Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fire Works(This time)

In Umbris Potestas Est
I'll be frank. I haven't enjoyed RPing here, and haven't had the muse to RP here, for an excessive period of time. It has not been fun, it has not been enjoyable, and I've grown quite sick of it. But a conversation with [member="Deneve Verd"] earlier today made me truly realize that no matter what I do, I just won't regain the muse that I once had a year or two ago. So this is my final notice, I guess - starting July 4th, when the fireworks go off, I go off too. Won't be RPing in any more threads with any characters after that particular point in time. I'll stick around, I guess, like [member="Jay Scott Clark"], but aside from that, I'm done with faction politics, RPer angst, and the clusterfucks that are invasions.

If you're one of the few bridges that I haven't burned over the years, or if you want to get one last thread in before old Fusion gives up the ghost for good, let me know and I'll see if I can't accommodate you.

Nothing against you, I really don't know you... And despite me having a few of these threads to my name... But I don't see the need for threads like this.

However, good luck to you on your travels!

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