Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Impressions

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

On the Red Raven world of Antecedent in a night club known as Kingdom, an agent of the Red Ravens waited in a booth in the VIP section of the club. Bored and sadly not drunk the agent known as Patricia Susan Garter was awaiting the arrival of one [member="Zerrene Torran"]. The woman had expressed interest in joining the Red Raven criminal syndicate and so the newly minted agent of the Ravens was sent out to get the girl and show her the ropes of what it exactly meant to be one of them. Is wasn't very hard at all, just a few questions to see which avenue of work she was interested in and to test her proficiency in said subject. Even if the woman didn't show there was another reason for Patricia to be here, as of late a lieutenant in the raven organization was becoming a bit too hungry for his own good. He needed to be taken care of appropriately, this was an opportunity for Patricia to get some much needed information if she could.

However she was confident the woman would show, Patricia had sent her a holo message with the name and address of the club. It wasn't exactly hard to miss or anything, she could find the club and they could get to talking about what exactly this woman was good at. Lifting up her hand she called for a waitress and ordered a cocktail of some kind. This night would prove to be interesting.
Zerrene pulled out her holocommunicator and checked the address of the club. Yup. This was it.
The Chiss entered, looking for the woman that had sent her the message. She spotted her in the VIP section, and quickly made her way over, the bouncer letting her through with a nod, sliding into the opposite side of the booth.
"You must be [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]. I'm Zerrene."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Zerrene Torran"]

Patricia pulled on her tight red dress and took a cocktail from a waitress who had set it down. She smiled and gave the girl a tip, she then took a sip from the fruity beverage and sighed happily. It had been way too long since she had a drink, though it was probably best that she had abstained due to the whole possibly pregnant thing with her ex fiancé's child. But at this point she felt she was entitled to at least one drink. Waiting the woman saw her new Chiss friend come to the booth to sit down in front of her and speak.

"I am indeed Patricia Susan Garter, it's nice to meet you Zerrene." Patricia smiled at the woman in d cheerful manner and moved on to the matter at hand not wanting to waste either of their time.

"So Zerrene, I'm going to just get right into it." She said taking another sip from the fruity drink.

"What brings you to the Red Ravens and what set of skills do you have that we can benefit from?" She asked the blue woman with general curiosity. She needed to know these things, it was her job to know.
Zerrene's Force sense gave her a good read of this woman, and she liked her so far, but the Chiss still had to prove herself.

"To be honest, I met your leader, Cryax. He told me enough to be interested, and I heard more good things, so here I am."

"As for my skills, I am a trained master of assassination and espionage. Give me a target, be it a person or information, and I'll take care of it. I'm not much good in a straight-up fight, but I can sabotage and pick-off the enemy."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Zerrene Torran"]

Patricia smiled at the woman when she said she was a master assassin and a expert at espionage. The woman could have schooled her for days on battles and operations she had been on with the republic. She had served on Manaan twice against the original sith empire and had fought everything from Stormtroopers to Yuuzhan Vong and everything in between. The tiny five foot two agent took another sip of her cocktail and set it to the side. It's fruity flavor and low alcohol content lingered on her pallet

"An assassin you say. Well surly you must be well versed in the field of death and stealth. Tell me how many operations have you been on and how many years of experience do you have working in this particular line of work?" She smiled at her again and took another sip. She wanted to know just how competent this woman was, the last assassin who had joined up wounded up getting hurt badly by targets that were to big for her. Mandolorians in specific
"While I was a slave, my master put me through. . .intensive training and missions. I've been killing and spying since I was thirteen, however my memory of the specifics are. . .fuzzy. My master would erase my memories of him before the mission, restore them, and then erase the memory of the mission itself to ensure I could not betray him. And yes, that is as painful as it sounds."
Zerrene winced at the memory of her master, rubbing at the slave collar scars covering her neck.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Zerrene Torran"]

Patricia typed a few notes into her data logger recording every word that was being said. She had to compile a report for the boss and she certainly was going to be completely accurate with her report. Typing a few more things into the Browncoat device she set her cocktail to the side and then gave the woman an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry about what happened to you. I'm sure we can put your experience to work." Honestly she didn't care about her sad story, the woman was a monster. She was free from her master now and she could of made up for previous sins, but now she was here looking to kill more for money. The good part of Patricia didn't much like that but to each their own.

"Can you tell me how Cryax Bane contacted you and how you both met? I need to make sure you are legit, I hate liars." She said trying read into the woman a bit more
"I met him at a spaceport near Narr Shaddaa. Apparently, he was surprised to see a Chiss there and extended an offer to join when I told him a bit about myself."
Zerrene glanced around the club, checking once more for suspicious activity. Nothing again, but one could never be too careful. She turned her attention back to Patricia.
"After spending some time freelancing, I decided it was about time to take him up on that offer."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Zerrene Torran"]

Patricia smiled at her new comrade and nodded her head, the story sounded legit and Cryax was the type to get more Chiss into hi little banana republic. The low coursing music from the club played and it was time to make sure this person could do the job she was asking for. There was a lot of fanboys of the ravens in the local systems that claimed they could quick scope a fly from a mile away. Those people really sickened her. She looked over at the Red Raven Liutenant who she was marked to take down and shrugged.

