutt Cartel, and many things baou this life he had not shared with anyone else. When they finally went their seperate ways, Filius continued his mission to infiltrate the Hutt Cartel, engaging in many shenanigans along the way. About a month after his arrival on Nar Shaddaa, Filius recieved a lead to the location of Overlord, the Hutt who had ordered him made. After tracking down a young criminal with connections to Overlod, Filius began a journey that ended with the death of Overlord. After killing this ghost of his past, Filius found an experimental gunship among Overlord's personal effects. Filius stole the vessel and made it his own, christening it the Avenging Angel.

Now finally free of his past, Filius, still on Nar Shaddaa, put himself on the open market as a gun-for-hire. Sometime later, he joined with members of the Free Colonies to assault a Nar Shaddaa Hutt palace for secrets concerning the location of the King's Revenge. Following this mission Filius went solo, and was not heard from for some time.

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