Shamira Karuto
Burn the past - Heal the future
Location: Ashira’s Light: Customs Area
Equipment: Robes, black cloak, and silver & gold hilted, blue blade lightsaber strapped to belt.
The sounds of tens of languages mixing together filled the customs area as hundreds of new additaments went through the necessary steps to be allowed within the massive space station. Not all had the same goal. Some came for the industry centers, some for the massive seven floor tall shopping center, and the wealthiest, which were easy to pick out of the crowd, immediately started towards the Sovereign Estates. Most of these new additaments stayed together with their groups, whether it be with their groups or families. One figure quietly moved through the steps of the customs, hood raised over her head, grey and white colored montrals hanging outside of black cloak’s hood. Silver blue eyes looked around quickly, almost nervously, as the last step of the process, her visa check, was completed and she was admitted into the main concourse area.
It had been three months since Shamira had left the New Jedi Order, feeling as though her time there had left her wayless, with no true direction. The whole experience left her continually feeling empty. When she left her homeworld of Shili for the Order, she had hoped it would give her a purpose, yet even through the invasions, fighting, and experiences it brought with it, Shamira had still spent years of her life feeling empty. It didn’t make leaving all that hard. She was still allowed to take what little belongings she owned with her, and the Rebel Alliance had loaned her enough credits to buy a few tickets and sustain herself for a short while. However, leaving the Order left the young teen alone in the galaxy, searching for a purpose, and for fulfillment.
For the last three months, the Togruta had taken any odd job she could to make enough credits to buy her next tickets, whether it be acting as a bodyguard, or taking on small grunt work jobs, while meddling in cantina’s to try to find something, anything, that sounded promising enough to take a chance on next. It had been a week ago that she had been at the bar in a Cantina on Corellia, that a name came up she had not heard before. The Order of the Fire, a force user sect of the industrial company Firemane. After taking a day to research what she could find on this new Order, Shamira hopped on the first ship to where the holonet was said there were located; Ashira’s Light.
Even if she was months separated by now from the Jedi Order, Shamira still made it a point to purposefully mediate every day to keep her connection with the Force strong. And now, in the most inhabited single area she had been in for a while, the Togruta couldn’t help but smile lightly, taking in the amazing energy that just flowed off the people. Hundreds, thousands of people all connected to the Force in some way, whether it be a strong personal connection, or just existing in some way. It made her smile lightly at the feeling, just standing for a moment and enjoying the energy and connections flow about her.
Taking a deep breath, Shamira snapped herself out of her trance, breathing slowly in and out to settle herself from the exciting feelings. Her steps quickly found their way to a map, mapping out the entire space station and all its subsidiaries. Tracing her finger along certain lines on the map, it didn’t take long to find Firemane Industries, looking like they were easily the largest company on board. Nodding lightly to herself, her eyes searched for a way up, settling on an elevator, then began walking towards it, trying to keep her breathing calm in the face of, hopefully, a new place to belong to.
( [member="Tempest"] & [member="Valiens Nantaris"] )