Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Order: A Land After Time [Dominion of G'Rho]

Valessia Brentioch


Objective 1: Counter-Strike
Intelligence suggests that the Ssi-Ruuk have a military facility here, looks like they're gearing up for another raid into First Order territory. Get in there and shut this place down.
+ We need to keep this operation small, we don't want to let the Ssi-Ruuk to know that we're here.
+ We'll need another team to keep their lines of communications down and stay out of sight.

Objective 2: Hardline
Crimson ore runs wild here, the native P'w'ecks are guarding the veins for the Ssi-Ruuk. One of their kind has decided to turn coat and in exchange they want to run the area. Unfortunately, his position has been compromised get there and find him before the Ssi-Ruuk do.
+ Locate VIP and extract him
+ Eliminate hostiles

Objective 3: Darwin's Command
The Ssi-Ruuk run the planet, you have permission to engage at your own risk. Do what you have to and get out, First Order fleets will arrive shortly to begin construction of a military base and listening post here. (Bring Your Own Objective)

[member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Jaina Ventor"] | [member="Kad Forgrin"] | [member="Ara Ren"]
Objective Two: Hardline.
Post One.

An S90 MAAT exited hyperspace, followed by a dozen of the same class of ship. The First Order's Army had arrived at G'Rho. This was one of the last holdouts the Ssi-Ruuk had against the First Order, and A'sharad Graush would be damned if he should allow some bipedal lizards to further distract High Command from the more important war, the one that would take them East and into the Core of the galactic disk. Not only to keep a promise he had made quite recently actually, but to also wipe the Galactic Alliance from this very galaxy.

The victory at Kaeshana had undoubtedly spurned many of the stormtroopers that fought within the First Order. Many enlisted to fill the ranks. Revenge would be had, the crew of the FIV Wrath, avenged. Their future as a people secured. Or at least, that's how the Sith Lord had described it when he had met with the families of the White Wolves' officers who had fallen on that fateful day.

"Gather around," the Sith Lord said, holding his helmet in the crook of his elbow as the troop transports headed for the planet below. Stormtroopers gathered around, some of the best the former White Wolves Legion had to offer. Now, they were merely a remnant, less than a Legion, but enough to form two regiments, the 482nd Legion. His first unit having been secured under his command once again. Activating the holographic display, it revealed a map of the planet below, some locations colour coated while others remained blank. The pictures provided were gathered from high powered cameras and visuals from satellites and reconnaissance ships that had arrived at a earlier point. Some even provided by their target embedded in the mass of Ssi-Ruuk slave soldiers. "There is a large mine system down below. There are entrances here," he points, "here, here, and here," all situated at randomized locations. There were some points bookmarked on the holographic map, indicating the larger masses of slave soldier encampments.

"We'll have some forces engaging the larger encampments, drawing them off from our contact behind their lines. Platoons three through seven will be securing and holding our entrance and exit path," the Sith Lord explained. The High Marshal placed his helmet on the edge of the table. "Our mission is to locate and extract the VIP." Ssi-Ruuk scales were quite capable of deflecting and resisting blaster fire. "Most of our units have been kitted with sonic weaponry and masers. Orders are to hold fire until I give the order. Understood?" All around the room, the stormtroopers present saluted with a chorus of 'Yes sirs' before they too placed their helmets on their heads and got into position as the transport ship broke through the atmosphere and descended to the landing point, followed by nearly a dozen other ships of the same model.

[member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Ara Ren"],

[OOC]: Tagged those who showed interested in going to the same objective. Feel free to be on the same troop transport as A'sharad as he gives the briefing. :)
Objective Two: Hardline.
Post: I

For Rexus Wenck and the Gundark Gunners, Kaeshana had been a baptism of fire. Most of the troopers who had survived the battle, did so barely. Most were now cybernetically enhanced, armed with robotic arms, legs, and in some cases both. None personified this more than Rexus Wenck. Now a Captain in the White Wolves. Armed with his new unweildy chromium kit as an officer, Rexus walked over to the briefing table and watched the briefing go by with the Marshal. His helmet was underneath his arm. The new kit was a nice change to be honest. As cool as it was of course to knock about in stormtrooper armour, something about the recognition of being something greater was welcomed.

Rexus raised his hand, "Quick question guv," The stormtrooper drawled, "What's the go with the outside duty?" he asked, "Say things go tits up, do we blow the joint?" he asked, "Or are we anticipated to jump down there after you lot?" The idea of having to crawl through more claustrophobic shafts didn't appeal to the cyborg. He'd watched a horror movie 'bout that once. Guy bloody ate his best friend and then turned into a weird freaky monster thing."If you ask me, I reckon we should bloody blow it all to hell."

[member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"]


OOC Writer Account

Agent Totallex
G'Rho, Raid Camp
Objective: #1

Jaina keeps her weapon shoulders; Some antiquated blaster from a time long passed to the galaxy. Emerald Spheres cast a glance over the shoulder to a shadowtrooper cloaked in the same manner as the heroine. Jaina stands between a pair of indigo transport craft that the young Agent concludes were to be used as the principle means these saurian creatures would use as their means of harassing First Order space. With a war on the horizon, this is simply unacceptable hence why Skull Unit has been sent ahead of the fleet to murder an infant proposal in its crib. Gallows finishes with arming the discrete albeit powerful explosive charge beneath the craft's fuel tank. "Skull-alpha this is skull-one. We're moving to the next target, over." Jaina and Gallows quickly dart across the round landing platform, to take shelter between another pair of open-mouthed dropships. Certainly not of native design as they used fuel and not the energy of organics for power.

