Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Finding the Lost

The Sith sat in the carrier with the other sith apprentices and knights as it passed through the space station above Bastion. Twenty of them sat, some joking, some stewing in negative energies, others just sitting like the lost or like an island, separate and solitary by choice. The armor and black robes they wore were nearly indistinguishable from one another. Add to that the masks they wore, smooth black which represented the lack of individuality and their dedication to the cause, and they could have been clones.

One such Sith sat stewing in anger and frustration, just another blip of darkside energy in the company kept, a curved skinning knife in one gloved hand flipping from blade to hilt in the palm. Hidden by the mask were two glowing eyes set in determination, a determination to achieve his goal. And he was not a man to be swayed easily.

The ship shuddered lightly as it entered the atmosphere, the turbulence almost saying, 'I am lord, I will allow you to pass but you are an insect in my sight'. Several of the sith grunted from the sensation while most exuded a trace of fear at their own mortality.

But on sith grinned from beneath the mask, a chuckle lightly escaping from between clenched lips. He wondered at the fear in the others for a moment, then shrugged. He was not here to fellowship with these sith. Eyes glanced around, blue glowing orbs hidden beneath the featureless mask. No, he was here for something else. Someone else.

The transport set down and the ramp opened disgorging it's cargo of sith. The man marched off with the others, their passage already having cleared them to leave the spaceport and to enter the city of Ravelin. Moving past the guards the man stayed with the group until out of sight of the port, then turned down an alley. There he removed the mask and black robes, hiding them in a trash can beneath a bag. Then slipping on a pair of dark glasses that concealed his glowing eyes he slid back into the city's traffic, just another pedestrian on the streets as the night breathed life into a different kind of life into the city. If a force user sensed him they would fell the darkness and madness that existed within the man, barely restrained.

Walking along he felt for the bond that had drawn him here.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[SIZE=12pt]She had not moved among them for very long but their dark energies fed into something old and ancient. She looked down at the runes on her arm how long had she bore them, from when she first got them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She growled low and fierce warning anyone around her to back away, her hand did not rest to her light saber as others did.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]No her eyes darted from one to the other she’d weaken them using their minds against them. Arabella had been training as in Inquisitor for some time the power of the mind.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]As she took a single step she felt a shimmer that she thought long dead. Not wasting her time she turned away and walked cautiously allowing the thin thread of the bond shared to pull her in the right direction.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]All while questions filled her mind, what was he doing here? What has he been? How long would he be around this time?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Arabella stood defiantly in the middle of what could be called a street.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Muad Dib"][/SIZE]
The streets were sparse with traffic as he continued along the walkway. His brown tunic and pants, with boots tucked into the legs, whipped lightly with the oncoming storm. The heavy brown jacket swayed less from the breeze. Glancng into the skies the Sith shook his head lightly as an amused grin crossed his face at the memories flickering through his mind's eye.

Why does it always seem to storm when we come together?

The bond was still there despite time, distance, and the complete absence of one another in each individual's lives. He wondered briefly about others in his past, but this was not a time for remembering at friends and foes alike. This was personal. Love, hate, passion, experience, all these circled about him clouding his dark aura as he homed in on the other echoing in the bond forged. What was once whole could be healed. But what once was broken may never be again.

I wonder which this shall be?

So much had happened to him since last they had seen one another. Before she had been questioning the darkness within her while he had embraced the evil in his soul. But time and experience on Tython had set him on a different path. Oh, he was still a monster who reveled in battle, blood and death. But the cause he fought for had changed, and by the cause changing he had changed. Slightly, but still it was there. Who he once was wasn't who the man was which strode down the duracrete path. He was evolving. Changing.

I wonder if she will recognize me ... what I've become. I wonder ... is she still the same or has she grown and regressed as I have. Are we still ...

But even in his inner monalogue he didn't give voice to the question that weighed on his mind. For even as he asked himself the questions with heavy pause in his mind he felt her clearly, the distance now nearly closed between them. He would soon know the answer. Reaching along the bond shared he felt for her, a light touch to let her know he was there, he was here.

Seeing a solitary figure in the streets the Sith, Muad Dib, stepped out to stand facing her, several meters between the two. Slowly he removed his sun glasses and slid them into a pocket before raising his glowing, blue eyes to look on her form.

"Hello Arabella."

