Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Final Round: Iniquitous vs Aya

A dull wind blows the sand in waves across the arena floor as the ghosts of crowds past echo restlessly through time. Once a proud place of tradition, the arena is but an echo of a past long forgotten.

Once, the beskar walls would have been topped by Togorian Headhunters. Now, it stands alone, its empty parapets unmarred by the passage of time, save for the sand that has piled up wherever the wind couldn't get rid of it.

Spreading inward from the walls the sands are riddled with rocks of all sizes and shapes, potential weapons or hiding places for some. And in the center sits a battered and broken emblem, once polished smooth, now crumbled by the passage of time. At either end of the arena doors open to elevators which lead below to the armory and storage area for the arena. The judges' dais, once proudly thrusted upward from the masses in the stadium, has long since crumbled and been replaced by a hastily constructed platform.

This was a place of blood and combat, a place where fate was tested by those who dare to challenge it. Though the name has been lost to time, those who spill blood on this hallowed ground will never forget.

RULES: This final round has no time limit. The match will continue until either a fighter is killed or rendered unable to fight, by a request for judgment from one or more of the fighters, or until the Judges call for a halt.

Judgment will be conducted by panel. Once a decision has been reached, the consensus will be announced. Both fighters will still be critiqued as per usual.

All other rules are as previously stated.

[member="Aya D'Ordinii"]
Ah yes. The elevator. he had been in this elevator so many times over the decades. And here he was again. The old machine groaned and popped as it climbed, the rusty cables and gears not taken care of in what seemed a millennia. It very well could have been that long. He didn't know. ascension and descension were tricky things. the Force and the Universe in which it spawned were very very tricksy indeed.
The bloody elevator suddenly shuddered to a stop, the door open a crack and the edge of the arena about forehead level. With a deep sigh, the big man pulled his saber out, and cut the effing thing open. Reattaching his saber to his belt, he focused a moment, and half levitated, half crawled out of the broken piece of.....Well never mind. He helped build the place, he could insult it.

Once into the arena proper, he looked around. It was old. Like.....oooooold. Older than he was apparently, which was saying something. A dry wind kicked up in typical shot setting fashion, swirls of dust passing in front of him, his long coat flapping in the light gusts. At least the ancient rocks were still there. He idly wondered who his opponent would be this time. He hadn't really been paying attention, what having been pulled from the ether as a favour for RoboNinja*tm, and now here he was. Familiar, yer wholly new. A weird feeling to say the least. Oh well. All he could do now was wait. He glanced up at the sky, his eyebrow arched sarcastically.

"At least it's not the damn sewers again. We are still going to discuss that little issue at length you defective easy Bake Oven."
*This was the big time. No one alive was around except her opponent. Something she intended to fix. She wasn't even bothering with her usual 'I'm a meek little organic. oh woe is me' act. Instead she was all business. Absent was her usual white mantle & length of green fabric. Instead she was already stripped to her abbreviated body glove & few pieces of beskar'gam she wore. Pauldrons & bracers gleaming with the distinctive tell of true beskar. She was also toting a rifle far too large & heavy for someone organic her size to handle with the ease she displayed. GERTRUDE, the absolute beast that it was, had been promised as a lure to get her writer to help out with the tourney. Dropping down from the stands, her knees barely bent as she hit the ground, more to keep her balance than any need of gravity. The fall had damaged to skin shell on the bottom of her feet, causing blood to be left behind with each step. She had already muted the pain feeds from the shell & doubted it would survive much of the fight. Not t. The barrel of the huge weapon was already tracking the insane duelist. A slight dip & raise of the barrel served as a brief salute.*

Yo, Inky, The Admiral says hey. It has been a long time.

*She thought over, briefly, her collection of weapons, readying each for the coming fight & internally removing any safeties that might be engaged. Tucked away in her armour were a pair of punching daggers in her bracers & her father's silver bladed lightsabre in her right pauldron. Loaded into each arm was a concealed vibroblade, waiting only the removal of her bracers to be used. The low power blaster mounted behind her left optic system was ready. The grenade launcher (with both thermal detonators signalling ready) in her left leg & the flamethrower in her right were also ready, though she would have to remove that section of the shell to use them. Her arm mounts, blaster on the left & sonic on the right both signaled ready. Again, only waiting for the shell & bracers to be removed. The last of her own weapons was the microwave beam emitter mounted in her left shoulder. Her father had not really believed that someone could be over armed. The last was GERTRUDE, loaded with 500 rounds of alternating sabot & canister with the box mounted at the small of her back & a guide rail making sure the ammo feed correctly. Anything down range once she opened fire would be in a load of trouble.*

*Speaking of which, Aya was already running at her maximum clock speed. She didn't wait for the reply to her statement. If she wanted to win, she needed to take command. The words were barely out of her mouth, the weapons & a full systems check she had also been running took less than a quarter of a second. With GERTRUDE still aimed at the huge foe, she began tapping the trigger. GERTRUDE would fire as fast as someone could pull the trigger, & Aya was very fast indeed. The technological equivalent of force speed. An even dozen of the rounds roared toward the opposite side of the arena, six sabot rounds roaring like trains among the hail of smaller shotgun blast clouds released by the canister rounds.*
"Aya? What the kriff? Sigh. Ok, hang on a couple minutes would you? I'll be right back"

He turned and sprinted back to the elevator and dove through the hole, cutting into the bottom and landing in a cool super hero landing on the floor of the armoury. He was mumbling under his breath like a lunatic, and placed his right hand on a concealed panel next to a dilapidated locker. The wall hissed open with a grunt, and revealed a suit of armour the large man had not worn in a very very long time. He smiled, and put the black plate on. Once dressed properly, he flexed his right fist, and triple blades flipped out from the forearm with a metallic thunk. He grinned behind the faceplate and flexed his left fist, a short 6 inch saber, still pink, hissed to life.

