New Member
Finor Amnen

NAME: Finor Amnen
FACTION: None as of yet.
RANK: Scholar.
AGE: 22.
SEX: Male.
WEIGHT: 190 lbs.
EYES: Brown.
HAIR: Brown; short but long enough to style.
SKIN: Light
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not Force-sensitive.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strength: Sharp mind. Finor easily excelled in his educational career, outmatching his peers. He possesses a quick, sharp, mind, and is able to analyze situations well.
Strength: Persuasive. Finor is used to getting his way with a little wit and charm. When that fails, an abrupt pummeling of logic, facts, and statistics (which may not all be entirely true) usually does the trick.
Strength: Fit. Although not terribly coordinated, Finor is in shape and maintains a healthy lifestyle. Exercise is an easy matter.
Weakness: Lack of weapons experience. Finor has never shot a blaster in his life, nor ever wielded a melee weapon. If forced to use one, he could not be counted on to hit his target.
Weakness: Pride. Finor cannot stand admitting when he is wrong. He would rather be beaten then say that one of his statements was incorrect.
Most of Finor's appearance traits are listed above. He maintains a lean frame, though not quite skinny. Muscular to the point of utility, but not a bodybuilder by any means.
Finor Amren was born on the planet Eriadu in the Seswenna Sector. He was born into a wealthy family in the capital, and thus was provided with just about anything he needed. His father, Gauwilh Amren, served as the capital's Chief of Finance while his mother, Avith, oversaw the children; Finor, the oldest, and Isar and Saraph, his two younger sisters.
Finor cruised through both school and university with ease. Private tutoring from the age of four years old until eighteen certainly helped this. Excellent scoring assisted in inflating Finor's ego as well. After graduation, Finor joined with Eriadu Mining and Shipping to manage its operations on his homeworld. Young, full of energy, and ambitious, Finor's journey starts here.
None as of yet.
KILLS: None.
ROLE-PLAYS: introductory roleplay (solo). Finor begins his work at Eriadu Mining and Shipping, and discovers a couple big problems. Several coworkers resent him, and Qishi Station (a mining facility of the company) has gone offline. roleplay (solo). Finor and a security team investigate Qishi Station to discover its problem.