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[SIZE=12pt]Hello Arabella words that were spoken by so many and yet none of them ever sounded like Muadie.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Hello Muadie”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She took a few steps towards him, “been a long time” she could feel the pull of their bond now strong, defiant and demanding. She wondered no she didn’t she could feel it from him he was still stubborn.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]At least she did not see any more savage scars on him ones that required the tender care of someone more skilled than she.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Words they had spoken to one another were whispers on the wind now, the reminder of memories, and emotional attachments that fueled her desire for him, and for all that made her a sith.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]But he did not come across like a Sith though he probably came in with the newest shipment of initiates and knights.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“So my dearest lover, what brings you here? I had heard you were seen among the mandalorians” She tilted her head, was he here to break their bond, or was it something else.[/SIZE]

[member="Muad Dib"]
He felt the emotional turmoil coming from her. He felt it in the air and through their bond. He knew it as he knew his own were seeping. But where hers was a whirlwind, mingling and merging to be nigh impossible to decipher, his rang clear. Longing, rage, loss, and hate. All swirled about the man. This meeting was a reminder that they were constantly tore ascunder, constantly meeting, constantly being separated. What did that mean for them?

Her words felt like a homecoming, Muadie, But for all that those two words meant to him it opened up the question ... Were they still together even though they had been apart for so long. He was doing his thing and she was doing hers. Was there a central point, a place where both still existed in one another's orbit. So much history and so much pain. So few tender moments and so many moments of heartache.

Her words rang out again echoing.

"I made my way to the mandalorian homeworld. Many times had I heard your father speak of them with a kind of grudging admiration, something he failed to do with any thing it usually seemed. Plus their culture intrigued me. So I went. I lived among them for a time, warred with them for a time. But eventually it felt right. There I could kill and destroy and be the monster in battle. And , unlike with the Sith, it made a difference. And it's more then that. With the sith it was a constant scrabble for power, a power that all desired. They fought only to secure their personal power. But with the mandos, it is part of who they are. They war and fight, they search out conflict often fnding it through contracts, but still they seek to be the best. And they more often then not are victorious. And there, I don't have to worry about a sniveling, whining, coward slipping a dagger into my back. On Manda'yaim they stab you to your face if they have a problem with you."

He chuckled as he looked at the spectators watching them.

"As for why I am here ... You know why, you, it's because of you."

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[SIZE=12pt]He had that same tone that he always had since the very first day they met. He knew what he wanted, and why he wanted it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Muadie just made himself a target by admitting to living among the mandalorians and by calling out the Sith.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Oh Muadie, you didn’t bring me skull today?” she moved closer now her eyes smoldered it had been some time since she had been around him. He was a fire master and he always lit some fire inside of her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Are you here to ask me to leave and come with you?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She smiled.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]No matter what they were bonded, they were connected forever by a single strand that tugged at their hearts and souls.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She walked slowly, very slowly[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]What if he did ask, what would she say? Or would she as always make him earn it? It was hard not to walk over to him to wrapped her arms around him. She was the only one who could cool those glowing blue eyes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She was also the only one who knew his heart and mind better than anyone else.[/SIZE]

[member="Muad Dib"]
"I could always get you a skull if you want ..."

His glowing eyes flickered away from her to dance across those in the streets who watched them a they moved past. If that was what she wanted it would be nothing to take a one of their lives. Not counting that these people were technically the enemy he felt no remorse against these curious bystanders who viewed them unashamed as they moved along almost as Muad and Arabella were a wreck with bodies strewn about. They wanted a sight and the Mad Knight was itching to give them their last sight.

But even as he contemplated giving into his more violent urges he chose to turn back to Bella and listen to her as she spoke. It wasn't just the words he listened to but to the feelings and emotions travelling along their bond forged through blood, sweat, and tears. A grin split his face as he felt what seemed to be her own desire for a kind of confrontation. Even so he chuckled lightly beneath his breath.

"Ask you? When have we ever asked one another? We DO know what we both want, and we usually take it. Sometimes our wants coincide ... sometimes they don't. I'm here for you. That's why I'm here. It's been too long apart when we both feel the emptiness within our chest for our other half. I want my Belly, and I didn't care if I had to fight across this world to get to you. I have a life beginning on Mandalore. A start of something different. It could be home. It could have a future, one where we own what is ours and not collectively shared by the sith. A place with honor where we don't have to worry about being stabbed in the back by those we call brethren. A place where we can exist, together."

