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First Order Military Organization
First Order Army Command Profiles
Overall, the First Order Army is commanded by the Supreme Commander, followed by the General's Board.
Example: 1st Dosuun, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Battalion, Alpha Company, 3rd Platoon, 1st Squad, Fireteam 2.
First Order Stormtrooper Corps Command Profiles
The Stormtrooper Corps is commanded by the Supreme Commander followed by the Admiralty, and headed by a Commandant.
First Order Army Command Profiles
Overall, the First Order Army is commanded by the Supreme Commander, followed by the General's Board.
- Fireteam (5)
- Squad (15 = 3 Fireteams) - Led by a Corporal
- Platoon (60 = 4 Squads) - Led by a Sergeant & Lieutenant
- Company (240 = 4 Platoons) - Led by a Captain
- Battalion (1,200 = 5 Companies) - Led by a Major
- Brigade (5,600 = 4 Battalions) - Led by a Brigadier General
- Division ( 16,800 = 3 Brigades) Led by Major General
- System Army (168,000 = 10 Divisions) Led by Lieutenant General
- Sector Army ( 1,680,00 - 10 System Armies) Led by General
Example: 1st Dosuun, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Battalion, Alpha Company, 3rd Platoon, 1st Squad, Fireteam 2.
First Order Stormtrooper Corps Command Profiles
The Stormtrooper Corps is commanded by the Supreme Commander followed by the Admiralty, and headed by a Commandant.
- Fireteam (5)
- Squad (15 = 3 Fireteams) Led by a Corporal
- Platoon (45 = 3 Squads) Led by a Sergeant
- Company (270 = 6 Platoons) Led by a Lieutenant
- Battalion (1,620 = 6 Companies) Led by a Captain
- Regiment (4,860 = 3 Battalions) Led by a Major
- Legion (9,720 = 2 Regiments) Led by a Colonel
- Division (97,200 = 10 Legions) Led by a Major General
- Sector Corps (388,800 = 4 Divisions) Led by a Sector General