Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fine Wine and Ugly Intentions

Thom Naudir

A call has been sent. A Call for Honor and Blood to be united on one world, for one purpose. Entertainment. Following the fall of Mandalore, Clan Naudir has begun preparations to host a large scale event on their world to try and help save the spirits of the Mandalorian people. Weapons are allowed, drinks are free flowing, and the games to be held will go down in legend for years to come. Those who wish to come will find their way here, those with ill intentions shall be lost in their journey, for only the honorable shall find their way to Krieg.
So this is just a little open thread I am making, any and all Mandalorians, or anyone really is invited to come and attend the party. Hosted on Krieg, the homeworld of Clan Naudir, there shall be plenty of drinking, brawling and potentially even some talking. The thread will be going up later tonight or tomorrow, you can post your interest or any questions you have here, or just go ahead and drop in.

Thom Naudir

You are more than welcome to attend Vod, would be happy to meet you and learning about your Mando's story!

[member="Styr Armod"]

Ivan Stadd

[member="Thom Naudir"] i would be interested in such a thread especially to meet with [member="Styr Armod"] after our privious encounter at Pijal through [member="The Legend"]

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