As he spoke he began to circle her, blue orbs looking her over, while describing aspects of the mandalorians. He knew she would understand what he spoke of while also feel the yearning he had.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[SIZE=12pt]He was doing his thing again, checking her, challenging her silently with his loping around her. Her cobalt blue eyes caught his glowing blue orbs each time he passed in front of her, she gave him that little I know what you’re doing smile.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]I like skulls Muadie, but you know that” She tilted her head as she spoke.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Sometimes their wants coincided, that was very true. Sometimes they did not. That too was very true.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I feel the emptiness now more seeing you, it is hollow within the sound of my heart echoes to the nothingness within”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Home. He was starting to change she could feel it, his insanity was there but so was that guy who grasped reality so easily.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Home and children Muadie is that what you are looking for?” A place where they could exist, a place where what was theirs was what they earned.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“You may have to convince me my Muadie” Arabella put her hand on the hilt of her lightsaber, this was one dance they had never done. He would know that she needed to feel his power, his purpose, and his grasp on life.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Would you care to dance with your Bellie?” She gave him an evil little grin.[/SIZE]

[member="Muad Dib"]
He grinned, his eyes glowing maniacally.

"Kids?Little raven haired, blue eyed monsters throwing fireballs at the other children in a snow ball fight? Is that want you want love?"

He continued his slow revolution of his other half. His hand had slid to the hilt of his own lightsaber resting in it's leather sheath. His forefinger lightly tapping the pommel as he watched her own hand grip hers. He felt where things were going and it truly was uncharted waters. They had fought along side one another against many things, but never had they crossed blades or fought one another. It was to be a test and one he intended to win. To prove he was still her warrior, her own firebug.

"You know I would never pass up the chance to dance with you lover."

He was at her back, half way through another pass of his circling her when he acted. .It was without thought, rhyme, or reason. He pulled his lightsaber from it's sheath and with a single motion ignited the blue blade, slicing through the neck or an acolyte who was watching the scene unfold too closely. As the swipe cut through the neck the head rose several inches while Muad spun and pivoted on his left leg, leaping into the air to roundhouse kick the head at Arabella's upper back.

"Heads up!"

Then he dropped into a roll forward to thrust his lightsaber's point in a lunge at his lover's back. He knew her skills and knew that it was very possible she would avoid the severed head and the lunge. But then again she may have become rusty in the art of war and he would score her with his blade. And so the dance began.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[SIZE=12pt]He never passed up anything if she was involved she sighed with pleasure and waited for him to make his next around about her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]But he had changed his tactics, the head sailed over to where he knew it would distract her. She giggled like a child as she heard his saber come to life, “time to play” she whispered, as she drew her own lightsaber.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]As familiar as any with the deep crimson blade, she so wanted to find a pink crystal to match her cloak but so far she had no luck in finding such a rare item.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She heard an unfamiliar sound as she turned to find Muadie rolling on the ground heading straight for her., “OH sith spit Muadie”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Arabella jumped narrowly missing the blade as it singed her cloak. “You will have that fixed” She tossed off the cloak she was not happy about the mark on her cloak.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Those around them either withdrew further or took up seats to watch.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She knew she was not as good as Muadie with a blade but she had other skills.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She spun the blade, a show more than anything else, she turned sideways keeping her blade in front of her as she smile a devilish little grin as she inched closer to him, “Do you dream of me Muadie?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She lunged forward striking at his blade as she then stepped back.[/SIZE]

[member="Muad Dib"]
He laughed as he scored her cloak. But at he question he paused, several memories of real events and dreams ghosting through his mind. Then Arabella attacked, striking his blade while he was distracted and hopping back. A grin crossed his face as he advanced on her like a hungry predator, which he was. Blue eyes flashed as he twirled his lightsaber in his hand this time.

"Dreams, oh yes dreams. But the memories are even sweeter. Tattooine, Naboo, and the cloak .... well I may just take a part of your clothing piece by piece til I see my prize before me ..."

He laughed deep in his throat as he brought to his mind the dwelling in Tattooine and shared it along their bond, just before attacking. A feint at her core, then he brought his blue blade up in a block with his right hand while utilizing the sith power gauntlet on his right to use the repulsor technology to pull at her body, hopefully into his embrace where he would try to steal a kiss before dancing away.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[member="Muad Dib"]​
[SIZE=12pt]“I think I like Tatooine, and Alderaan the best” She smiled at him he would know to what she referred to.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She gave a hearty laugh as he said he might just take her piece by piece, “I know you better than that Muadie, you want no one to look upon what is marked as yours” He was a devil she felt it in him as he moved about the bond between them shimmered with life, pulling them closer to together.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]That silver strand of force that linked them soul to soul. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She felt the memories of Tatooine where she claimed him as hers, where he marked her as his. He was pulling her she wanted to fight but she would give in and turn into his embrace.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Nose to nose, forehead to forehead, her hand lying on his shoulder still holding the light saber. “My blue eyed demon what trouble you often are”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]She arched a brow at him giving him smiles that were not shared with any other.[/SIZE]
He growled at her words. It was true, he would carve the eyes out of any man's head who looked at his Belly. She was his and no one else's, just like he was her's and no one else's. Despite everything they had gone through there was no denying the connection they shared, one with another.