"Skull-one this is skull-alpha; After completing objective alpha, proceed to objective bravo and disable washers, over." Mairon glances over to Tek who is busy carefully pouring some corrosive acid over fibre-optic cables of some description to prevent hard-line comms with surrounding facilities from outside the Ruuk base. The staggeringly brilliant Trooper gives Mairon a glance. "Don't worry about the dish sir, I'm sure Ventor can disable it from inside." He attempts to reassure his apprehensive team leader who for once appeared to doubt their combined skill could accomplish their mission, then again Tek does consider the sheer amount of whistles that were around. Once they got the communications offline entirely they could go loud and level the place if they chose or call in reinforcements. Mairon slides down into the road-side ditch beside the cloaked Tek and peers up over the crest down the road leading into the base. "I know Tek, just keep on doing what you're doing." The Stormtrooper veteran replies with a soothing calm certainty, unphased by the ambition of their objective. "Skull-alpha this is skull-one, wilco out." Jaina's reply comes quickly and without remorse, Mairon thought to praise her after completion of the mission, Gallows and her worked well together. Although largely because Gallows is content to follow behind Ventor who he respected for her skill, and Ventor begrudges Gallows for his competence though she would have little patience for any additions.

[member="Kad Forgrin"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Samka Derith"]
As the breeze blows past my skin, so too shall I slip their notice.
As the sun warms my skin, I am reminded of the warmth of others.
As I go about my hunt, I must maintain balance.
The wills of my flesh desire physical carnage; to lay ruin to my targets.
The wisdom of my mind reminds me that these creatures, these sentients, are just like me.
They desire to live, to experience, to conquer, just the same as I.
The kill must be quick, efficient and not drawn out; the same I would wish to be done unto me by a predator.
The Golden Rule, according to Koshka.
Koshka sat criss cross apple sauce upon the nice niche of hill he had found close to his landing spot. The golden plains stretching out before him were bathed in the golden light of a setting sun. A pleasant breeze greeted him in this already nice climate. It was peaceful; so very peaceful. He couldn't help but to take the opportunity and meditate, for his task ahead would be trying.

A limited time bounty had been posted for Ssi-Ruu on G'rho. It would be a 3 day fiesta of slaughter for many across the globe. Koshka might have felt a twinge of sadness, had it not been for the Ssi-Ruuk's violent history of invasions and using captured sentients to power their technology...

The sun was touching the horizon, heralding the eventual arrival of night. He raised himself up from the soft dirt and mild amount of grass and dusted himself off. The air would most likely get a little colder, but the heat of battle would take care of that for certain. He grabbed his hunter's pike and crept forward into the tall grass. It would be a good hike until he reached the outpost.
Location: G’rho
Objective: 1
Post: 1

Eagerness. Anxiety. Those and more feelings waged war in Zmej Ren’s gut as her helmet blankly stared at the black silhouette in the distance. Spying on the magnified image without saying a word, the disciple mentally weaved numerous possibilities of approach. She knew several other teams chased after the same goal. After all, they were mere cogs in a massive, unstoppable machine – their success depended on coordination and team work. Drawing in deep breath through the mask’s filters and filling her lungs with sterile air, the disciple of Ren furrowed her brows upon spotting two smaller silhouettes stalking the plains far away, characteristic saurian shapes leaving no doubt about their allegiance.

She wasn’t there when they first hit the First Order. Guilty of having been safely hidden away with all other young trainees when the Ssi-ruuk attacked, Zmej looked forward to her first date with the saurian race, hoping it to be a bloody experience for the overconfident lizards. Part of her regretted not joining the defence alongside her brothers and sisters, thus the disciple of Ren greatly cherished the opportunity to deliver a painful blow to the Ssi-ruuk plans. Not only for the sake of retribution; hungry for the Supreme Leader’s attention, the blonde disciple of Ren strived to impress, present her success on a silver platter alongside the military facility’s fall. Indeed; Zmej Ren radiated eagerness, her intentions shamelessly betrayed by the Force and it spilled in all directions. No amount of self-control could stop the sensation burning in her heart. Desperately craving glory and fame, bent on carving her family name into history books, Zmej was willing to do anything in order to fulfil the Supreme Leader’s commands.

Just like her father. If only he could see her riding the waves of victory. She might have failed as a woman, yet none could deny Zmej’s sheer devotion when it came to the Ren and enforcing the Supreme Leader’s will as her plate boots marched from one successful mission to another. Only seventeen and already a highly valued asset, responsible for several crushed Jedi and countless enemies of the state eating dirt, the girl had a bright future ahead of her, one she actively pursued. Armed with her new-found confidence, the disciple’s ambition continued to grow, relentlessly pushed forward by the memento of her father.

But Zmej wouldn’t lead the operation. The honour fell to another. At first she felt irritated when the information’s been relayed to her, hoping the fool would perish in the ensuing fight. Upon learning of her superior’s identity, such notions quickly left the disciple’s cold heart. Although envious still, it would be a lie to say the young Ren failed to recognize her fellow sister’s abilities. Admittedly, [member="Samka Derith"] was more than worthy of respect, her accomplishments spoke volumes of the knight’s skills. If nothing else, it gave Zmej an excellent chance to learn from the knight – even if the blonde found Samka’s dyed hair distasteful, but such feelings could easily be attributed to the disciple’s conservative views.

As usual, the dark disciple wore the treasured plate armour and kept her appearance hidden behind impenetrable layers of metal. A hooded robe darker than the night’s sky adorned the armoured figure’s shoulders, cascading all the way down and stopping above the woman’s ankles. In a machine-like fashion, the expressionless mask turned to face the fellow Ren.

“I’m looking forward to observing your work, sister,” stated the disciple’s distorted, monotone voice in a mechanical whisper, “What is the plan? Are we to capture or destroy the facility?”

