Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The world was a massive place and all of the work that they were doing for it, Matsu had spent the time witht he synthmesh while they were looking over many more of the things here. Developing new robes for the jedi wasn't an easy process but it was a process compared to many of the things they had been doing like constructing more equipment they could synthweave and develop into the robes themselves. THey had been developing a number of new equipment and treatments that would be getting used over it like the crystal overlay for the armor that would provide shadows with a strealth cloak, or the underlay of crystals here that was being used to develop the healing abilities. SHe had been working on more of the things that they had been setting up, she was looking at the flight suits for jedi aces as well when the display was showing the robes for the jedi healers themselves. The crystal underlay for healing, the synthmesh for protection and the healer gloves that have been developed to give an advanced library of medical knowledge.