His forehead against her's Muad closed his eyes and sighed in contentment. He knew how his death played out. He would die violently in battle soaked in his own blood as well as the blood of his enemies. But here, with his Arabella, he knew if he breathed his last, despite not being locked in chaos, he would find a modicum of peace. It was the only time the madness within quieted.

A small smile, the genuine one, the kind he only ever shared with his soul mate eased upon his face. His own lightsaber was still ignited as his right arm slipped around the small if Arabella's back.

If not for the dangerous weapons one would think they were just a normal couple enjoying a quiet moment in an intimate embrace. But the lightsaber marked them as uniquely different. There were none like them, and that was one of the things that drew them together.

"Want to come home with me? Come to Manda'yaim?"

He spoke the words softly like a lover's caress. But the use of the word home from Muad had deep implications. The use of the word Manda'yaim further spoke of how the Mad Knight had changed.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[SIZE=12pt]His fire was calming the madness slipped away and all that remained was the man who held her gently while willing her to live. If he had not been there she would not be here, and all that they were to one another would have slipped into the darkness.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She closed her eyes leaning on him ever so gently, she could feel the muscle beneath. She inhaled the familiar scent of spice and soap. Memories wound themselves tightly around them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Home[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] he said come home[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He truly had found a place that accepted him for all that he was otherwise he would not have said home. All their plans the things they had talked about on nights where warmth was provided by only what they shared.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She sighed brushing her nose against his.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Oh Muadie, don’t you know that wherever you are that is home for me.” She slid her hand down his arm, she knew every scar that marked his skin and she knew him, his thoughts like no other.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“What would I do among the Mandalorians my blue eyed fire bug?”[/SIZE]

[member="Muad Dib"]
He sighed as he growled deep in his chest. Not a threatening sound but rather one of contentment. Like a giant cat, deadly in its own right with claws, teeth, and killer instincts, capable of purring with satisfaction. And that was what Muad was doing.

He deactivated his blue lightsaber which was still in his hand before kissing the tip of Arabella's nose. The gawkers on the streets had begun to thin out , perhaps out of boredom, perhaps out of the recent murder. But either way soon the two found themselves nearly alone on the street.

"We can do whatever we wanted, be what ever we want. Farmers, traders, tinkerers, smiths, or we can be warriors, hunters, soldiers, witches, killers .... We can be who we are, find out who we truly are."

Muad ran a hand up her back, fingers playing out asking her spine teasingly. Playful and deadly. It was part of their relationship. Always fighting for the order they had served faithfully even when that same order has sought to discredit and destroy them. He, the Mad dog they used for warmongering constantly on the front lines of battle who seemingly always survived and garnered attention through his ruthless and relentless methods. She, the legacy who had force masters in her heritage who had power, more power than the order they had served. They knew the potential Arabella had and feared what she was becoming knowing that she could role the regime one day. So that we're both assets that were used all three while their demise was planned.

And alone, it was very possible they would have fallen. But together the two became stronger then the some of their parts. They became something that was nigh impossible to destroy.

"Come with me Belly, come and we can make our own destiny, our own future, more then we ever had a chance to before."

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[member="Muad Dib"]

[SIZE=12pt]She felt the vibrations of the growl building from within him, she taunted him a bit more with a gentle but firm squeeze of her fingers on his bicep as her nails curled into the folds of his shirt scratching the skin beneath.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She knew he was content, even sane around her she had her own darkness to deal with at times. Her own thoughts, but then the only one privy to those thoughts was now with her. He played his fingers along her spine, tickling her senses and making her smile.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He knew her too well, he knew the words to say, and which buttons to push to get her to react to him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]We can do whatever we want, we can be whatever we want [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]she saw the conviction and excitement in his eyes he meant and believed every word.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Did she have enough courage to do what he asked. She growled back at him as she thought about what to do.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Part of her wanted him to convince her, to explain to her why this path. He was so hung up on the do whatever we want, no more cow towing to an order. “But you have to live by the 6 rules Muadie, can you do that? Are you willing to change so much for what you think they offer?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]This was just them talking, just them figuring the steps. And she being the devil’s advocate.[/SIZE]
He grinned at her answering growl. Cut from the same cloth they were. But when she voiced her concerns about following the 'rules' of being a mandalorian he chuckled again. On the surface many thought the mando'ade to be warriors, thugs for hire, killers, hunters. But he knew them to be more, some of which he had learned from an older sith who wore the moniker of Garith. He had fought alongside of mandalorians, even as a sith, in years past. He had even counted one a friend and a member of his little 'family' once upon a time. A man who had turned from the sith and joined his brethren once again along with his wife, Atin Kandossii.

