Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Duel Firrerreo Vs Renora Zambrano (Jutrund Academy)


The announcement had come.

Firrerreo stared at his datapad with a practically apathetic expression, idly scrolling through the various pairings. The Academy had chosen their opponents, made the brackets, and now they were to fight, right? There was nothing specific on those instructions, just the name and the fact they had to win. Maybe that was the challenge itself. Find their target and win, before they were found in turn. He finally paused his scrolling as he caught sight of his opponent.

He grinned.

The rude girl who doubled back on it from before. Renora Zambrano. He bit back a laugh as he looked to the owl-like familiar on his shoulder. "Shall we head them off, then?" There was no timing. No countdown. No delay. The boy clicked off the datpad as he hopped to his feet, tucking it in his robe as he stepped out of his room. His hand reached up, plucking from the Familiar a fruit to munch on. No point in fighting on an empty stomach, right?

"Ready or not, then."

Renora zambrano

Renora zambrano

Firrerreo Firrerreo

Renora read her datapad she was to fight a fellow student she remembered all her training sessions where she was Trained to be the best she could be. Or was disciplined severely if she failed or didn't live up to standards that feeling fueled her. But that wasn't here nor there as she put her datapad away the young half breed zambrano stretched.She would grab her things and head to the battlegrounds ready to fight.


Fruit eaten he hovered outside the battlegrounds. He didn't go right in. The only only part of him in the room? His familiar, skulking in the shadows to watch for him as she leaned on a doorway to await for his opponent's own entry. He'd caught sight of her on the way. All the better. Make a trap, perhaps? That'd be the smart thing for him to do. She was a warrior.

He could fight, but not like her.

So, he waited outside the room while his familiar set about prepping the battlefield as subtly as possible for his own benefit.

Renora zambrano

Renora zambrano

Firrerreo Firrerreo

Renora walked to the arena she wanted to get this fight over quickly and easily but knew that would be easier said than done. It always was especially when fighting other sith she figured firrerro would have some tricks up his sleeve but she would power through or so she hoped she wanted to do her family proud and gain favor with Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Maybe get him to formally recognize her. But she figured that was a long shot even if she was number 1 in her class she figured that wouldn't be enough she wouldn't be worthy of his gaze.

As she walked physically into the arena renora could sense something in the shadows but wasn't sure what so she waited for her opponent to show up. Standing there renora waited patiently for firrerro.


She went in, and that was enough for Firrerreo. He smiled wide before he reached up. He wasn't strong with this skill, not in the slightest, but the surprise it brought? Hopefully that'd be enough. From the shadows, from his familiar, an arc of lightning ripped out to try and stun Renora. It wouldn't be debilitating, just painful. Possibly cause a spasm. Just enough for the boy to slip into the room and bring his dagger for her back.

Renora zambrano

Renora zambrano

Firrerreo Firrerreo

Renora wasn't expecting a surprise attack she had let her guard down as the lightning hit her she felt her body lock up. Pain shooting through her body as she felt the knife hit her kidney as she dropped to the ground bleeding the wound began healing slowly. As she caught her breath trying to hold back the firrerro genes to flip her shit. As blood pooled around her she stood up enraged as she began throwing fists at firrerro hard enough to Crack bones meanwhile she bled ans her kidney tried healing itself.

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