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First Order Stormtrooper Corps
The First Order Stormtroopers are the unbreakable backbone of the First Order's elite army. Wearing stark white armour, equipped with the finest weapons and trained almost exclusively from childhood; the First Order's Stormtrooper have cultivated a reputation for their efficiency and ruthlessness. Modern First Order Stormtroopers are not dissimilar from their predecessors in that they are recruited as children although the method in which they are recruited is different; Parents are responsible for volunteering their offspring as potential candidates in exchange for tax breaks and other financial incentives. Children who possess robust genetics and the potential for a stature of at least 5'10" are the most likely to be deemed successful candidates and recruited into the Stormtrooper Corps. Human males recruited as children are disproportionately represented within the First Order Stormtrooper Corps and a child being accepted into the Stormtrooper Corps within First Order society, is typically viewed as a distinct honour.
Upon recruitment, the child's identity is erased and they all receive unit designations with the two letter prefix representing the Stormtrooper trainee's Corps for example "FN-####", "JY-####" or "HX-####" As a few examples. The First Order's Stormtrooper Corps' first instructors were "old-school" First Order Stormtroopers that was to say they were conscripted as children. The training doctrine of the original First Order is drilled into the new generation with modest improvements; Trained equally proficient in Conventional and Unconventional warfare. With the principles of determination, ruthlessness and initiative. Modern First Order Stormtroopers are some of the most dangerous troops in the galaxy, experts in all matter of tactics, strategy and weapons.
Upon recruitment, the child's identity is erased and they all receive unit designations with the two letter prefix representing the Stormtrooper trainee's Corps for example "FN-####", "JY-####" or "HX-####" As a few examples. The First Order's Stormtrooper Corps' first instructors were "old-school" First Order Stormtroopers that was to say they were conscripted as children. The training doctrine of the original First Order is drilled into the new generation with modest improvements; Trained equally proficient in Conventional and Unconventional warfare. With the principles of determination, ruthlessness and initiative. Modern First Order Stormtroopers are some of the most dangerous troops in the galaxy, experts in all matter of tactics, strategy and weapons.
First Order Stormtroopers are recruited from Human children between the ages of four-six years old with exceptions made for talented near-humans, juveniles as old as ten and even rarely adults. Stormtroopers recruited as juveniles have their names erased and replaced with an Alpha-numeric designation that includes their 'home' Corps. Not training children from birth saves the First Order funds raising children who have not developed the long-term or short-term memory required for the military training they will receive. First Order Stormtroopers are trained with a singular purpose - Serve the First Order and by extension the Supreme Leader's will. Stormtrooper training involves trust-building with one's teammates and as a result, they often use live ammunition and 'kill' settings on all their blasters. In addition, there exists a strong emphasis on uniform conformity. However, Stormtroopers who show streaks of independence and initiative beyond what is expected without wavering loyalty are often promoted to the position of NCOs and Commissioned Officers where they are permitted to use their increased creativity and independence in service to the First Order.
First Order Stormtroopers receive flash-training in their youth before moving onto more intense training; Live-fire war games, sparring practice, advanced first aid, basic cryptography skills, field craft, survival and anti-force user instruction are practised regularly. Their combat training is without peer and all First Order Stormtroopers can treat their wounded comrades with comprehensive first aid skills. In order to ensure their unswerving loyalty to the First Order and supreme leader. During training, they receive intense behavioural and personality conditioning which guides their psychological development. The First Order provides Stormtroopers with a steady flow of Imperial-centric propaganda to help reinforce their loyalty. Senior Stormtrooper Officers are responsible for monitoring their troops for signs of disobedience or irresolution.
Stormtroopers can further their military training by self-nominating for participation in a number of programs which produce Flametroopers, Heavy Assault Troopers, Riot Control Stormtroopers, Snowtroopers and Combat Vehicle Drivers.
First Order Stormtroopers receive flash-training in their youth before moving onto more intense training; Live-fire war games, sparring practice, advanced first aid, basic cryptography skills, field craft, survival and anti-force user instruction are practised regularly. Their combat training is without peer and all First Order Stormtroopers can treat their wounded comrades with comprehensive first aid skills. In order to ensure their unswerving loyalty to the First Order and supreme leader. During training, they receive intense behavioural and personality conditioning which guides their psychological development. The First Order provides Stormtroopers with a steady flow of Imperial-centric propaganda to help reinforce their loyalty. Senior Stormtrooper Officers are responsible for monitoring their troops for signs of disobedience or irresolution.
Stormtroopers can further their military training by self-nominating for participation in a number of programs which produce Flametroopers, Heavy Assault Troopers, Riot Control Stormtroopers, Snowtroopers and Combat Vehicle Drivers.