First Assault Group
The First Assault Group is the first expeditionary assault force of the Galactic Republic Military. Formed out of elite units from both the Galactic Republic Navy and Army, the First Assault Group has been charged with carrying out offensive operations as directed by the Military Chief of Staff.While the Group is utilized principally in offensive and/or special purpose operations, it has the full authority to act in defense of any Republic system with the concurrence of the local System Governor and Regional Command. At the core of its organization, the First Assault Group is divided into two Navy Fleet Squadrons and two Army Corps'. The composition of each individual subordinate unit will vary based on mission and resources.
Organizational Structure:

To clarify - as the basis of the Assault Group is that nearly all embarked units operate from capital ships, the Naval Officers in charge of said ships obviously retain a level of operational command over any and all embarked units (be they Navy or Army). However, embarked Army units also have an administrative responsibility to their superiors elsewhere in the Assault Group.
For example: The Rogue Regiment Commander reports to the 1st Beta Line Commander for operational matters when their forces are embarked on vessels within the 1st Line of Beta Squadron. That Regiment Commander is also responsible for keeping their Corps Commander apprised of any issues from an administrative standpoint. When Rogue Regiment deploys planetside, they then fall under the operational control of their Corps Commander and are only required to keep the 1st Beta Line Commander aware of their intentions for departure/arrival to and from the ships.
Sounds complicated, but I assure you that it isn't. If you're on the ground, you're responsible to your Army chain of command for operations. If you're in space, then obviously you're just riding around and are responsible to your Navy chain of command.
Current Assault Group Roster
Assault Group Command
Commanding Officer: [member="Caid Centurion"]
Beta Squadron
Commanding Officer: [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]
Air Group Commander: [member="Jaxon Wyatt"]
1st Beta Line
Commanding Officer: [member="Gir Quee"]
Rogue Regiment Commander: [member="Kiyron"]
[member="Silara Varis"] (Bloodhawk Squadron Commander)
[member="Mark Crassis"]
[member="Thane Drexel"] (Bloodhawk Squadron)
[member="Dorin Querin"] (Valkyrie Regiment)
[member="Gala Geert"] (Rogue Regiment)
[member="Corbin Jorel"] (Valkyrie Regiment)
[member="Trevin Neros"] (Rogue Regiment)
3rd Beta Line
Commanding Officer: [member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Kelly Perris"] (Wraith Squadron Commander)
[member="Rion Ke Teldan"] (Wraith Squadron Executive Officer)
[member="Zooey Walsh"] (Wratih Squadron)
[member="Sen Kando"] (Wraith Squadron)
[member="Iasos Kontarr"] (Wraith Squadron)
[member="Keanu Shan"] (Wraith Squadron)
[member="Ar'rek Zavros"] (Wraith Squadron)
[member="Ana Saraya"]
[member="Slate Estrada"] (Berserker Regiment)
[member="Kyber Salurra"]
5th Beta Line
Commanding Officer: [member="Velarian Valykrie"]
[member="Taran Holt"]
[member="Elias Wolfe"]
[member="Kandra Zavik"]
**This will be updated as necessary. Only positions occupied by PCs are listed. Any positions subordinate to your own on the Assault Group Organization that are not filled by PCs are available to be NPCed by the respective unit commander.**
Command Authority:
The key to any successful unit (especially on this scale) is the ability to maintain a decentralized chain of command where subordinate leaders are empowered to take necessary action by their superiors. As a result, all characters that hold some level of IC operational authority over subordinate characters are authorized to perform the following:
*Promote characters up to one two ranks below their current level (i.e. A Navy Captain can promote someone within their direct command as high as Lieutenant)
*Nominate characters for promotion to any rank they are not authorized to promote themselves
*Nominate characters for receipt of awards for valor or combat action
*Authorize and award characters awards/medals for service and campaign support within the prescribed limits of said award
*Initiate/coordinate skirmishes with enemies recognized and established as such by the Galactic Senate (this does NOT include dominions or invasions) with prior notification to a staff member
*Train, mentor, train, mentor (can't be said enough)
As a final wrap-up, we are all here to have fun. I'm pretty easy-going, but I'm not a big fan of outright idiocy. I apologize in advance if that shines through too much, but I do what I can to keep it in check. I can promise yu that if I have an issue with you, I will always take it to PM and explain my reasoning. Nobody can read emotion or inflection in text, so I urge you to keep this in mind when interacting with others.
Additionally - we're all of various writing and "tactical" skill levels with a very diverse background of talents. Leverage each other's talents, don't bring others down because they can't necessarily do something precisely how you do. That being said...IC is IC. If you fancy yourself a rebel, rule breaker, or general pain in the side, expect to be dealt with accordingly. We don't have an official IC set of "military rules", but I'm sure we're all adult enough to understand what is and is not acceptable. If you don't know, ask somebody...but the second you put it out there IC. It's a done deal.
I'm looking forward to writing with all of you - the general excitement and enthusiasm I have seen from ALL members of the military during this reorganization process has been nothing short of exemplary. I'll do what I can to fight for your interests and keep things fun around here as long as you'll help me. If you have an issue with another member of the military, please try to handle it yourself before involving others. The Faction Owner and Administrators are more than willing to step in if necessary, but I'd like us to get in the habit of trying to mend our own wounds.
It's been said countless times and in countless places...but this really is OUR faction. This military can be as awesome or as not-awesome as you desire. I'm always available for feedback/opinions/suggestions. I may not always agree or do what you want, but I will always listen and strive to understand your points.
I make more mistakes than any human on the planet (seriously), so I understand when others do the same.
Bust 'em.