A dull wind blows the sand in waves across the arena floor as the ghosts of crowds past echo restlessly through time. Once a proud place of tradition, the arena is but an echo of a past long forgotten.
Once, the beskar walls would have been topped by Togorian Headhunters. Now, it stands alone, its empty parapets unmarred by the passage of time, save for the sand that has piled up wherever the wind couldn't get rid of it.
Spreading inward from the walls the sands are riddled with rocks of all sizes and shapes, potential weapons or hiding places for some. And in the center sits a battered and broken emblem, once polished smooth, now crumbled by the passage of time. At either end of the arena doors open to elevators which lead below to the armory and storage area for the arena. The judges' dais, once proudly thrusted upward from the masses in the stadium, has long since crumbled and been replaced by a hastily constructed platform.
This was a place of blood and combat, a place where fate was tested by those who dare to challenge it. Though the name has been lost to time, those who spill blood on this hallowed ground will never forget.
RULES: This final round has no time limit. The match will continue until either a fighter is killed or rendered unable to fight, by a request for judgment from one or more of the fighters, or until the Judges call for a halt.
Judgment will be conducted by panel. Once a decision has been reached, the consensus will be announced. Both fighters will still be critiqued as per usual.
All other rules are as previously stated.
[member="Aya D'Ordinii"]
Once, the beskar walls would have been topped by Togorian Headhunters. Now, it stands alone, its empty parapets unmarred by the passage of time, save for the sand that has piled up wherever the wind couldn't get rid of it.
Spreading inward from the walls the sands are riddled with rocks of all sizes and shapes, potential weapons or hiding places for some. And in the center sits a battered and broken emblem, once polished smooth, now crumbled by the passage of time. At either end of the arena doors open to elevators which lead below to the armory and storage area for the arena. The judges' dais, once proudly thrusted upward from the masses in the stadium, has long since crumbled and been replaced by a hastily constructed platform.
This was a place of blood and combat, a place where fate was tested by those who dare to challenge it. Though the name has been lost to time, those who spill blood on this hallowed ground will never forget.
RULES: This final round has no time limit. The match will continue until either a fighter is killed or rendered unable to fight, by a request for judgment from one or more of the fighters, or until the Judges call for a halt.
Judgment will be conducted by panel. Once a decision has been reached, the consensus will be announced. Both fighters will still be critiqued as per usual.
All other rules are as previously stated.
[member="Aya D'Ordinii"]