Aedan Von: The Rising Sun
Zeltron, a world known for its liberal outlook on life. Yet here was the place where Velus could possibly find the answers that explain everything. The Padawan was well aware of the fact that he had a mysterious dark side connection. He had a feeling it came from his family, but utltimately, it was speculation without facts. This had made him attack [member="Valae Kitra"]: now, he would work on finding the answer as to why.
For years, he had treaded in the middle of the light and the dark. The dark's side pull had slowly gotten stronger as he grew up. More than ever, he had to find an answer to the issue, and how to control it, or else, he would affect those that he cared about, and that could have distatrous consequences for him.
And that was why he was here on Zelton. Over the past few month,s he had looked at the Silver Jedi archives, desparate to find something that could explain what he had. His efforts had been rendered useless, yet word reached his ears that there was a mysterious relic on Zeltron that could give him the answers he wanted.
It had taken some time, but he had finally arrived in the planet. Now, all he needed to do was find the relic, and his questions would be answered.
[member="Setzi Lunelle"]
For years, he had treaded in the middle of the light and the dark. The dark's side pull had slowly gotten stronger as he grew up. More than ever, he had to find an answer to the issue, and how to control it, or else, he would affect those that he cared about, and that could have distatrous consequences for him.
And that was why he was here on Zelton. Over the past few month,s he had looked at the Silver Jedi archives, desparate to find something that could explain what he had. His efforts had been rendered useless, yet word reached his ears that there was a mysterious relic on Zeltron that could give him the answers he wanted.
It had taken some time, but he had finally arrived in the planet. Now, all he needed to do was find the relic, and his questions would be answered.
[member="Setzi Lunelle"]