Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Finders keepers, losers... Kark it, it's hot! (Falks)

Grimacing down at the holo-map on her wrist comm, Keely checked yet again to be sure she hadn't gotten turned around. The word back Mos Eisley-way was some that large merchant ships had gone down somewhere in the dune sea. Ships that were probably bursting with unclaimed goodies. That didn't interest the huntress, however.

The reason that she had forged out into the desert was much more specific than some swag-grab. She had reason to believe that the target she'd been waiting for had been on that ship, and she had to find either him or his remains, to secure her bounty. That was why the Keely was out in the middle of some piss-awful desert, dealing with flying sand, scorching suns, and horrible chafing.

She was also falling massively behind schedule.

Keely had actually been stuck sitting in a shadowy canyon for the last half hour, waiting for her rented swoop bike to cool off. The waiting was torture, but letting her only hope of survival break down in the desert was an objectively stupid thing to do. So here she sat, twiddling her thumbs.

Dammit! Karking, Sith-loving dust ball of a planet!

She could only hope she could get moving soon. Speeding through the desert night wouldn't make finding the crash any easier...



The Mercenary
Looking into the sandy horizon, Falks sits with his hand on wheel, foot pressed down on the speeder. The motors roaring from the ungodly work he is demanding of his 4 wheeled car.
Falks Wipes the sweat off his forehead and rolls down the windows, blasting heavy metal on full volume.

"i hope the reward is worth this slave labor" he mutters to himself as continues looking into the horizon.

As Keely made her last preparations for another push into the desert, she caught a glimpse of something in the distance. There appeared to be a localized trail of dust being kicked up. Whether it was the work of some animal or vehicle, she couldn't say, but it was heading in the direction of her prize.

The redhead was not the type to gamble when it came to her work. "Oh no you don't!" Hopping upon her speeder, she roared off in the approximate direction of her target. She was not going to get there second.



The Mercenary
Falks looked at his map where he had the approximate crash sites locaction marked with a thick black marker. He tried to cool himself down by holding a bottle of scotch to his forehead. It helped a slight bit, but his favorite bottle of scotch was getting luke warm and he was slowly running out of water.

"Only 10 clicks to go." He mumbled to himself reassuring that he read the map right.


Music he would be listening to:

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