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Approved Tech Firestride Arcanotech Leg Replacement

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: Sub Elpsis' new leg.
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Primary Source: Gauntlet of Emberslight.

: Firemane, Nyssa Vykaris.
Affiliation: Elpsis Kerrigan
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: Firestride Arcanotech Leg Replacement
Modularity: Limited.
Production: Unique
Material: Lava Crystal, Dallorian Alloy, Kyber Crystal, Durasteel, electronic components.

: (Right) leg.
Size: Average
Weight: Heavy
Kinetic: Very High
Lightsabers: High
EMP/ION: Very High
Elemental: Very High
Ysalamir: None

  • It is a Force construct and has a lava crystal embedded inside it.
  • Lightsabre-resistant.
  • A small holdout blaster, holdout bolter or similarly sized weapon can be concealed in the thigh.
  • Replaces Elpsis' entire right leg and part of the hip with cybernetics.
  • The leg has been made with materials that possess a high melting point and is Force imbued. Moreover, a lava crystal is embedded inside it. The foot that can clamp and heat up, allowing Elpsis to burn someone when she say kicks an enemy or stomps on them. Elpsis is a pyromancer with a strong connection to fire, so the heat that results from the rise in temperature does not bother her.
  • Force construct. The Force imbuement provides a power source for the prothesis. As a result, it does not need a battery or similar because it runs on Elpsis' power, more or less. This means that it is very well-protected against ionic, electrical and EMP attacks. These can still upset its inner electronics, but are noticeably less dangerous than with a conventional cybernetic.
  • Augments Elpsis' strength. She can kick and stomp very hard with it. There is a limit to this though since most of the rest of Elpsis' body is still organic. This means that her cybernetic leg - and her arm prothesis, for that matter - is still anchored in flesh and blood.
  • Very durable, offering good to very good resistance against a variety of attacks. The enchantment makes it resistant to lightsabres.
  • Force beacon. The enchantment also means that the arm radiates Force energy, giving it an aura in the Force. As a result, it is more difficult for the host to hide from other Force-Users, unless other measures are taken to conceal her Force presence.
  • Force null zones. Naturally anything imbued by the Force can be affected by things that negate the mystical energy field. The leg cannot function in a ysalamiri field. Naturally it will also lose all supernatural qualities when exposed to that field. Void stone dampens Force use instead of making it totally impossible. Typically the close you are the more it dampens. So the leg will be slower and less effective when exposed to void stone. If Elpsis is in close proximity to void stone she will limp and the leg will feel really heavy.
  • To allow mobility, the joint areas are less well-armoured and more vulnerable to strikes than the rest of the leg.
  • Heavier and bulkier than an organic leg.

Elpsis' right leg was severely injured during a diplomatic mission on Tephrike, where a Firemane delegation tried to negotiate with a Jedi theocracy called the Dominion of Light. Unfortunately, extremists in the government ambushed the diplomats to sabotage talks. Elpsis stayed behind to cover their retreat, but was cornered by the Jedi Inquisitors and militants. During the course of the melee, she was shot in the leg by a heavy slug round. Alas, she was not wearing armour. She fought on, and was able to ensure the delegation's escape, but was overwhelmed and captured.

Denied medical attention and equipped with a collar that caused her pain when she drew on the Force, she was forced to use the Force to extract the bullet and cauterise the wound with fire. This was quite painful. Eventually, she was moved to a brainwashing camp, tortured and indoctrinated. She managed to eventually overcome her conditioning and slay her captors with the help of rebellious prisoners and Firemane troops.

True to form, she didn't slow down after her recovery. If anything, her ordeal had made her more driven - to the point of obsession. This took a toll on her body though. Her leg was grievously injured during her fierce duel with Darth Aurum on Bastion. It was fixed up, but other battles followed. Most recently, the bone was shattered by explosions during the battle of Jedha. This has necessitated replacement. Fortunately, House Kerrigan can afford it. Elpsis has decided to forego a more traditional cloned replacement, though this would have been within her means to acquire, or a conventional cybernetic. Instead she has chosen an enchanted, artificial prothesis that blends the Force and science.

In that regard it is comparable to her magitech arm designed by her friend Nyssa Vykaris. The Pureblood and a couple Firemane alchemists and surgeons made the new prothesis for her. Like the artificial arm, it is a Force construct that is powered and animated through the Force, which protects it from most ion and EMP-related effects. In addition, the magitech arm is more in tune with Elpsis than a conventional artificial limb would be. It feels like 'hers' instead of being 'foreign'. Strictly speaking, the designers would have only needed to replace the lower leg. This would have made it easier for Elpsis to recover, but been less useful in combat. So the whole thing was replaced instead of just amputating it at the knee. Losing the whole leg necessitated replacing part of the hip with cybernetics too, like her cybernetic arm had replaced the shoulder on that side.

Imbued with her power, it can transfer heat when she uses it to strike and potentially burn an opponent. Due to the enchantment, it can resist lightsabre strikes. That said, it is a bit less armoured against lightsabre strikes or blaster fire than Elpsis' magitech arm. There is a logic to this since a cybernetic leg is less useful than an arm for the purpose of deflecting or absorbing lightsabre strikes, weapons etc. By contrast, it has been reinforced for superior resistance to kinetic damage. After all, explosives being tossed at your feet can be very problematic. The same applies to crushing damage from heavy falls, falling debris and the like.

Of course, like all Force constructs, the enchanted prothesis is susceptible to the Force null zones generated by ysalamiri. Furthermore, the leg is heavier than a flesh and blood limb would have been. Elpsis can manage the added weight, but it has required her to adjust her fighting style and makes stealth more difficult. Royal, the sycophantic, greedy majordomo of the family, suggested that Elpsis call the leg the Pillar of the Ascendant Phoenix. Elpsis shot this down, and the prothesis was called the Firestride Arcanotech Leg Replacement. This is still quite flowery, but less so. The prothesis can be covered with synthflesh if desired.
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