[member="Jaina Ventor"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Kad Forgrin"]

Mishel Kryze

Mishel had not been there when the Ssi-Ruuk came, she had not seen the carnage and not experienced the raid on Virgillia. Nor had she been there in the Bastion when the scaled-folk came through with their weapons. She was taught of this event, taught by her father of what transpired and knew that today was a day for retribution. She felt [member="Zmej Ren"]'s eagerness through the force and thought nothing of it, indeed today would be a day filled with such eagerness. Not for Mishel however, as her programming kept her on the goal at hand.

The Scion of House Kerrigan stood not to far from her sisters of Ren. She could see in the distance the same saurian shapes that Zmej had seen. Her eyes took to memory their forms, their silhouettes faded from view and she turned to survey the rest of their surroundings. It was Mishel's first true mission, and with steady breath she began to pace. Restless, this is what she was becoming as hidden beneath the visor of her helmet laid burning orange eyes that hungered for blood. By choice, Mishel was here she wanted to show to her brothers and sisters that she was more than they had seen thus far. She wanted to show that their father had done right by selecting her as one of their own. Impatient, she was growing impatient but she would heed Samka's words and like Zmej she waited for details of their plan to unfold. And so she too turned to [member="Samka Derith"], awaiting instructions.

Objective 1: Counter-Strike
Post 1
Obj I
Post I
Callsign < Nomad Actual >

FIST Fireteam < Nomad > was deployed to assist in the disabling of the Ssi-ruuk military facility. A clandestine operation in cooperation with FOSB Shadow troopers and Knights of Ren. Sergeant Forgrin was instructed to disable and eliminate all threats within the facility with the primary aim of securing the building for the First Order. Good idea. It'd be more productive to reposses it rather than outright destroy it.

Kad led 3 more men behind him. First Order born and bred. He did not know what their opinion of him was - a former One Sith marine and a mercenary. The sergeant did not want to know. It was still hard for him to fit in the super rigid atmosphere of the First Order. These men here were more gentleman-ish than spartan as he noticed in the military ball. They were not as 'salty' as One Sith soldiers were.

That, of course, did not make them any less soldiers or warriors.

Just different.

:: Skull Units, this is Nomad Actual. How copy? :: When they would acknowledge, he would proceed. :: Skull Units, this is Nomad Actual. Nomad One is in position to breach. Repeat. Nomad One ready to breach. ::

Down in the sewers, donning camouflage coated stormtrooper armor that changed color to match the background, fireteam Nomad awaited the signal from the Skull units that comms are down and that the FIST shocktroopers could safely blow the hatch and infiltrate the facility.

[member="Jaina Ventor"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Zmej Ren"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Mishel Ren"]
Objective 3: Darwin's Command
Post 2

Drop Zone: Essex-Leicester-Manchester

Lt. Ranulph Tarkin and his men, a platoon of shield-bearers, equipped with blasters on their lower back and blades on their sides. Tall grass made for varying shades of green and yellow, they swayed in the wind as the men armed with shield and sword kept low to the ground. "There's a shield generator ahead, our job is to get in and shut it down, from there we move to tap into their communications it'll give our boys and girls on the Counter-Strike up to date intel on enemy movements."

"Right, and we're gonna make a lotta noise, let dem bloody scales see what they're dealing with," Sgt. Abrielle Viramontes remarked drawing the men's attention, she'd been in Victoria during the Siege. Revenge was going to be sweet today, the platoon was ordered to spread out and lay low. While the goal was to distract and create noise, they did not want to make any unnecessary noise or get caught before they were ready.

The outpost seemed crude to the Imperials and it only made their lust for retribution greater. First Order fleets would be inbound soon enough to construction bases and listening outposts, early warning systems so that the Siege of Dosuun would never happen again. Sgt. Viramontes was down on one knee - looking, monitoring through her macros to see the patterns of the scales. "Patrols come by at a ten minute time, defensive turrets - look automated from here. We'll be cut down by them if we try for a full on assault."

"We'll need grenades to cut through, or we find a way to shut them down from the inside." Ranulph thought aloud, "Corporal Strovenko, you and your men enter through the back here. Find the automated systems and shut them down, Sgt. Viramontes will be on your six with her men."

"Right then, let's get to work," the Sergeant called and motioned for her squad to follow, Corporal Strovenko and his fireteam followed up after them. They kept their approach low and slow, while Ranulph looked on from the drop zone. "Once they've dropped the defenses, we'll go in by the front draw attention that way."


OOC Writer Account

Agent Totallex
G'Rho, Raid Camp
Objective: #1

Jaina's emerald spheres cast left and right with Gallows' cloaked body acting as a shield for her smaller body, protecting the woman with a Megablaster; Testament to the former flametrooper's strength is with the apparent ease he moves it. As if it were a normal blaster rifle to him; Gallows' weapon featured no tripod and was removed by the brolic Agent for ease of carrying. Jaina's hands carefully peel the square durasteel panel off of the wall. Musing outwardly for a second in the vacant hallway, identifying the correct cable she needs to connect the slicer too. "Why don't we just destroy the dish at the top of the tower now that we've severed the hard-line connections?" Ventor pauses in her typing and steadily looks over pauldron towards him with a concealed 'really' look, the answer is obvious to her.

"I suppose command might think it prudent to capture and exploit this facility, the weight of explosives to destroy the dish also exceeds that of this slicing equipment which can provide a non-destructive result although still disable the Dish." Jaina stands with Gallows listening silently both to Lex's explanation and for trouble, it is unusually quiet though not quite so when one considered they were still not compromised or at the very least ostensibly so. A message carried on a foreign voice speaks into her ear canal; Odd, considering she'd never heard this man's voice before albeit he had access to their secure channel and used a First Order callsign for what she understood were Stormtrooper Pathfinders of some description. Jaina shifts the Dish's focus point out of alignment with the communications satellite and forces it to an obtuse angle, the cacophony and screeching of metal spread for hundreds of meters as the Dish's locomotors finally give and snap. The lizards down in the Generator room were probably going to be reduced to ashes in a moment; Jaina changes the programming to identify it as a sub-station. Short-circuiting the equipment down there. The lights across the base flicker white before returning red; Emergency Generators.

