Among the many things to be found on Nar Shaddar were crime and violence. The moon of the Hutt homeworld was crawling with every sort of aggressive act or conflict ready to erupt. Given how small the moon itself was while containing so many gangs and rivialries some looked at it like a thermal gernade ready to blow at the slightest mistep.
Having arrived on a private shuttle provided by the One Sith the acolyte Calo Xenrus had finally arrived on the crime hive of a rock. He was dressed in the approriate Sith hooded robes and apparel while covering his customized gear underneath. Once he exited he took a moment to shift the harness he had around his shoulders that carried his dual lightsabers on his back. The ride had felt longer than it needed, basically because he was required to stay under the radar while on this small assignment. With one final scan of the area to get his bearings Calo began to jounrey through the crowded space port he was in.
The task he'd been given was simple: to meet with a contact on Nar Shaddar in order to receive important information for the Sith. Without the risk of anything being hacked or scanned everything had been put on a datapad for sake keeping by the contact, a Rodian slicer. Even Calo wasn't sure what it was, only that it was important he deliver it.
As he pushed his way through the crowd of people Calo began to feel something a little off. Some slight disturbance with the force, yet it was hard to say where or who it was coming from. Part of him, however, only thought it was the tension of the mission getting to him and shook it off as he continued onward.
[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Having arrived on a private shuttle provided by the One Sith the acolyte Calo Xenrus had finally arrived on the crime hive of a rock. He was dressed in the approriate Sith hooded robes and apparel while covering his customized gear underneath. Once he exited he took a moment to shift the harness he had around his shoulders that carried his dual lightsabers on his back. The ride had felt longer than it needed, basically because he was required to stay under the radar while on this small assignment. With one final scan of the area to get his bearings Calo began to jounrey through the crowded space port he was in.
The task he'd been given was simple: to meet with a contact on Nar Shaddar in order to receive important information for the Sith. Without the risk of anything being hacked or scanned everything had been put on a datapad for sake keeping by the contact, a Rodian slicer. Even Calo wasn't sure what it was, only that it was important he deliver it.
As he pushed his way through the crowd of people Calo began to feel something a little off. Some slight disturbance with the force, yet it was hard to say where or who it was coming from. Part of him, however, only thought it was the tension of the mission getting to him and shook it off as he continued onward.
[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]