"Friggen Adi...."

He shook his head and climbed his way back out to the waiting Aya. He stepped back into the arena, the purple deaths head on the outside of his faceplate glowing slightly, saber and claws back in their respective hidey holes.

"Ok. I feel a little better. Let's dance...."

His armour would only protect him for a short time with direct hits from gertrude, but he hoped it would be enough....effing Eralam..

Reaching out through the Force, he focused first on that blasted thing in her hands......His goal was to crush the barrel, or at the very least, warp it enough that it wouldn't shoot properly. He would save his energy for the insane battle he knew was coming......
*Aya was slightly annoyed as the much larger man took a diving leap back down the elevator he had entered by, leaving her opening salvo to chew chunks out of the ground or obliterate themselves against the far wall. Taking a moment, she calmly ripped the skin off her left knee. Unlike the muscle or bone that would show for an organic, the revealed structure was gunmetal grey material that seemed oddly slick looking though it was patterned from how it was meshed together. The kneecap structure itself was a small metal disc. She had no intention of following him down the hole, so she would have to flush him out.*

*As she was preparing to fire, he popped his head back out of his hole, re-arriving on the arena floor in some seriously evil looking armour. Aya was beginning to wish she had a full suit system of her father's PADS armour. Instead of following through with her original plan of sending a thermal down the hole, she instead opened fire again with GERTRUDE. Sending another twelve rounds downrange as she began to, fairly sedately to keep from joggling her aim, to a rather large boulder she could use as cover. *
He despised using the amount of energy he was about to expend so early on as his 'spidey senses' tingled. This was the issue with fighting anyone using an unconventional gun. The Force erupted from his now outstretched hands as Aya pulled the trigger, a wall of Force energy screaming towards her, and the irritating projectiles, kicking up a not insignificant amount of dust and rocks in its wake in a suitably Anime fashion. Ignoring the intense rush that followed the use of the Darkside in such an explosion of power, Iniquitous darted forward, cutting to his left and behind a large stone.... He sucked in a large breath and centered himself once more. That bloody gun changed things. And it REALLY irritated him. He would have to wrap it around Ayas pretty little robotic head. Then maybe send her and it back to Eralam in pieces...
*The wave of force unfortunately scattered her attack. The lighter beads were dispersed hard enough that much of the arena was hailed with them. Fortunately for the arena, the scattering had robbed them of most of their energy, making them no more threat than the thrown rocks. The sabots on the other hand continued mostly in the same direction, impacting the far wall with far less force than they should have. Aya barely twitched as the wave of throw small rocks & dirt rolled across her. It did some surface damage, but only to the skinshell, something that she was likely going to have to shed during the fight anyway. It did have the side effect of hiding Inky from her sensors.*

*Before the dust cloud had even fully hit her, she had stepped behind the stone she had been moving toward. Mentally dialing the first of her thermal detonators to a ten meter radius, she aimed where he had been standing. In the moment before her left knee would have crossed behind the rock, the small orb was launched. It was technically set with a contact fuse meaning it would go off once it hit the ground. But it also had a motion sensor built in that would activate after the grenade had traveled a safe distance. If the grenade stopped moving or changed direction it would automatically detonate.*

He stepped out from behind the rock just as Aya tossed the TD towards where he was standing. Even at the distance the two were from each other, the explosive would still do a significant amount of damage. Again now having to use more energy than he wanted, he let the Force rush through his body. Force Speed was a double edged sword. It did allow one to move faster than normal, but the trade off was the fatigue after. Iniquitous was well versed in the use of speed, and was prepared for the fatigue after.

He bolted towards Aya, the TD sailing over head, landing,and evaporating all organic matter in the 10m radius....poor bugs.....The flexed the muscles in his right forearm, the blades snapping out. 10 inches of insanely sharp Beskar. A gift from Cassus a million years ago now. A slashed his right arm up and across to his left, looking to remove the gun from existence, if he was successful, he would then circle his arm down to his left and back across, attempting to at the very least score a slash through something important in Aya, all the while everything around him seeming to move much slower than normal.
Era: I'm sorry for the insane delay. I'm afraid my life has taken a rather serious turn in the recent past & much of my previously free time & energy has vanished. I yield.

Inks: I'm sorry we weren't able to throw down like we wanted. Perhaps once I get everything settled we can get another go in the general arena. Sadly, I somewhat doubt that will be happening any time in the next few months. Possibly longer.


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