Gallows give a respectful 'hmp' at the woman's tinkering. "I'm impressed Lex." The two Shadowtroopers begin making their way to the Sniper Position they'd previously identified from the Officer Commanding's villa. Jaina could use it to kill any lizards who attempt to attack the second team or NOMAD when they attempt to breach. "Nomad actual this is Skull-one, Standby to breach on my Mark. Estimated Time; Two minutes, over." Jaina holsters her DC series blaster in right thigh rig before reaching over shoulder and drawing a Vibroblade, predatory gaze fixes on the Commanding Officer's two door guards. "You take the one on the left Gallows." The instruction is simple, the two red-scaled Saurian creatures distracted, communicating with one another and in the darkness do not notice the two nigh invisible spectres of Death wafting towards them with hymning cold steel in hands. Elsewhere Mairon and Tek laid on their bellies amidst a number of corpses at a cleared guard outpost,explosive charge placed on door. Waiting for Lex but to give the word.

[member="Kad Forgrin"] [member="Zmej Ren"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
Post 1​
Objective 1: Counter-Strike​
Immediate Allies: [member="Mishel Ren"] [member="Zmej Ren"]​
Operational Allies: [member="Kad Forgrin"] [member="Jaina Ventor"]​
Location: Ssi-Ruuk shuttle approaching military base​
She'd paced restlessly with her arms folded across her chest behind the pilot droid steering the shuttle down onto the planet G'rho. The shuttle had been captured fully in tact by an Imperial Star Destroyer just hours before. After a quick data scrub to ensure safety, the vessel was turned into a Trojan Horse for the Knights of Ren. They appeared to be arriving without incident. Every so often to console would buzz and the sharp whistles and clicks of the Ssi-Ruuk would come from the coms. Their droid, fluent in the tongue of the aliens, would respond in kind then usually reassure her in basic afterwards. "This is standard procedure." or "Excellent. We'll be arriving shortly, Mistress."

Samka nodded. As they approached the military facility things seemed completely calm. No klaxons, no rapid mobilisation of any kind. Perhaps the droid was correct and things were proceeding smoothly. It looked as though her presence in the cockpit was no longer required so she turned and marched back to meet with the others. Her companions for this mission: Mishel and Zmej Ren. She could see both girls were gazing out the window as she arrived.

"Ahem," the Knight cleared her throat to bring their attention to her as she walked in. She nodded at Zmej's question, "Today we strike a critical blow at our lingering enemy, the Ssi-Ruuk." She spoke with formality. Her eyes shifted between both women though they both had shielded their eyes from view beneath combat armour. For Sam, she found heavy armour too restricting yet she had relented to wearing light combat armour for a change with a basic helmet covering her hair but leaving her face clear. "We believe this facility is a striking point for another offensive to come," she continued the mission briefing. "the Ssi-Ruuk threat has been neutered but recent tensions with the Galactic Alliance have pulled our military thin. The last thing we need is another assault by these creatures while we battle the Alliance. We are here to wipe out this base and prevent such an attack ever occurring. As we speak, others are silencing communications which means they cannot communicate from afar. We are to ensure they can't send a messenger somewhere else for support once they realise they're under attack," Samka explained as their shuttle crossed into the Ssi-Ruuk hanger. "Which means, one way or the other, no one leaves the hangers."

"We are going to be inspected by two Ssi-Ruuk soldiers in the next few minutes, Mistress," the mechanical voice of the droid pilot crackled in over coms. "This is another standard procedure for unexpected landings so nothing out of the ordinary. I do hope you have a plan though!"

"I'll take care of it," Sam stated to both the droid and the other Ren. "You know our mission, let me tell you why you should care." Sam's tone shifted from the factual voice she'd used before and into something more personal and emotive. "I've fought them off twice now. The first time was in our own home. They came to Virgillia, to the Bastion, with the goal of turning us into slaves. All of us. I stood alone in the archives as they tried to steal the thousands of years of knowledge our Order holds. I saw what they did elsewhere, at Skye and, worse, on Dosuun itself. They hold no respect, no understanding of what we are. They do not care. They think themselves our betters, our superiors, and expect some day for our Supreme Leader to bend his knee to them. They deserve whatever punishment you can think of inflicting today. However," her words turned to a warning, "for this stage, we are to be silent and there are to be no witnesses."

There was a banging sound at the door. The soldiers were here. "Wonderful timing," Samka smiled and allowed them in.

The Saurian figures entered the craft, poking their blasters around and sniffing the air inquisitively. Before the aliens could identify the humans inside, Samka reached out with the Force with two actions in quick succession. The first was to seal the shuttle door behind them, causing both soldiers to turn in surprise and confusion. The second was a powerful push of kinetic energy which lifted both Ssi-Ruuk off their feet and crashing into the shuttle's side.

The pair scrambled for their weapons but it was a fraction too late. The young Ren hadn't attacked them again physically but instead breached their minds. To turn a soldier in combat with Mind Tricks was rare, usually even the weakest minds in the galaxy had more drive than to allow themselves to be deceived in such a clear cut occasion. Thankfully, Samka knew from experience that the Ssi-Ruuk, with their blind, hive-mind allegiance were indeed that weak willed.

"If your weapons have a 'safety' mode, turn it on, please." the two soldiers fiddled with their weapons until there was a distinctive click. "Excellent work," she nodded at the two beasts. They looked dazed yet slightly pleased at her praise. "Now continue with your duties as though you never saw this shuttle," commanded and with that, the pair disembarked.

