Briefing #1
For some of you, your Academy days are finally over. You've graduated. Congratulations! The hard work you've done has paid off and you're ready for your placement.
Others of you have a more varied background. Your track record is impeccable and your loyalty to the Supreme Leader and the First Order has been tested and been proven to be resolute. Welcome.
Regardless of where you originated, you are all in the same room together... The results of your aptitude tests have been submitted. It's the First Order Security Bureau for you. The attending superior officer in the conference room passes you and the other newly minted Agents and Field Operatives a datapad. The following information scrolls across the screen...
Welcome to the First Order Security Bureau. You have been chosen to join this division for a specific set of skills that you have displayed. Those skills will be put to use immediately and tested frequently. To better understand what your duty will entail and where your place will be within the organization, this briefing has been prepared. You may not have training or even talent in every area listed. However, over your tenure with the Bureau, you will need to become accustomed to each aspect of the Bureau's operation. You may gain new skills, you may continue to specialize in and develop those that you currently maintain. Learn how you can best serve and you will succeed. Coordinate with your fellow Agents and the Bureau will thrive. All for the glory of the First Order.
- Interim Director Sentiri
The introduction fades from the screen. Your name appears and your specializations are listed categorically. The names of your direct superior officers and handlers are also listed with a regimented report schedule. An icon flashes on and off and prompts you to select it. Doing so shifts the page to a dropdown menu of folders. You recognize some as the specializations listed under your name on the previous page. Others are unfamiliar to you...
In the information gathering business, there is no discrete method more effective than surveillance. Every camera placement, every listening bug, every mobile sensory vehicle, every keystroke recorder, and even simple sentry points with macrobinoculars fall under this designation. All of these tools are the pinnacle of subtlety among every operative. While some require infiltration and others merely require outside observation, every operative must be versed with the workings of proper surveillance procedures.
The number one priority for a field operative is being able to get behind enemy lines. Infiltration specialists may not always be operating in a warzone with more clearly defined enemy lines. They may also be infiltrating governments, businesses, or communities as undercover agents. While the priorities once infiltration has been successful change dramatically depending on the circumstances, the getting in part is what gets field operatives their job, and keeps them alive.
Information is useless if that information is false or purely speculative. The other branches of the First Order rely on the Security Bureau for accurate assessments and accurate recounts. Investigators seek to uncover information that was previously unknown or unfounded. Their methods are many and their reach is boundless.
Being of rather broad use for First Order operatives, interrogation tactics are of interest to all field agents, both for domestic and foreign purposes. Threats to the safety of First Order citizens is paramount. As such, the necessity for a full understanding of any situation is required. The first hand accounts of our citizenry as well are a prime source of information. No less important is being able to break down a criminal or an enemy of the state, either for information or for a confession.
The governments, businesses, and criminal organizations of the galaxy are constantly evolving. An undercover agent may get caught up in the evolution of that climate and, in so doing, gain a certain level of power of their own. That power might come in the form of a significant position, acquiring a significant sum of credits, or even just the respect of their peers. With this power comes influence. And with influence comes the ability to deconstruct, initiating strife, sowing the seeds of discontent. No enemy is safe from within.
It is no secret that the First Order has enemies. As long as there are detractors, there are those who would seek to question our authority. Some of these would go so far as to threaten our way of life, as well as the people we are sworn to protect. That does not mean that the people under the power of these individuals are themselves corrupt, they may only be misled. When the necessary must be done, sometimes an assassin is the best method to avoid the most bloodshed.
The enemies of the First Order are out there. And they are privy to the same methods as us. That includes their own intelligence agents, investigative operations, and infiltrators. Counterintelligence knows that these menaces are out there. And though they may never see their opponent in the flesh, our agents will be capable of subverting the efforts of the enemy. An Agent acts collectively by determining how much the opponent knows, defensively by thwarting attempts to gain access, or offensively by turning agents into double agents (under our control or unknowingly) and feeding false information.
Enforcing the laws that the First Order has put into place is a cooperative duty. All Agents assigned here will be working with, if they are not already members of, the Stormtrooper Corps to ensure the safety of our populace.
Massive amounts of data are transported across digital, holographic, and analog sources every second. A court record. A holobulletin. A communication between officials. Whether public or private, this raw data can be useful on its own for information gathering. This data can also be manipulated if the right sources are tapped in advance. Media specialists scour and slice datastreams for intelligence.
Every denizen of the galaxy has access to data. Datapads, computers, holodevices, transmitters and receivers. Whatever the input or output of this information, there is an access point, a point which can be exploited. The first test of a Cryptographer is their ability to gain the necessary access to this infinite data universe. But data can be manipulated; sometimes by the sender to protect the privacy of information, sometimes by the receiver to decipher such protected information. The second test is to exploit , to create coded information or crack the codes of others.
For such a technical division of the First Order, the proper developers are required. Whether the intent is better field equipment or computer equipment, all of the devices are filtered through the tech department. These Agents are also required to instruct other Agents on the proper maintenance for their equipment, as well as to repair and maintain any broad-use tech including but not limited to ships, vehicles, and server caches.
The most specialized of all, Re-education recruits their Agents separately.