So even before he had journeyed to their homeworld seeking the cin vhetin, which he had learned about on Manda'yaim, he had known of their methods, their culture, and their way of life. And it was one that rang true within him. He understood the culture almost as if he had been born to it. Even when he was Sith he had not had the same connection to the people and the way of life as he did now with the Mandalorians. Rubbing his nose along the jawline of his beloved he spoke.

"The Resol'nare is what you speak of eh Belly? Wear the armor. I have worn armor in battle and beskar'gam is more effective. I'm currently working with a renown smith for personal armor. The language? Ni kar'taylir gar darasuum. Of course the curses came first. Defend myself and mine? I always defend myself and what I consider mine. Help my clan? I have no clan save my Marauders and those I consider friend ... and you. Answer the call of the Manda'lor? I help where it's needed whether it's training force users or going to war. As for raising children as mandalorian ... well I have none and only know one woman who has ever caught my fancy enough to entertain the idea."

He nipped her ear playfully and danced away placing his hands on his hips and looking at her with his blazing blue eyes.

"It didn't take much change to become one. And the change that is wrought in me has come over the years of battle, war, turmoil, and because of you. I am a monster, I still consider myself Sith because of my trials and experience. But I have no allegiance to the Sith order, for they never truly had an allegiance with us. We were tools. Nothing more. And while I had no problem being a weapon to be wielded but there was no future, no true meaning for me, Muad Dib, other then as an instrument of Chaos. But now I want more. I am more then what I once was. I want more for us. And to me, this is our chance, my chance at attaining ... not redemption or atonement, for I care neither for either, but rather it's a chance for us to be who we are, to have a part of something, to be a part of something that won't discard us when we are no longer useful to the cause. A chancee for us to be Muad and Arabella rather then just the Mad Knight and the Inquisitor."

He waited to see if she understood what he was saying, if she would take the chance, if she would join him and make him whole.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[SIZE=12pt]Was she afraid? She was a creature of habit and stability. She finally placed her lightsaber back to its resting place. He nipped her ear and danced away like the demon he was.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She smiled and shook her head. Was she Sith? She was not a Jedi that was for certain. But could she be mandalorian now too? It meant more change it meant, she tilted her head looking at him, it meant a great deal to Muadie that she say yes. She could feel his emotions rippling through him.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]His strong desires for her mixed with the uncontrollable need.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She needed him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]There was no denying that. So then the question really was, would she join him in his dreams?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She swallowed hard as she went over all that he said. She turned from him looking back at all that was there, she was not part of them. She knew none of them. She held no office, no position, she was one knight among many.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She slowly turned back to Muadie, she had never wanted any of the things that others wanted. The little blue eyed demon across from her waiting so patiently for her to decide.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She began by pulling her shirt free and slowly unbuttoning it as she walked towards him opening her shirt the imprint of his hand still on her where he had pulled the spawn from her forever leaving behind his mark.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She sighed, “I can be nowhere that this mark does not remind me of us. Without the force bond this would still remind me, this tells me who holds my heart” She began to button the shirt back up.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I will try it Muadie, but I’m” she hated admitting it but to him she had already admitted much, “afraid of change”[/SIZE]

[member="Muad Dib"]
He stilled her hands and gently buttoned the remaining buttons on her shirt. He knew she was baring her soul, her emotions, to him and we'll understood the price that doing so cost her. Even to him. Taking her in his arms once more Muad pressed his lips to her temple.

"Then let's go home. I'll show you everything. But first ... Want to set some things on fire before we leave?"

Laughter rumbled in his chest at the thought of anarchy and destruction, things they enjoyed. Most Sith considered it their duty, but the couple viewed it as fun. Nothing like a little chaos to bring people closer together.

"I hear there's a nice library nearby .... Want to go use our library cards and check-out some things and never return them? Maybe collect a few more heads in the process?"

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
Let's go home.


She sighed heavily as she looked into his eyes, her future lay within those brilliant blue orbs. Her heart and soul resided within the man before her. How silly they all were, how unaware they could be.

Was she ready to be with him full time, she hoped so.

"Oh Muadie you say the most romantic things" She turned and looked, "Not the Library too many good books in there, but a little havoc to mark the occasion is always a welcome diverson"

Whatever lay ahead they would face it together, and whatever they did tonight they'd remember one day and laugh about about it.

[member="Muad Dib"]

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