Asharad Graush
After the events of Val'Hala...
The Wolf's Maw had exited Hyperspace above the planet of Yalara to which A'sharad then disappeared for multiple hours with his Daisya Infiltrator and returned with the necessary prototypes for the First Order's Commando Armour. Extra secret. Back when they were still on Val'hala, A'sharad had made sure to give the Gundark Gunners some time off on the ship, but to be prepared on a moment's notice once they were orbiting Yalara again.
Now, A'sharad was back, several hours later.
Naturally, the Colonel expected them to be waiting, especially since he had made contact.
The Daisya Infiltrator went straight down to the planet.
Some distance away from the Yalara Citadel was the training field that they were going to be using. By the time [member="Rexus Wenck"] and the Gundark Gunners arrived at the testing field, they would've found the suits of armour waiting to be put on. Black. They didn't reflect the sun, no, based from their appearance it was more as if they absorbed the light rather than glinted off it. Such was the reflec polymer finish coating it.
The Wolf's Maw had exited Hyperspace above the planet of Yalara to which A'sharad then disappeared for multiple hours with his Daisya Infiltrator and returned with the necessary prototypes for the First Order's Commando Armour. Extra secret. Back when they were still on Val'hala, A'sharad had made sure to give the Gundark Gunners some time off on the ship, but to be prepared on a moment's notice once they were orbiting Yalara again.
Now, A'sharad was back, several hours later.
Naturally, the Colonel expected them to be waiting, especially since he had made contact.
The Daisya Infiltrator went straight down to the planet.
Some distance away from the Yalara Citadel was the training field that they were going to be using. By the time [member="Rexus Wenck"] and the Gundark Gunners arrived at the testing field, they would've found the suits of armour waiting to be put on. Black. They didn't reflect the sun, no, based from their appearance it was more as if they absorbed the light rather than glinted off it. Such was the reflec polymer finish coating it.