Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Finding The Same Thing

Zeltron, a world known for its liberal outlook on life. Yet here was the place where Velus could possibly find the answers that explain everything. The Padawan was well aware of the fact that he had a mysterious dark side connection. He had a feeling it came from his family, but utltimately, it was speculation without facts. This had made him attack [member="Valae Kitra"]: now, he would work on finding the answer as to why.

For years, he had treaded in the middle of the light and the dark. The dark's side pull had slowly gotten stronger as he grew up. More than ever, he had to find an answer to the issue, and how to control it, or else, he would affect those that he cared about, and that could have distatrous consequences for him.

And that was why he was here on Zelton. Over the past few month,s he had looked at the Silver Jedi archives, desparate to find something that could explain what he had. His efforts had been rendered useless, yet word reached his ears that there was a mysterious relic on Zeltron that could give him the answers he wanted.

It had taken some time, but he had finally arrived in the planet. Now, all he needed to do was find the relic, and his questions would be answered.

[member="Setzi Lunelle"]

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
The woman known to Voss, and what was left of the old SSC, Setzi Lunelle, had travelled back to that familiar world in order to retrieve her transport freighter, The Pirate's Foe, and while it was a little banged up from long ago skirmishes, repairs would be easy enough.

Same with a broken bone or a broken heart, she mused, a vision of her twin girls flickering across her line of sight, but was gone just as quickly.

She’d left Connor Harrison back on Deneba, waiting for her report. And while Setzi wasn’t sure exactly what her Force aura was to an outsider, she most certainly did not want to be captured again, either for her own sudden disappearance - chunks of time missing, anything could have happened, even murder or slaughter - or for even being an accomplice to what heinous acts Master Harrison had been up to.

But retrieving the ship came easily, yet she made a detour to Zeltron rather than returning straight to Deneba. “There’s something I need to pick up,” she’d told Harrison. “You will be proud of me for doing so.”

It was easy enough to pose as a tourist on the hedonistic, party planet with its colorful, pink-skinned natives. She wore a shiny dress that reminded her of a bird of paradise, topped with over-sized sunglasses and a large brimmed hat - easy enough to blend in with all of the preening Zeltrons.

But beneath the vacationer guise, lurked a dark predator. Setzi had her sights on the same relic would not lift off the planet without it.

[member="Setzi Lunelle"]

Despite not working in the underworld, Velus had been a mercenary a few times in his life. He knew his way around the underworld, having lived in Nar Shadaa for some time, despite not engaging in crime. He also knew that, despite the fact that he hated it, having suffered while at the hands of criminals, Zeltron also had a big underworld community, and he intended to get information from them on his relic.

That was why his first landing had been in the capital city of Zeltron. If there was any place where he could get his information, it was here. He particularly had landed in a spaceport close to an area known for it's shadow dealings, and so forth. Velus, armed as always, but maintaining a nonchalant expression, had gotten out of his ship, and had traveled to this location.

When he had arrived, he wasn't surprised by the fact that not a lot of people walked in the streets. As he walked to a popular spot for social gatherings, he had a neutral expression, but the Rebel was alert, looking for the smallest signs of trouble.

He then reached the spot, in what looked like to be a bar. You can do this! as he tried to reassure himself. Velus wasn't known for being social, only talking when he needed to, such as on missions. But today, he would try his best, remembering the holo-records he had seen, and the books he had read on such matters. Time to do this

The Rebel then entered the bar, wondering if he would be successful in his objective.

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
It did not take long to be around the pink-skinned near-humans - the females with showgirl legs, the males with large, muscular chests, until Setzi felt very out of place - a pale, diminutive normal human with no pheromones to boost her charisma, an introvert at best, more comfortable on a farm or in the jungle than in a nightclub or bar.

But when on Zeltros… wasn’t that how the saying went?

With a charlatan’s confidence, Setzi entered the colorful establishment which glowed brightly with neon and smiles so much that she had to shield her eyes, to allow for them to adjust to the flashing lights.

As she ordered a Blue Tonic, the Dark Jedi scanned the bar - mostly out of habit - for the sign of the Force and was pleasantly surprised to detect the aura of a lightsider. Turning her head over her shoulder to not attract too much attention, she spotted him - dark-haired and near human. Really now? Could someone else seek the same treasure that had drawn her to this hedonistic planet in the first place? If so, it would make the race for this relic, all the more satisfying when she finally claimed her prize.

[member="Setzi Lunelle"]

Despite Velus' lack of knowledge on using force stealth, the Epicanthix hybrid was as alert as ever, knowing full well that going on missions like this brought the potential for combat. Through his own experiences, he had learned a number of ways on how to combat this, and to use it to their full extent.

"Hello." he stated, for once, shedding any social barriers he had for the sake of the mission.

As with any part of the underworld, credits were the main currency used to buy information, and Velus had brought enough for his own mission.

He unknowingly positioned himself away from most people, his back facing her; this was the same for the bartender. It was here that he had given him the credits, and Velus looked at his eyes, seeing that it pointed in a certain direction, a certain location in the bar, which seemed guarded.

Guess I'm be speaking in cipher.

Velus then walked, eager to find out the information he wanted so badly.

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Setzi was sure that under the blacklights her blue drink glowed like irradiated material, and her teeth flashed a celestial, neon white.

Use the night to your advantage, employ these natural optical illusions to confuse and distract.

And if those didn’t work, she could always tap into her dark mentalist abilities.

He spoke to someone now though she tried not to stare. And then the Force user headed across the room.

Smiling now, an unsettling, awkward grin as Setzi was no femme fatale, she took another sip of the Blue Tonic and identified his target, an individual with whom he sought information. The dark-haired man had to be here for the relic.

Using a mind trick she blocked Velus’s target from speaking any further. The being stammered and stuttered, unable to get the words out. With silky reflexes the Dark Jedi quickly closed the gap between them and now stood besides the Force user, drink in hand, held up as though the room was filled with waist-high water.

She pulled out a credit chit with a higher value and gave it to the infochant, who looked rather stunned and still could not speak. Setzi left his mind alone now, all of his faculties back.

“My name is Azurea,” she said to Velus more than the infochant. “Now what is it that you wanted to say?”


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