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Approved Tech Firaxan Amulet

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Intent: A dominion reward for FWC Characters/Selkath
Image Source: Here
Canon Link: Not Applicable
Restricted Missions: Not Applicable
Primary Source: Not Applicable

Manufacturer: Selkath Force-Sensitives
Model: Firaxan Amulet
Affiliation: Closed Market
Modularity: No
Production: Semi-Unique
Material: Force Imbued Firaxan Shark Teeth

  • Calm Seas: When worn, the amulet exudes an aura of calm to nearby non-sentient sea-life, often causing them to be rather docile and non-aggressive towards the wearer, sometimes causing predators not to view them as food or prey. The aura has about a five hundred meter radius, with its effects growing stronger the closer the creatures are to the amulet.
  • Not 100%: The calming effect doesn’t always work, particularly aggravated creatures can overcome it, very hungry predators may still attempt to eat the wearer, controlled and trained creatures are still subject to the directions of their master, so on and so forth.
  • Null Fields: Items or creatures that nullify the Force such as Ysalamiri can reduce or negate the amulets affects, and Force Dead creatures are immune to it.
Following the Selkath’s entry to the Free World’s Coalition, they presented several members of the Coalition with necklaces made from the teeth of previous Progenitors, that they claimed had an effect on the sea creatures on Manaan.

According to the Selkath, Force Using Selkath, especially Selkath Jedi, would wear the necklaces when swimming in the open waters while using their Force Abilities to calm the nearby creatures, allowing them to commune with schools of fish, swim with sharks, and travel with pods of whales. Some Selkath claimed they could even sleep alongside these creatures as part of their group. Overtime, the Selkath began imbuing these necklaces with that ability, presenting them to close friends, family, or honored guests as a sign of kinship.

The necklaces made available to the Free World's Coalition were some such amulets, imbued with the ability to calm and convey a sense of kinship to nearby sea-life allowing the person wearing them to swim in otherwise dangerous waters with a relative sense of safety. The amulet doesn't provide someone with the ability to control sea-life, nor does it always work. Some creatures are extremely aggravated or aggressive and can ignore the effects of the amulet, other creatures that are trained or controlled by others and will continue to act as they have been instructed. Furthermore, as the necklaces are Force-Imbued nullification fields created by Ysalamiri and Void Stones nullify their effects.


Well-Known Member
<p>Hello, I'll be the factory judge reviewing your submission. If you have questions, please feel free to respond to this thread once we are underway.</p>


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[member="Draco Vereen"]

If you could just give me a ballpark on what 'nearby' constitutes in this case, and we should be good to go. Does the wearer have to get into eating range of the sea-life before the amulet takes effect, or does it work at longer distances? That sort of thing.

I went with 500 meter radius. Some SW sea-life is absolutely massive (like 100+ Meters for some), and some people are able to swim with sharks on earth without assistance. Figure so long as the person isn't bleeding heavily they should be alright barring unforeseen circumstances


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[member="Draco Vereen"]

Draco Vereen said:
Furthermore, as the necklaces are Force-Imbued nullification fields created by Ysalamiri and Void Stones nullify their effects.
Alright. Just pop that under Weaknesses also, and we should be good to go.
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