OOC: Occurs roughly one week following the conclusion of A Promise is a Promise
Silver Rest
Why in all of the galaxy would a Jedi Master summon a Sith Lord to a Jedi Temple? If the Silver Jedi Order wasn't already enough of an oddity to Brayden, it certainly didn't slip into the lens of clarity with this particular move. Even as the Corellian Light Freighter descended towards the appointed landing pad, Brayden was...agitated at best. [member="Nareen"] and her assistant had managed to accomplish what was to take three months in just shy of two. On the one hand, the Prince of Endelaan was happy for the productivity. On the other, he'd certainly procrastinated the last bit of the process to the very last possible moment. When [member="Dianah Vi'Dreya"] had told Brayden that it was the Jedi DragonsFlame whom controlled the final piece of the puzzle to returning his sister, the young Prince was a little more than miffed.
As had been the case with Dianah, Brayden judged just about...everyone from his actual sister's past equally guilty in the perpetuation of the lie that was Madalena and the trauma that had brought about the entity's creation. The fact that Brayden had been more or less forced to agree to preserve the lie for the sake of pitiful friendships he cared nothing for left a bad enough taste in his mouth. His initial message to the rather public figure that was [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] had been met not with acquiescence or a true offer to help. Instead he'd been delivered yet another request that was really a demand. The Jedi had used very diplomatic wording, but the overall message was 'Come speak to me in private'.
Exhaling deeply, Brayden turned to Faye, who was fortunately always at his side as a calming presence, and Nareen. "Stay here. I will send word when it is time to bring the body. I dispatched a message to Dianah to collect Madalena and begin travelling towards SJO space already." The Endelaan native paused only long enough to convey his relative discomfort with the entire situation. "I do not intend for this to take long."
Turning from the pair, Brayden proceeded towards the cargo bay and down the loading ramp into the elements of Kashyyk. Silver-green eyes scanned the immediate horizon, searching for someone that would step forward and identify themselves.