Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Filling The Ranks

The Dairchy is looking for flesh out nearly all of the following. If this is your cup of tea, let's talk!

Here's a detailed organizational chart for the Sith faction known as the Diarchy, including ranks and specializations with the top rank of Diarch, as well as roles in diplomacy, governance, business, and the High Council.

### Diarchy Organizational Chart


#### Supreme Command
- Diarch
- The supreme leader of the Diarchy, responsible for all strategic decisions, governance, and overall direction.


#### High Council
- Council of Lords
- A group of elite Sith advisors to the Diarch, each overseeing specific domains (e.g., military, diplomacy, intelligence).

- High Marshal
- Senior military advisor, overseeing all military strategies and operations.

- High Admiral
- Senior naval advisor, managing fleet tactics and maritime strategy.

- High Councilor of Intelligence
- Oversees intelligence operations and strategic data analysis.

- High Chancellor
- Political leader managing internal governance and representing the Diarchy externally.


#### Government and Diplomacy
- Chancellor
- Manages internal affairs and governance; leads the Diarchy in diplomatic relations.

- Diplomatic Envoy
- Responsible for negotiations and treaty-making with other factions.

- Governor
- Oversees specific territories or planets, implementing Diarchy policies and maintaining order.

- Ambassador
- Represents the Diarchy in foreign relations, promoting diplomatic ties and trade agreements.


#### Economic Affairs
- Minister of Commerce
- Oversees trade, commerce, and economic policy, ensuring financial stability and growth.

- Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
- Manages the faction's finances, budgeting, and resource allocation.

- Logistics Coordinator
- Ensures the efficient flow of goods and resources, managing supply chains for military and civilian needs.


#### Military Command
1. Ground Forces
- Field General
- Senior commander of ground forces, directing major military campaigns.

- Colonel
- Commands regiments, responsible for tactical planning and execution.

- Major
- Oversees battalions, managing troop movements and engagements.

- Captain
- Leads companies, ensuring mission success and tactical execution.

- Lieutenant
- Commands squads, implementing plans in combat.

  • Shock Troopers: Elite infantry trained for rapid assaults.
  • Heavy Weapons Specialists: Operate heavy artillery.
  • Combat Medics: Provide medical support on the battlefield.


2. Naval Forces
- Fleet Admiral
- Commands large fleets, overseeing naval battles and strategy.

- Captain
- Commands individual starships, responsible for ship operations.

- Lieutenant Commander
- Assists the captain in tactical operations.

- Ensign
- Junior officers handling various duties aboard starships.

  • Starfighter Pilots: Engage in space combat.
  • Tactical Officers: Focus on naval strategies.
  • Engineering Crew: Maintain and repair starship systems.


#### Intelligence Division
- Chief Analyst
- Leads intelligence operations, directing data analysis and research.

- Field Operative
- Engages in covert missions and intelligence gathering.

- Communications Specialist
- Manages secure communications.

  • Espionage Agents: Conduct undercover missions.
  • Data Analysts: Analyze intelligence reports.
  • Counterintelligence Officers: Protect against espionage.


### Enlisted Ranks
- Sergeant Major
- Senior enlisted leader providing guidance and mentorship.

- Sergeant
- Team leaders managing troops in the field.

- Corporal
- Assists sergeants and trains junior soldiers.

- Private First Class
- Junior soldiers ready for deployment.

- Private
- New recruits undergoing training.


### Support Roles
- Training Officer
- Oversees training programs for recruits and specialized units.

- Recruitment Officer
- Responsible for sourcing and onboarding new members.

- Legal Advisor
- Provides legal counsel on governance and policy matters.

- Public Relations Officer
- Manages the faction's image and communications with the public.

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