"As tempting as their deaths may have been, this way there's no missing guards to trigger suspicion," Samka explained to the other Ren. Then she gestured towards the shuttle doors, offering Zmej a cunning smile. "I hear promising things, Disciple. Things I would like to assess for myself. Why don't you lead the way for now?"

Next she turned to Mishel, while Sam was confident in the abilities of the blonde haired Ren, she wasn't so sure of the other. Mishel was strong, there was no doubt about it, Samka could feel it radiating from the girl even now. But Mishel had always acted vulnerable, even child-like in many ways. Samka wasn't yet sure if Mishel belonged in an operation such as this. But, she reminded herself that this is what Mishel was made for, literally. "Stay close," Sam ordered in her best firm yet kindly voice which turned into a whisper of barely contained excitement, "and together we'll kill them all."
Post 1
Objective 2
Allies: [member="Rexus Wenck"], [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Ara Ren"]

Kyrel stood in the briefing room with many stormtroopers, and with Sister Ren Ara Ren who he had only encountered a couple of times, and found slight displeasure with working with the young woman. He decided to tolerate her presence for the sake of carrying out the Supreme Leader's will with this mission. He had remembered the Attack on Virgilla and the defense of the Bastion of Ren. He had remembered those were his first days as a Disciple a reborn servant of the dark side, and also remembered that he had explored his new found sense of combat with his skills in both the lightsaber and force powers against the lizard beings known as the Ssi-Ruuk. He took great pleasure that day and now as a Knight of Ren he was here to take vengence against the creatures that dared to challenge the Ren.

He stood there his arms crossed as he heard the Sith's briefing, his breathing one of the sounds that were made besides the Sith Lord's words. Even though he expressed his disdain for the Sith within the ranks of The First Order, that did not mean he would deny the aid of those that worked within the First Order in the long run for the bid to claim their rightful place in the galaxy, so therefore tolerated it choosing not to question it. He did find the man to be quite charismatic as well as being strong in the force. He than saw a different individual, a stormtrooper there as well watching the meeting along with himself and his Sister.

After the objectives were discussed and sent out to the transports, Kyrel merely shook his head slowly as the trooper's comment of wanting to "Blow it all to hell" Was absolutely ridiculous because it completely went against the objective of getting the VIP pointless if he is dead. He than added in his commanding baritone sounding inquisitive as he spoke. "So While the troops are busy what will be our mission with my Sister Ren here?" He said patiently waiting for an answer.
Objective Two: Hardline.
Post Two.
[member="Ara Ren"]

It wouldn't be a military operation without [member="Rexus Wenck"] present, A'sharad imagined. He suppressed the urge to shake his head and ignore the newly promoted Captain. It appeared that he still enjoyed asking questions, seeming to miss the point that there wasn't time for questions. Lifting his helmet up from the edge of the table, within the next minute they'd be preparing landing gear. The Sith Lord's ebony helmet, caught the light, reflecting it in a way that made it seem the armour's painted finish absorbed it. Huh.

Turning his head to regard the appearance of the Stormtrooper, A'sharad shook his head.

"You've been under my command for some time, Captain Wenck." Always had they fought with each other, ever since A'sharad had begun leading the White Wolves. It wasn't a feeling of warmth that he felt for the Captain, rather, it was a feeling of camaraderie, if he was capable of such emotions. Battle after battle the upjumped stormtrooper had followed him into combat zones, no matter how ridiculous the approach was. This time it would be no different. "You will follow me into the breach that I create." He says, turning on his heel to hear what as presumably the metallic voice of [member="Kyrel Ren"] inquiring after his duties in the Operation.


Hardly true practitioners of the Dark Side. They were slaves to their Supreme Leader whose will that they executed. In his eyes, he saw them more as Dark Jedi rather than their own Order. But they fought on the same side. So he'd tolerate their existence, even if he didn't figure he needed them. The automaton before him was large, evidently capable of taking a beating. A stray thought of beating him into submission passed through the Epicant-Hybrid's mind, his cybernetic hand clenching as he exhaled through his nose.

"Your mission? We'll get to the VIP. Chances are he is not alone in his traitorous ways, there will be others out there, those we do not know with him, preparing to betray their own kin." There was a pause from the Sith Lord. Was there contempt in his voice for this mission? It didn't matter. "We only extract the VIP." Amber orbs burned brightly behind the visor. "The rest can perish." And that was when the ramp began to open.

The Dark Side of the Force was summoned to the Lord of the Sith, bent, twisted to his will, used as a tool to further his own wants and gains in the Galaxy, and his only drive in this word was War. The Ssi-Ruuk were a temporary distraction, more akin to a nuisance. The shuttle was landing relatively close to the mine entrance, heavily guarded, naturally. Some would think the High Marshal had purposely plotted their path through the largest concentration of enemy forces. He dropped out of the transport, and as the P'w'eck slave soldiers were alerted to their presence, they were vaporized with a blaster of the raw power of the Dark Side as the Sith Warrior charged ahead. Scales and flesh rended from bone as they turned to dust.

Breach created.

It was all up to the stormtroopers forces to follow him in, multiple squads already taking up positions outside as the ebony armour clad Warrior dove into the abyss.
Objective 3
Post 1

The wind whipped about Jaron's ship, the Prime Shadow. It was a good home for him as he traveled about scouting worlds for the Ren to take, or the First Order to subject under their banner. This was a world Jaron had not scouted for them, and so his mind was not focused on the mission as much as it was on presenting another opportunity for training. With the work that needed to be done in order build the military base and listening station, Jaron could think of a few skills which could come in handy.

His typical attire was worn for this outing as he did not go into a potential battle scene unprepared. Boots clanked along the walkway as he headed to where his disciple was waiting.

