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Approved Tech Fire and Flame — Valery's lightsaber crystals

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Manufacturer: Valery Noble
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small


  • Hurrikaine Crystal: The Hurrikaine crystals are known for their ability to produce lightsaber blades that more easily can cut their way through defenses. For Valery's lightsaber, this mainly manifests itself as an increased ability to cut through lightsaber-resistant materials.
  • Bonded: The color of the crystal was determined when it bonded with its owner, Valery Noble Valery Noble , and thus only truly answers to her. Unless bled by a Dark Sider, the crystal will only have its special properties when used by Valery. But when used by Valery, these properties are especially strong.
  • Force-imbued: Following the Battle of Coruscant, Valery has imbued the pair of crystals she owns with her own inner strength. Because of this, the crystals slightly amplify her use of the Force when her lightsaber is activated.
(Image source)

  • Cutting potential: With the crystal being a Hurrikaine crystal, its potential to get through lightsaber-resistant materials is amplified. Some materials, especially when they are thick, will still make it hard to get through, but the generally thinner plating in personal armor will be far less of a problem for her to deal with.
  • Bonded: Because the crystal only offers its special cutting and properties to Valery, a Dark Side user attempting to use it without bleeding the crystal would be met with heavy resistance or even the blade disengaging.
  • Force-imbued: Valery has imbued the crystal with her own inner strength, allowing it to help her focus in times of need. The crystal now offers minor amplification in focus and potency of Force abilities.
  • Bleeding: As much as the crystal may try to resist being bled, it is by no means immune or highly resistant to it. If a Dark Side user were to get their hands on this crystal, they would be able to bleed it.
  • Fragile: While the Crystal is particularly strong in the Force and through its added benefits, physically it's still just a crystal. If removed from the lightsaber casing, it can easily be shattered with simple tools or the underside of someone's boot.
  • Force-nullification: While a weapon can still function with this crystal in a Force-nullified field, the Force-imbuement Valery added into the crystal later can not. So in the presence of a Ysalamiri field, she will not benefit from the Force-imbuement. The cutting potential is not affected by force nullification.

Valery collected this pair of rare crystals after the tumultuous events of the Battle of Coruscant. The battle, a pivotal moment in the Core Wars against the Dark Empire, left its mark on many, and the Hurikaine crystals, found on Hurikane in the aftermath of the chaos, are a testament to the resilience and determination of those who fought there. The crystal's vibrant purple hue is more than just a color; it's a symbol of the strength and mystery of the Force, captured in a solid form, as well as the nature of its bonded owner.

Imbued and incorporated in a new design of lightsabers, Valery hopes to use them in the upcoming conflicts to protect the Galactic Alliance against the many foes that now surround it.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create Valery's new Lightsaber Crystals
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Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Valery Noble
Modular: No
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