Svana Neoma
"You spend years earning a reputation for success and dependability in the roughest circles of the galaxy. You spend your life trying to be the best of the best, the coldest of the cold. A true alpha predator among a world of killers where trust is a rare commodity. If you're lucky you eek out a tolerable existence, have some credits in the bank and a home to return to, maybe some kids and a wife waiting for you…or you commit to the world of violence, make it your canvas to work in and make a masterpiece out of it. You get a lot of credits in your bank account, the ability to afford a home on the most exclusive of planets, have any number of high-powered individuals always calling you to do the dirty work they aren't brave enough to do on their own. It sounds good but at the end of the day you really don't have much to really call your own, your reputation and the guns on your hips are about all people know and value you for." Tyran huffed as he sat in the pilot's seat of his ship.
Tyran had everything he had just spoked about, more money than he knew what to do with and a stellar reputation as a killer and a soldier. He had a family of sorts, each one a thug, criminal or killer in their own right. In any other circumstance this group of people wouldn't be able to stick together, but for one reason or another they had all remained a tight knit group through some pretty rough scenarios. Those people and this ship were all Tyran pretty much had now that the homestead he had dumped a lot of his resources into on Roon had been destroyed by a rival bounty hunter. At least the Tal'galaar was spacious, a one of a kind Nemesis-class attack frigate that he'd owned for the better part of a decade at this point. Instead of just rebuilding on Roon, a world that seemed doomed anyways. Tyran just decided to pack up and live life the old Mando way; move nomadically through space taking one job at a time. Usually Tyran did this kind of thing alone but now he had ten other people on the ship with him and it was an adjustment.
The fact that his ex-wife was among those people didn't make things a whole lot easier or comfortable, but Savah had shown up on Roon and become surprisingly helpful…even if she might have rubbed Anora the wrong way. Savah was sitting beside him, no doubt to just get a rise out of him at some point like she enjoyed doing from time to time. The blonde ran an armored hand over the top of her braided hair and sighed. "Well if you weren't such a miserable chakaar to begin with you might not have had to become someone valued for their gunhand only." Savah sighed as she put her armored feet up on the consoled of the ship and just stared at the stretched out lines of hyperspace in the viewport. "Why did you even answer Rixa's call Tyran? You know its just going to be more trouble than its worth and we both know you don't need the money."
It was Tyran's turn to sigh and run a hand over a face covered in days of unshaven stubble. "I know its going to be a headache no matter what the job turns out to be, with Rixa involved it always will be a headache, and no I don't need the money but some of the others do and I don't know about you but I'm getting tired of being inside this ship all the time. A stay on Naboo would be a good reset for all of us."
Savah scoffed. "Whatever Tyr'ika. We both know that the political situation on Naboo is blown all to hell, how many Queens has that place had in the last few years alone?"
"Three," Tyran said. "One was involved in the death of her predecessor. I'm not saying its not going to be a mess but from what Rixa had to say it just security work."
"Security work in a city with a bunch of back stabbing, two-faced politicians and a Queen who doesn't know what the hell she is doing."
Tyran had never met the Queen of Naboo and if Rixa was in her corner it was because he knew she was going to be an easy mark. That didn't mean that the Queen was a pushover though, Tyran would get a better sense of the woman when they met face to face. A few hours later Tyran was roused from his nap in the pilots chair by the beeping of the nav computer as the ship came out of hyperspace into Naboo. He nudged Savah and sent her to go and rouse the others while he dealt with the traffic controller and negotiated them a berth in the spaceport. It wasn't every day that you saw 11 Mandalorians debarking from an attack frigate and stalking their way down towards the Theed palace. There were guards there waiting for them but they weren't anything that would inspire even the slightest bit of fear in Tyran. In the center of the guards was that smirking face of his little brother Rixa. It didn't seem like Rixa was too interested in showing he was a Mandalorian right now as he was wearing high-priced Theed silks.
He smiled at Tyran and walked towards him in the group and even held out his arms for a hug but Tyran put a firm hand in his brother's chest and held him at arm's length. "Business first, then you and I are having a talk." Tyran said.
"Right this way vode." He said to the group after his smirk had slowly faded from his facial features. "Queen Liviana is expecting you. Buy'ce off if you don't mind." He said looking his shoulder at the 11 Mandalorians as they all traded looks with each other and began to slowly remove their helmets. The palace felt beyond empty to Tyran and that gave his finely tuned sense of preservation a rather foreboding feeling. The throne room was dark and barren as Rixa turned to Tyran and pointed to another doorway. "The Queen is out in the gardens."
Tyran looked at the door and then at Rixa and chewed on the inside of his cheek. "Anora, Savah, you're both with me. Garryn and Dyir you two and the others explore the palace, discretion would be appreciated. I want to know the full situation and I'm sure there are things that our host won't want to admit to us up front." With orders given the Mandos went about their task while Tyran followed Rixa, Savah and Anora following along behind him. He wanted to know what Anora got from the Queen, being a former Jedi was going to give her an leg up on that front and Savah also had an uncanny ability to read people in her own way. Rixa opened up a large doorway that led out into a large flowering garden, it must have been budding season because Tyran's sinuses began to buzz with the need to sneeze.
"Queen Liviana, this is my brother Tyran Numeck. I'd say it's a pleasure to introduce him but it remains to be seen if it will be or not." Rixa said and Savah slugged him hard in the shoulder with an armored gauntlet.
Tyran rolled his eyes at his brother and fixed his attention on the Queen. She looked small and frail, not like a queen he would have imagined. "Queen Liviana, Rixa was…vague in the details so why don't you give me the full picture of what you need from me and my people?"