Has reappeard.
The constant low hum of the Sprint class medical ship kept most of the chips, beeps, and chimes that the center console to where Krake Sabas sat, in the cockpit to appear not as deafening while he maned the yoke of the vessel. The Zabrak wasn’t at his best appearance wise, though nearly an entire year in space alone with little nutrients would have that affect on most species traveling through the galaxy. His gray cheek sunken in, heavy bags under his dull orange eyes. Hi weak thin hand pressing buttons and flicking switches on the center console as the Sprint class ship slowly made its way into orbit of the planet Maridun.
Setting coordinates for 249,253 on the planets heavily grassed but flat terrain with large trees. The ship was set to autopilot, which allowed Krake remove himself from the cockpit. There were little hostile residents that were documented to be living on Maridun, classified as being a planet mostly neutral, but if there were it was even more less to be worried about anyone bothering with a Medical Class ship that looked as beat up and broken as the one Krake flew in. Blaster scorched marks littered the outside hull, and several outset panels were missing near the top rear and front bottom of the Sprint Class Medical ship. Serious to say, it looked well out of commission.
Slowly the ship rotated to its better functioning hull, shields placed to its shuttering maximum setting of 48% while breaching the planets atmosphere. Krake moved slowly towards the ships single living quarters, passing a dismembered medical droid that was wired into the ships power cell, offering little extra power to maintain little life support that could sustain a single life form on the ship. The Zabrak straightened his dark gray robes, while they hung loosely on his shoulders, he offered another tight wrap of his leather belt around his waist.
He then grabbed two vibroblades which he tucked into the inner pockets of his leather belt that sheathed the blades, but did not hide the hilts. Krake then reached for a nearly empty shoulder bag placing it over his spiked head and across his gray tattooed chest.
Under the Sprint class medical ship, brew lights flashed a moment before thrusts of engine exhausts ignited to allow the ship to descend and make a half gracefully landing while the ships fuel systems were shuttering to keep optimal. Three pegged landing prods were revealed and the ship was on the ground. Exhaust clouded out everywhere from underneath the Sprint Class Medical ship, and finally a door from the side of the Rescue craft opened and the Zabrak stepped off out into the tall grass. Krake’s orange eyes peered left to right observing his surroundings, and finally he took in a deep breath of natural oxygen.
The sun was high in the sky, and the clouds were of many that would offer some shade from time to time, but the air was brisk and cold on Krake’s face. The door to the ship slowly closed as Krake walked away from the platform. His robes wavered about as he walked East towards the wind where a neighboring village could be seen in the distance. The structures within the village were as expected Krake to see, as he had visited this village once before; Lurman. Seed pod like engineering, tall nearly 4 and half meters tall, made of hard soil from the ground.
Before long, Krake stood short of entering the village of Lurman, tall grasses surrounding the village offering a sort of barrier and concealment. Residences of the village of Lurman paused as they watched the Zabrak approached and waited just as Krake had stood and waited, but before long he would be addressed.
Setting coordinates for 249,253 on the planets heavily grassed but flat terrain with large trees. The ship was set to autopilot, which allowed Krake remove himself from the cockpit. There were little hostile residents that were documented to be living on Maridun, classified as being a planet mostly neutral, but if there were it was even more less to be worried about anyone bothering with a Medical Class ship that looked as beat up and broken as the one Krake flew in. Blaster scorched marks littered the outside hull, and several outset panels were missing near the top rear and front bottom of the Sprint Class Medical ship. Serious to say, it looked well out of commission.
Slowly the ship rotated to its better functioning hull, shields placed to its shuttering maximum setting of 48% while breaching the planets atmosphere. Krake moved slowly towards the ships single living quarters, passing a dismembered medical droid that was wired into the ships power cell, offering little extra power to maintain little life support that could sustain a single life form on the ship. The Zabrak straightened his dark gray robes, while they hung loosely on his shoulders, he offered another tight wrap of his leather belt around his waist.
He then grabbed two vibroblades which he tucked into the inner pockets of his leather belt that sheathed the blades, but did not hide the hilts. Krake then reached for a nearly empty shoulder bag placing it over his spiked head and across his gray tattooed chest.
Under the Sprint class medical ship, brew lights flashed a moment before thrusts of engine exhausts ignited to allow the ship to descend and make a half gracefully landing while the ships fuel systems were shuttering to keep optimal. Three pegged landing prods were revealed and the ship was on the ground. Exhaust clouded out everywhere from underneath the Sprint Class Medical ship, and finally a door from the side of the Rescue craft opened and the Zabrak stepped off out into the tall grass. Krake’s orange eyes peered left to right observing his surroundings, and finally he took in a deep breath of natural oxygen.
The sun was high in the sky, and the clouds were of many that would offer some shade from time to time, but the air was brisk and cold on Krake’s face. The door to the ship slowly closed as Krake walked away from the platform. His robes wavered about as he walked East towards the wind where a neighboring village could be seen in the distance. The structures within the village were as expected Krake to see, as he had visited this village once before; Lurman. Seed pod like engineering, tall nearly 4 and half meters tall, made of hard soil from the ground.
Before long, Krake stood short of entering the village of Lurman, tall grasses surrounding the village offering a sort of barrier and concealment. Residences of the village of Lurman paused as they watched the Zabrak approached and waited just as Krake had stood and waited, but before long he would be addressed.
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