Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Finding A Master (Open)

Sapphire woke up, it was dark, she heard the bangs of things in the distance. Sapphire was in an alleyway for she didn't have enough credits for her apartment anymore "hello, who's there?" Sapphire asked, getting up readying her Lightsaber. Suddenly a man pops out and scurries into a nearby Cantina. Sapphire tried to read it, "oh... Cantina" Sapphire knew that was a place you could get drinks. Sapphire walked in and sat at the bar. When the bartender asked for her age she lied and said "twenty one" Sapphire didn't order any alcoholic drinks though. Just some water. Sapphire scanned the bar looking at her surroundings.
Cadan's eyes crossed to the new arrival into the Cantina. His metalic fingers running around the rim of his glass. "Lookin' a bit young to be in 'ere she is." The Space dog said to one of the people sitting around him.

"Oi!" Cadan shouted as he through his glass towards the bartender, only to have it smash just behind him. "Me and me boys 'ere need another drink!"

The bartender roll his eyes. He had had these types in before, people who think they are better than everyone else. But the bartender had also learnt that it was best to co-operate otherwise danger would come. "Drinks comin' up." The man shouted back as he pour enough drinks for the table, aswell as some water for the young lady. Upon closer inspection he would notice the lightsaber and a smile of relief would cross his face. Maybe he thought that he would be safer now with a Jedi around.

"Finaly the drinks 'ave arrived!" Cadan would shout as he slapped the bartended on the back before throwing some credits at him. "I trust that should cover it?" Cadans eyes narrowed as he hand now hovered over his DL-18 blaster pistol.

[member="Sapphire Birch"]
Sapphire was looking around when some guy shouted at the bartender. Obviously he was drunk. Either that or he had a power problem. Sapphire kept looking, the faces around here were interesting but nobody stood out. After a while of looking she gave up and ordered another water. There was writing on the walls. It was in another language though. Sapphire couldn't read it. Then she sensed danger in the force. Someone was about to quick draw their blaster. Sapphire looked around and saw the drunk, quote on quote "powerful" man. Then got ready to quickdraw her Lightsaber.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
It was Undin's first night out after his mission to Ilum, he decided to drink some Banta milk before heading out.
He entered a nearby cantina , nothing too fancy, just there to drink something before going into the next mission. Asteroid hunting.
As soon as he entered he saw a beautiful girl at the bar. He had been tricked by love some times, but he knew this one was the right one.
He sat down next to her and said "Hello.". He then ordered some Banta milk and gave some credits to the bartender and said pay hers aswell.
"Are you an angel?"

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
[member="Sapphire Birch"]
Sapphire was getting ready when suddenly someone asked her a question she quickly turned around. When she turned around, he looked pretty cute. He then said "are you an angel?" Sapphire was flushed. "u-uh, wow! No one's ever told me that before." Sapphire put her saber down. "so... what's up?" Sapphire didn't know what to say.

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
When the girl replied Undin's heart started beating harder and harder, and her voice was really sweet. "Nothing much, I'm going on a mission soon. What about you? What's a pretty lady like you doing in a place like this?". He then took a sip of his Banta milk.

[member="Sapphire Birch"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Sapphire liked him, she could tell. "oh I'm chasing a robber. I lost him though." Sapphire smiled. "um, what are you doing here?" Sapphire sensed the force in him as well. He would be perfect.

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
The girl was definetely force sensitive, he could feel it. "A robber you say? Did he take anything of yours or hurt you?", said Undin with true concearn.
"I just came here to get a drink before going into my next mission, when I saw you".
He hoped that the girl had not been robbed or hurt.

[member="Sapphire Birch"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
As soon as Undin heard the girl say she had no place to go, he remembered that he could offer her a place at his home. Well, he was thinking of moving to a bigger place, but he still hadn't decided where. "Wait you don't have a home? Look, I'm moving from my old apartment, and I haven't decided where to live. How about, you decide where I'll go and live and you come with me? Also, I'm a Jedi in training , a bounty hunter and I mostly build ship designs and go on crazy adventures.", he then made a small pause. "So do you take my offer? I know we've just met , and this might be crazy, but I feel it's the right thing to do." he said with a lot of enthusiams in his voice.

[member="Sapphire Birch"]
Undin got up and realized he didn't even introduce himself... How rude of him! "My name is Undin Jaii. And yours?.".
He then started walking outside the bar and in to the direction of his apartment "Since it's late, it's best if we stay in my apartment for the night. Tomorrow we can look for houses. Does that sound ok to you?".

[member="Sapphire Birch"]
Sapphire stood up and nodded, "well my name is Sapphire Birch, and nice to meet you Undin" Sapphire looked around, she was worried for the bartender, if that dunk man attacked Sapphire wouldn't be able to save him. But Sapphire figured he would be fine. "Yeah sounds great."

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Sapphire walked in. It was nice. Then Undin told her something. Sapphire turned around and looked at him, "are you sure? I'd be fine sleeping on the couch." Sapphire replied.

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Undin couldn't possibly let her sleep on the couch, she was a guest. "No, no, I could not let you sleep on the couch. Anyway, the bathroom is over there at the left, if you need to go. Tomorrow , will be a big day.". He then took some food out of the refrigerator and put it on the only table in the apartment. "There's food over there , if you're hungry.".

[member="Sapphire Birch"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
If there was one thing that Miss Blonde hated it was slavers, slave catchers, and people who sold them on the market like pieces of meat. It was the one soft spot she had in her otherwise cold and ruthless heart. Now normally when she located the known address of a Slaver she'd send in a kill squad and have them handle business and bring back a few fingers or a tongue, but she was trying to turn a new leaf lately and be more civil about her business. After all as a leader it required a certain amount of tact.

A few minutes after the kid went into his apartment with what was more than likely going to be his next mark the Crime Lord would honor the kid with a personal visit to straighten a few things out. You know make sure no one was about to be sold off into slavery to become a product for someone's sick and twisted games.

Approaching the door Miss Blonde stood there in her relatively short status flanked by two fully armed and armored men who would wait by the door until the business at hand was concluded. The little human trafficker had been a busy little bee and it was about time the consequences of his actions caught up to him. Did he honestly think that he could go around the Galaxy stealing people and someone with a lot more guns and power wasn't going to notice?

"Little pig little pig, let me in." the wolf growled.

[member="Sapphire Birch"] [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]
Undin noticed someone talking on the otherside of the door . Sadly, he didn't have a peephole , so he had to open up to see who it was, even if that meant danger. When he opened the door he saw what seemed a humanoid with a gas mask accompained by two armed guards. "I'm sorry, but I think you came to the wrong address.".

The two men were armed to their teeth, he hoped they didn't want trouble, atleast not now that he had met a beautiful girl. He hadn't had much luck with romance lately, and he hoped that history wouldn't repeat itself.
"Could you please leave? I think you might be scaring my friend a little".

[member="Miss Blonde"]
[member="Sapphire Birch"]

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