By her own measure she was progressing quickly. Jaron had assumed she would considering her training as a Jedi. The only barrier was when she still thought like one. He contemplated refusing her the old Jedi lightsaber she carried until she could break from that past entirely. His only served as a reminder of where he had begun. It was also the only part of Corellia he had with him. It served as a reminder of why he believed in the First Order as it existed.

"Come," he said as he walked to the loading ramp. The ship itself would remain cloacked, a security droid standing watch and ready to retrieve them if needed. "Today I'm going to show you how that crack in your shell can be put to good use."

[member="Kaalia Voldaren"]
Location: G’rho
Objective: 1
Post: 2
Around: [member="Samka Derith"], [member="Mishel Ren"]
Objective: [member="Jaina Ventor"] [member="Kad Forgrin"]

Excitement at the prospect of success started to rise once more, causing a slight, subtle tremble in the armoured disciple’s legs. In breathless suspense, she watched their metal coffin bring them closer to the lion’s den without arousing suspicion. Once the transport slipped in, it would be too late for the defenders. Attacked from inside and outside, slaughter would be unavoidable, success guaranteed. Zmej’s head turned her fellow disciple’s way, offering a quiet observation. Although the enigmatic helmet hid all facial features, there was no concealing the characteristic taste in the Force that positively revealed her as Mishel Ren. This would be the first time Zmej had a chance to see her sister in action, a much desired event after the brunette’s drunken escapade on Chalceon that had smeared her image. Perhaps, if Sieger Ren willed so, this mission would prove Zmej’s perception wrong and pain her sister in an entirely new light. In a way, it was no different from educating a child – and Zmej looked forward to shaping Mishel into a destructive tool on the Supreme Leader’s leash.

Following Samka’s explanation, Zmej nodded attentively and took her words in. The knight’s personal take on the saurians in particular proved more than enough to make the pale blonde’s blood boil with irrational anger. Just the thought of filthy aliens thinking themselves better than humans and trying to enslave the First Order sparked infernal flames to consume the patriotic Ren’s soul, sending her into a state of fury. Acting upon it would be foolish though, and Zmej had learned better. She was a fresh disciple no longer – after peeking into Darth Sidious’ personal work, reading about the power locked in anger, she had learned the value of controlling the feeling, no matter how tempted she was to unleash it upon the first lizard to get in her way. A barely audible crackle of knuckles could be heard when Zmej’s gauntleted hand curled into a fist, a good indicator of her inner rage.

Two lizards would have been her newest victims if not for Samka’s commands. Before the saurian patrol stood a chance at defending themselves or warning others, the knight was already inside their minds, the dark side’s corrupting influence working wonders and erasing all memory of this encounter from their heads. Like obedient slaves, the alien duo abandoned their original task and left the vessel without as much as exchanging a confused glance. Zmej’s lips curled into a smile upon witnessing the impressive display of her superior’s power.

It was something she aspired to for certain.

“As you wish.” Zmej replied upon being granted leadership, at least temporarily. She wasn’t one to take such responsibility lightly. The importance of leaving no witnesses and no trail of bodies was something that weighed heavily on her mind. Remaining aware of their surroundings at all times, too. Quickly sketching a plan to guide their actions in the next moments, the disciple fell into silence for a bit before speaking up again.

“We have the element of surprise on our side,” stated the armoured woman, “They do not expect an attack, much less one originating from within their very base. If we storm the command centre and armoury, anything of importance, it will send the enemy ranks into disarray once they find themselves attacked from all sides. To avoid detection, it will be best to evade Ssi-ruuk patrols entirely – the Force will show us their movement. If engagement becomes necessary though, our strikes must be merciless and swift.”

Although she would much rather charge into the enemy ranks and rip through their insignificant lives, there was something hauntingly beautiful in executing a plan that would lead to a perfectly orchestrated massacre. Her stomach burned with unexpected hotness as she gave it a thought while abandoning the ship. The first step out was a cautious one – her helmeted gaze scanned their surroundings for hostile lifeforms. Only one signature reached her senses. Not even a Ssi-ruuk; this saurian was of smaller stature, likely a slave providing maintenance, now the very definition of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Death would be a waste though; such rats responsible for keeping facilities functional contained a plethora of knowledge concerning the base’s inner workings. As such, the slave's appearance was a blessing.

Without a warning, Zmej’s gauntleted grip reached out, telekinetically seizing the P’w’eck and bringing the creature over to the ship. The alien wished to fight back, scream, but the dark side's crushing fist refused to allow either.

“Have it tell us everything about the base,” Zmej told Samka, referring to her earlier trick of mind assault, “The droid can translate.”

And then the P'w'eck would die.
Kaalia hadn't been on this planet before. She loved exploring new places, but this mission was no time for discovery. She was going to work together with her master, [member="Jaron Lesan"], on this mission, making sure the area was cleared for First Order forces to arrive. Along the way the redhead would be able to learn more about the connection with the dark side, something that had gotten much stronger since receiving mentoring from Jaron. She was waiting near where her master's ship would land, and made her way towards it as she saw it land.

Kaalia's attire was different from what she was normally seen in. No longer wearing dark grey robes in most situations, she now wore a black coat and black boots. Her sabers (x, x) could be seen clipped on a belt. The redhead felt empowered by the change of outfit, signifying a change in her being. The aura around her was darker, her posture screaming confidence. Would the woman have to be ruthless, then she would have no qualms about it.

As the Prime Shadow opened up to reveal her master, Kaalia nodded out of respect. "Your lessons have proven to be invaluable. I'm ready to learn more." The man that stood before her had helped her in ways only a fellow ex-Jedi could've cracking the shell created by the light to restrain her emotions. They now flowed more freely, which filled her with determination and power. The redhead made sure to not get overzealous however, knowing her power was still limited compared to many other practicioners of the Force. "What is our objective?"
Objective: 2
Post: 1

Ara leaned against the back wall of the room, energy rolling with a mixture of anxiety and fear that was present anytime she flew. It was less debilitating after her little flight from Avalonia to Virgilia with Connor and Talon, but still there, waiting to overwhelm her at the first sign of trouble. She hated to fly, hated to travel, but it was a necessary evil and so she dealt with it the best way she could, by powering through it.