"Are you armed? If so with what?" She asked the chiss woman in front of her. It would be an challenge to kill a man in a crowded club without anyone knowing. Well at least for an amateur

((Remember to tag me in your posts lol))

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Zerrene Torran"]

A line set in Patricia's face and she stared down at the lowly knife, really? She had been an assassin for years and all she carried was a simple vibro knife. Patricia tried to seem disappointed but it was really hard, she had a lot of work ahead of her when it came to the field of combat readiness. Even now Patricia was packing enough to get her out of most sticky situations.

"Please don't tell me that's it." She said to her blowing a bit of hair from her face.

"I've got two Czerka machine pistols, poison, and a phrick knife. If you want to work with the ravens you need to learn to be armed at all times. We have a lot of weird crap go down often." The woman made her point across then took another sip from her cocktail.

"I need you to do a job but you need the proper gear"
Zerrene smirked.
"I knew I was gonna like you."
She pulled out two blaster pistols and a thermal detonator, and set those on the table as well.
"Never reveal all your cards the first hand."

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Zerrene Torran"]

Patricia gave a tactical assessment of the woman and shook her head, she was packing all wrong. Always pack for the situation for those you can see and not foresee. For instance if the woman were to walk through a weapons scanner she would lose those pretty weapons and be left with her fists. Which that's not all bad but it's nice to have a few weapons on you. As for Patricia she carried a concealed weapon that could get past weapon scanners and systems and look pleasing to the eyes.

"You want to carry hidden weapons as well. Always, at all times. There's a target over there right now where that stuff will be useless. We don't want to start shooting in a club on our own home planet but we want to make sure the target is dead without leaving traces of blood." Patricia reached into hair and pulled out two pairs of hair sticks.

Setting them down she slid them to the girl and spoke softly

"Mother of pearl hair sticks. Loaded with poison, can get past security in a breeze and is one hundred percent deadly."
Zerrene raised an eyebrow and picked up the hair sticks, turning them over in her hands.
"Alright, I'll admit, I'm impressed." She admitted.
"And, using rather obvious logic, I've assumed you want me to demonstrate me skills."
Zerrene smiled cruelly.
"Who's gonna die, tonight?"

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Zerrene Torran"]

"Winner winner chicken diner." Patricia said keeping a close eye on the chiss in front of her.

"Don't look, there's a man behind you five foot ten human with the mohawk on his head painted blue. He's wearing a grey suit with a white shirt. Take him out without alerting people in the club of his death. That means minimal blood and no guns." Patricia gave her orders and expected the woman to either get up and do it or ask for more information. The guy was a real scumbag and she wasn't going to lose any sleep over his death.

"You can take my hair sticks, just make sure to stick him with the pointy end to inject the poison." The woman was a pro at her job and she had a lot to teach this girl about being an agent. She had not received formal classes by an agency and Patricia would be sure to pass down her knowledge to the woman. And to take her on a shopping spree to buy her much needed gear

Hair sticks:
Zerrene twirled the sticks in her hand, the smirk still on her face.
"I'd ask who he is or what he did, but to be honest, I don't care. All that matters is that you've marked him, and now he's dead and doesn't know it."
With that, the Chiss got up from the booth, put the pins in her own hair, and entered the crowd, faking a smile and moving to the beat of the song playing.
She searched the crowd for her target as she danced, finding him near the edge of the throng. Too easy.

She caught his eye after a moment, extending one finger and curling it in a come hither motion. The man smiled and made his way over his eyes ogling her exposed blue skin. He began dancing with her, and Zerrene got very close to him, almost touching him, but not quite. He smiled lecherously at her, and she couldn't help but feel repulsed, but she kept dancing with him.
She took the pins out of hair, letting it flow down her back, to the human's delight. She draped herself on him and locked lips; he responded fiercely. With her right hand, she jabbed his wrist with the hair pin, injecting the poison directly into his bloodstream; he was too focused on their kiss to feel anything.
She led him to the bathrooms, feeling him getting weaker and weaker in her arms. By the time she dumped him in a stall, he was dead.

Zerrene returned to [member="Patricia Susan Garter"], sat in the booth, and slid her pins over to her.
"How was that?" She asked, a sparkle in her eyes and a smile on her face, the euphoric rush of killing another still fresh.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Zerrene Torran"]

Patricia gave a firm nod over the death of the man, it was necessary and it had to be done. Taking her cocktail she polished it off and set the glass to the side. She took back her hair sticks and put them away, afterwards she smiled at the woman and decided she had what it took. A little rough around the edges but she could be molded into something decent.

Getting on her data logger she pressed a few buttons and swiped a few holographic images. Then the Chiss' comm unit buzzed and she would of received a message. Patricia then stood up without saying anything and began to walk towards the door. The place had cameras probably and while they probably wouldn't get charged with anything since it was a hit carried up from the brass. It was still good practice

The message read as so

You are decent, I like your attitude but you need work. Bellow is a list of gear and enough credits to purchase these items from the galactic market. Make sure you buy them, your current equipment will not cut it and you need cutting edge gear. Contact me when you are ready to work.

Agent pack

Buy from Browncoat arms



Buy from echo esprit

Buy from sinners clothing
Zerrene collapsed on the couch in her safe house, exhausted from the shopping spree after her meeting with [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]. All the gear and equipment would be delivered to her location by the end of the night; a few threats had made sure of that.
She quickly shot Patricia a hole; Done. Ready when the Ravens are.
Then she closed her eyes in sleep.

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