Father of Titans
Alright, so with the deal of [member="Maya Whitelight"] being under watch in the Silver Jedi, and my own character disregarding the Councils decisions to go after her in a very different way than Xander IC wanted them to, THere will be a thread where Darth Veles, and myself come to "Rescue" Maya from the "Evil" clutches of the Silver Jedi. As from this, I will be starting a thread sometime soon, (within the week) And I want only a Few SJ to participate.
IC wise, You will know nothing about this rescue except for a few with some background threads before hand. (this will later be revealed in the thread about what is happening) I will be talking with a few of the Jedi about how I hope for this to go, and it will probably turn out that way.
Regardless, Here are the people who WILL be in it.
So post here if you would like to join in First come first served.
IC wise, You will know nothing about this rescue except for a few with some background threads before hand. (this will later be revealed in the thread about what is happening) I will be talking with a few of the Jedi about how I hope for this to go, and it will probably turn out that way.
Regardless, Here are the people who WILL be in it.
- Myself,
- Maya Whitelight
- Darth Veles
- Possibly [member="Saki"] or one of Syn's alts
So post here if you would like to join in First come first served.