Her new armor hugged her torso, the weight lighter than that of her accustomed robe, but the Armorweave and Songsteel reinforced garments offering a greater level of protection. Her regular half-mask covered her face from the bridge of her nose on, her eyes the only distinguishing feature. A belt with her personal saber hung from her waist, it’s presence and easy comfort to the disciple.

The one known as [member="Kyrel Ren"] was with them, in this meeting full of troopers and their leader, someone presently unknown to her. The holographic display lit up with maps and images of the mines they were to infiltrate. She nodded once as he handed orders out to the assembled units, noting the lack of hesitation in the affirmative answers and salutes offered. This was why she appreciated the soldiers of the First Order, they followed orders without question, without backtalk. They were the ultimate fighting force, unflinchingly loyal to the cause.

Well, except for [member="Rexus Wenck"] , one of the gentlemen she remembered getting smashed in the Jumping Rocket not long before. Her eyebrows crinkled in amusement, the matching smile hidden behind metal and vocalizer. She wondered how long he’d manage before the commanding officers felt it pertinent to retrain the trooper. With a mouth like that, she assumed it would be sooner rather than later.

Her gaze snapped to Kyrel as he requested details on their orders. She shook her head slightly at his gall but listened intently for the answer. Would they be advance scouts or follow the Sith Lord on his mission to extract the turn-coat?

Apparently, the Captain, who’s name she learned quickly was Wenck, would be joining them in the mines. She frowned and hoped that he spoke less with his helmet on than he did now, without it.

”Yes, sir.” She nodded once, adding her own affirmation to the mix as their mission was laid out simply. They would get in, extract the VIP, and get out. If they managed to leave a swath of mangled bodies in their wake, so much the better. If her bloodlust showed in her eyes, she hardly cared. This was what she trained and prepared for.

She grabbed the nearest handhold as they began to descend, her thirst for battle momentarily overwhelmed by her anxiety and the rocking of the ship. She watched as the High Marshall jumped from their ship, leaving a path of death and destruction behind. Sharing at a glance, she shook her head at Kyrel, her gaze saying more than anything that she was unimpressed by his flashy style.

She connected with the force, using the fear and anxiety bubbling within the strengthen the bond. Her hand easily gripped her saber, pulling it from its clip and preparing for war. The moment the shuttle landed, she took off, following in the man’s wake.

[member="Asharad Graush"]

Arlen Rossi

Location: Orbit over G'rho
Objective: 3 (Unit Development, BYOO)
Allies: [member="Kaalia Voldaren"], [member="Jaron Lesan"]
Opposition: Ssi-Ruuk

The First Order had plans to fortify G'rho with a dedicated garrison, but before that could occur, the former colony world had to be cleansed of its Ssi-Ruuk infestation. Deeming the very existence of the xenophobic saurians as a serious public safety issue, the Security Bureau deployed its agents to assist in pacification efforts.

Arlen arrived leading a small flotilla ahead of the main naval battle group to soften up the opposition for her military counterparts who were incoming with vulnerable fabrication platforms.
She had no experience fighting against the Ssi-Ruuk, but intelligence gathered from all previous engagements provided her with a wealth of information to prepare a plan of attack in advance of her entry into the theater. Their military strength revolved around their enteched drones and warships. She would then exploit their dependency on these spirit powered automata by disrupting their communication.

As her forces began to engage with Ssi-Ruuk drones from the surface, her ships would activate distortion projectors especially attuned to known frequencies commonly employed by the saurians. There had been additional modifications to use these jamming signals as vectors to induce instability within the drones. The air battle for dominance wouldn't last very long, as the now erratic drones were no longer in any shape to fight. They were methodically picked off by shipboard missile strikes and TIE Hunters acting as interceptors.

As this phase of fighting came to a swift close, Arlen would give the order for drop ships preparations for flight while her flotilla began shifting focus to SEAD operations against enemy surface emplacements. Once their air defenses were out of the way, she would give the green light for the airborne assault for the last phase of the attack. She didn't know the rules of engagement for the Ren already on the ground, but the Sith had given her men specific instructions to take no prisoners. A Ssi-Ruuk's greatest fear was to die outside their ancestral homelands, so she was going to give them thousands of good reasons on why they should never leave them again.
"You have to follow your own path."

Tal had learned, in a very short time, that The First Order was a military unit that meant business. He had just spent the last few months in training, learning how to the Order fought their enemies. He stood in the middle of a detachment of Stormtroopers, running a hand over the armor that covered his body. It was so restricting and he was sure it would only slow him down. Regardless he would adhere to his orders, under no circumstance would he remove the armor during a mission. He glanced down to the helmet which he had discarded to the side. That was another matter entirely, the helmet would only fog his vision and cloud his senses.

A true warrior must rely on his sense in the heat of battle, not these mechanical monstrosities. The young warrior mused, adjusting the comm device he had set in his ears. His orders came through the device loud and clear, there would be no prisoners today. It made no difference to Tal, so long as they put up a good fight.

Their shuttle rocked violently as it came over their LZ. A wild smirk came to the man's face as his hand tightened around the Vibrosword in his hand. He knew it was time to engage the enemy and he was more than prepared.

Silence....The shuttle touched down on the surface and for a moment there was only silence. As the loading ramp slowly came in contact with the ground scattered blaster fire could be seen erupting over the battlefield. The first line of soldiers charged out of the shuttle, discharging their blasters towards the enemy encampments.

