Countess Calum Teramo
Blue Skyliner
Looking out over the shivering blue lake that surround the Blue skyliner. It was a beautiful site to be hold how the rays from the sun dance upon the water. Turning around as she let herself talk to the one charge making sure all would go smooth. Now all that wait was the her honored guess for the night.Walking back over to watch the water. Tonight she had left her armor at manor. Tonight she was the Countess Calum of the Greater House of Teramo. In royal blue dress with the laced in term of gold. Very simple by very much something use to wearing. Smiling as she let the sounds of others with their dinner guess fill the place up. It was simple this set up was one of many restaurant own by the House of Teramo.
Having done her research with the her dinner guest she would have a little surprise that had brought back from her last trip to Mandalore. This the bottle set on the table on the one of the balcony tables that let the soft breeze in from the lake.
@Nolan Detta