Fintan Ghirga
New Member

NAME: Fintan Ghirga
RANK: Mercenary
AGE: 28 years old
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 183 metres / 6 feet
WEIGHT: 76 kg / 167 pounds
EYES: Sky blue with some white in them
HAIR: Ginger curly hair in a short hairstyle
SKIN: pale white
FORCE SENSITIVE: Is not force sensitive
- Is very agile and fast due to his cybernetic enhancements
- Innate reflexes have been enhanced through rigorous training and through the help of headgear
- Has increased stamina due to training and enhanced lung capacity
- Has astounding skill in the ancient art of dual-wielding spears
- Merciless and has experience in the art of assassination
- If the loss of the cybernetic legs were to occur, he would be immobile
- has no legs
- Robustness
- Cybernetic legs can be disabled
- Fear of space travel
He is a 28 years old male. He is 183 metres/6 feet tall and weighs 76kg/167 pounds. His eyes are sky blue with white outlines leading inwards towards the pupil. He has curly ginger hair cut into a short hairstyle. His skin is pale white like a sheet of snow. Under the armor/gear he has two amputated legs with bioengineered gear that act as neurotransmitters in the legs. Around the lower part of the legs are also screws and bolts. His hands also include screws around the knuckles and a bit everywhere on his body. His legs are also covered in burns and scar marks. A scar also covers his chest. Starting from the left lower oblique and going up to the right part of his chest. His face is clear and unscathed.
The legs of Savitar: Adaptable leg gear for any environment. Made of pure beskar alloy. Can be strong support and robust. Can also be extra lightweight for maximum efficiency in recon missions. Can be balanced for overall great performance in mid-range combat and everyday life. Have support for the cybernetic legs of the user.
The Chestplate and Arms of Erebusa: These come in pairs with the front and back piece as well as the arms. They instantly assemble while in contact with the wielder of the Dim Corinthian Helmet. The chest piece and back piece gives the user great back support and front support in times of need. The pure beskar alloy they are made of, allows the chest and back piece to resist sustained enemy fire. The chest has heavy padding compared to the rest. Near the neck, small gaps can open and close at will to allow the user to breathe in case of high temperatures. The back piece has two symmetrical slots fit for the wings of Alber. The arms are also made of pure beskar alloy. The shoulders and forearms have heavier padding compared to the bicep. The hands are the main attribute of this gear. The nails are sharp and can retract if needed. In the palm of each hand resides a piece of plasma extracted from the twin suns. This compressed plasma allows the user to shape the light at its will. With a maximum length of use of 2 meters. These weapons are called the spears of cursed light. The hands do not have ranged use on the other hand. When not in use the plasma is suppressed to allow the user to use their hands.
The wings of Alber: A pair of mechanical wings made of a compound of phrik and of regular iron. They are resistant to the weather and lightweight but not very robust against melee attacks and heavy artillery.
The Dim Corinthian Helmet: This helmet is the showpiece of the gear worn by ghirga. It has a filter in order to adapt to any type of air. It is the brain of the armor worn by ghirga. The eye sockets connect directly to the user's eyes and allow for a better perception of the environment around them. It is made of pure beskar alloy. The back of the helm is winged shape and allows the user to intercept and call any transmissions close to the user, by using a halo.
Planet of origin: Csilla
My story starts during the purge of Mandalore, my original home planet. During the assault on Sundari. Due to a stray shot bomb during the attack, ruble from a nearby building fell onto the street. As I was running away from the conflict trying to flee, a piece of rubble fell onto me. My legs were crushed on impact and my nerves were destroyed. I sat there trying to assemble my thoughts when I saw a Jedi or also known as a "Hero". I screamed for help saying I couldn't move... He responded with a phrase I will never forget. "Do you think heroes have time for people like you, we're here to save planets, save universes. Find someone else to help". These words were carved into my soul. Why do we need "heroes"? What purpose do they serve? As I cried in despair for help, some passerbyers helped by lifting and cleating the rubble of my destroyed legs. They then proceeded to carry me on their back and ran with me to an escape ship. Due to a rush of cortisol and adrenaline, I was terrified of the ship. In addition to the excruciating pain of the crushed legs, I underwent panic attacks and developed a stress disorder. During the escape, an onboard doctor had to amputate my legs in order for me to feel less pain. The mix and mash of pain, stress, and overall burden of this event took a toll on my mental health, and thus I developed a phobia of space ships. After this, I wandered the galaxy in search of refuge from the purge. The ship itself was a model made for mobile blacksmithing in space. During my trip to the shelter, an unknown Mandalorian blacksmith took me under his wing in order to teach me the basics of blacksmithing and the basics of repairing gear. On the ship was an old safe owned by a rich Mandalorian person, full of beskar, phrik and regular iron. After some conversing with the blacksmith, I told him about my dream of being able to fly one day and maybe even being able to walk after the incident. I was using a wheelchair at the time. He then proposed for him and me to have a project together, we would start by making cybernetic legs for me to be able to walk again. Because of the importance of The legs of Savitar (see above), the blacksmith only used beskar as the mainframe for the legs. This process took us 1 month. A week after finishing the legs the blacksmith fell ill. He was sick before the purge of Mandalore and managed to escape, but death never stops running and this time it caught up to him. He was a father figure to me and I was his son. A day before he passed away he called me to his quarters and I saw his face for the first time. He told me that he wanted me to live on and to continue believing in our Mandalorian values and to never let them go. I took these words and carved them into my sould and mind. He also passed on his heirlooms to me. The heirlooms included his own set of armour that he had forged back on Mandalore (see above). He also passed onto me the books on how to use spears of cursed light. We unfortunatly could not have a proper funeral, so we had to send his cold corpse into space. After the funeral I could not grieve, I did not have the strength to. Instead I decided to study the books and learn how to use the gear left behind me. During our long trip wandering out in space, I learned that he had secretly made the legs fully compatible with the rest of the gear. He had left his will with me, to occumpany me on the rest of my journey. After 7 months of learning how to use the gear properly and from reading the manuals I mastered the art of dual weilding the spears of light. After we found a planet for shelter I decided to go and start my new life as a mercenary.