After a few moments Tal too had rushed out of the battlefield, immediately finding cover behind a collapsed tree. His hand flew to his comm device as orders came in from his squad leader. "Move to take the right flank, watch for long-range fire!"

Tal vaulted over the fallen tree, immediately taking in the image of one of the reptilian creatures. It fired it's weapon on a nearby squad, completely unaware of Tal. The warrior charged forward, bringing his vibroblade up to spear through the alien's neck. As the blade connected a low screeching could be heard as the Ssi'Ruu's body twitched violently. Tal kicked the creature's base, forcing it off of his blade before glancing around to examine the battle field.

He chuckled softly as another of the creatures fired on his squad mate's, unaware of Tal's intention to terminate him.

[member="Arlen Rossi"]
[SIZE=11pt]Objective: 3 - Darwin’s Command.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Location: G’Rho - Drop Zone: Avalon.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Post: 1.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Captain Pharazon Draken and the entire 189th Grenadier Company had been clandestinely dropped into the misted forests of G’Rho ahead of the arrival of the task force. Pharazon and his two hundred stormtroopers surged through the forest and brush like wraiths, splitting the light mist and rending the foliage before them. The four platoons were heading for a sheltered rendezvous and staging point prior to carrying out their assault. As they arrived and came to a collective crouching stop, Pharazon and his Lieutenants sent forward several scouts with macrobinoculars to survey the hill before them from below in their forested and valley vantage point. The scouts fanned out through the undergrowth to observe their target as the company’s mortar teams set up their equipment and calibrated for range while the other troopers prepared themselves and their weapons. Blaster packs were checked and doubled checked, grenade launchers were calibrated for range, and the scouts looked through their macrobinoculars.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]There it was, up the wooded hill and through the miasmic mist, the object of their ire and their purpose for being covertly delivered to this planet before the main task force. A planetary defence gun, with a vantage point so as to defend this entire region of the planet from Imperial landing shuttles and orbital support. It was also an ideal spot to make an awful lot of noise and a rather large mess so as to draw attention away from the various covert ops on the planet in addition to the other necessary but above all diversionary operations being carried out by stormtroopers. The scouts sent their reports back, still observing the cleared hill and cannon, their scaly friends had anticipated an infantry attack on their installation, and had seen fit to both clear the ground and install defensive emplacements.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Lieutenants, to either take or destroy that position and both options require an assault on the hill, as per the scout reports the xenos have cleared the trees, this cannot be a surprise attack, by blood and durasteel we must advance” Pharazon said grimly but confidently over a private comm channel to his four lieutenants huddled around him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I need suggestions, first, how would you deal with the perimeter defences and anti-personnel likely automated guns, Cain?” Pharazon asked pointedly, voice fully of authority and fostering sincerity.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I would organise a concerted, concentrated, and consistent mortar barrage utilising all four of the company’s mortars to specifically destroy the guns and to suppress any defensive movements once that had been achieved” Cain offered firmly, clearly having prepared this tactic earlier.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I agree... once the main assault forces get close enough we can support the mortar barrage with grenade launcher fire to target and destroy any remaining emplacements, are there any objections to carrying out Cain’s suggestion?” Pharazon said, deliberate and calm, wanting his Lieutenants to flesh the plan out themselves are argue if necessary. Of course, if they did, Pharazon would plan the assault himself as they had little time to differ. However, the other lieutenants chimed in with their own agreement and in the case of Solarus and Lacroix minor suggestions and alterations that Cain accepted and integrated into his plan which he then shared with the mortar team sergeants, including 4th Platoon’s own Sergeant Hydros.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Secondly, thoughts on a unified attack plan, again I remind you we must be swift and brutal” Pharazon said simply.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]This time it was Lieutenant Lacroix of third platoon that answered. “I suggest a three pronged attack, Cain and Tauron moving up the centre and in turn covering the mortars, while myself and Solarus take the right and left respectively” she offered confidently. I do love seeing my own tactical habits reflected in my commanders [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Pharazon thought wryly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I agree” replied Lieutenant Solarus of first platoon. “While our objective is to distract the xenos Ssi-Ruuk they are as of yet unaware of our company's location and intentions, our assault should leave them no recourse and should assail them from all access points to the cannon, shock and awe… as it were” Solarus said, his privileged upbringing betrayed in his voice and near constant snide tone, but all who knew him could tell he was genuinely approving of the suggestion.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“The only additional element I would suggest is that we begin the barrage and assault simultaneously and that we do not begin before all platoons are ready just before the tree line, if they can respond before all units are fully engaged they can likely destroy us at their leisure with those defensive blasters.” Lieutenant Tauron of second platoon offered just after Solarus had finished speaking, slowly and methodically.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Noted Tauron, I will ensure it is done as I had planned that originally, we are in agreement then, inform your platoons, we hit them hard and fast, shock and awe is imperative, as is drawing a response, they must know from the second that we begin that we mean to take or destroy the cannon” Pharazon said, raising himself to his feet, tone commanding and imperious.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Minimal quarter shall be shown, I give you discretion to kill or take prisoners as the situation and your intuition demands, their incapacitated wounded are also subject to this order, we cannot [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]jeopardise[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] this mission, we take and destroy that cannon or we die, our orders are too important to be put at risk of Ssi-Ruuk deception”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Pharazon said darkly, he had not been involved in the attack of Avalonia, but many in the company had lost friends or family in the attack. Pharazon and the 189th were here for blood, and to prepare the ground for the full planetary assault. The lieutenants nodded grimly, almost approvingly, before moving off towards [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]their[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] platoons waiting within the woods.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The xenos filth will rue the day they challenged the Order Pharazon thought savagely as he dismissed the impromptu war council and readied his blaster rifle. Attaching himself to fourth platoon that had become his unofficial command platoon, Pharazon made ready for a front on assault into the likely literal jaws of the Ssi-Ruuk.[/SIZE]

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