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First Passing Down Of The Dragon School Signature Technique [Dragon School - Training]

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]

Dusaro had reached a point in his training where Josh felt that he could be trusted to learn a skill that Josh had learned a long time ago, as a Padawan. It had been his signature skill for his entire Jedi tenure, and now... He felt it right to pass it down to his student. He'd decided indeed, it was time to make it a tradition and use it to teach the future of the Jedi to further hone their abilities. The Padawan would be called to meet on Kashykk, The Silver Jedi's new homeworld, in order to meet Josh on The Final Dragon. With no set Temple as of yet, the training sessions were now aboard the Dragon within it's training room.

And it was there that he waited, sitting cross-legged as per usual...
Dusaro's more recent training in the force had taken a bit of a shift. He was still training with sense related skills like he had mentioned to his Master before, but his focus in how he approached it had changed. In essence he was training his control over the force. Instead of trying to lift a heavier load with telekenisis for example, he would manipulate something smaller in more complex ways. It was a rather diffrent way of training but he was trying to explore, strech his legs in ways he had not tried. Dusaro was actually seeing some progress and not long after he had started seeing it, Josh had called him up to come to Kashyyk to learn something. It did not take Dusaro long to head on over and he would arrive five minutes early as always. 'Arriving on time means your late' was a motto of his.

Walking on into The Final Dragon and heading on into the training room, Dusaro would open the door if it was not locked and walk on in. "Yo, i have arrived." Dusaro said with a little bit of a bow, standing beside the door and waiting for Josh to speak.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
Dusaro was making progress, which was good. He was starting to make something of himself, and while some of the Silver's Masters were bugging him, he remained focused on one thing for Dusaro, and that was completing his training. It was one thing to be able to take a lightsaber and go fight in a war... It was another entirely to excel as a Jedi, excel as an individual. Josh was not training soldiers... He was training Jedi Knights. And a Jedi Knight Dusaro would be when Josh knew he was ready to be one.

He smirked lightly at the casual greeting from Dusaro, but shrugged it off. He had come to expect it from him by now and wouldn't change it even if he could.

"You're familiar with my technique, correct? The art of pyrokinesis?"

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
Dusaro did not have much of a thought on if he was 'ready' to be a Jedi Knight. It wasn't that he didn't think on it, but he was focused on training and getting better. Not reaching a goal as quickly as he could. Goals will come in time when they are ready. All Dusaro had in mind was to be as ready as he could for when the goal finally came into view. Though he did get a bit impaitent at times still sure, but mostly with himself more so then anyone else. Dusaro had already gotten out of the slump from before how ever, so his progress as of late was going smoothly.

"Yeah i do know it. I distinctly recall it from our first meeting too, little ball of fire that made a little explosion." Dusaro said with a bit of a nod. He had read up on it since then, it was a fairly intresting and neat power. Though fairly unused from what he could tell and to his surprise, Dus had not found many sith using the power.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
"Good. 'Cuz you're learning it" He spoke, with a cheeky grin. It was a rare moment where he was actually his normal, outside of training, jokey self in a training session. But Dusaro was at this point a late stage Padawan, he knew better to listen and to take what he was being told seriously, regardless of if Josh was strict or loose in how he spoke. Josh could afford to be himself here, he knew, he could trust Dusaro enough to do so at least a little bit.

The Jedi Master would out out an outstretched palm toward the wall. "This is a time where my advice to you before will come in handy. I instructed you before to learn how to use the Force both with calm, and with emotions. Something I originated years and years ago, was being able to use this power... Without anger. Without negative emotions. The key to it is you have to feel these emotions strongly" He would remark as a fireball would begin to charge in his hand.

"The Sith would use anger, frustration, hatred, to make this happen... For a Jedi, that's obviously not something you should do. Find a more positive emotion that you feel strongly about to hang onto... I use passion. Now, before you interrupt with your gasps and the like... I mean passion from a certain point of view. I am passionate about my job as a Jedi. I am passionate about my role as your instructor. I am passionate about being father to my son and husband to my wife. I am passionate about keeping this galaxy safe. My passion is not laden in selfish desire, mine is laden in desire for the aid of others.

If you're passionate about what you care about, it may come to you. If not... I'm sure you can find something. Considering our last session, this should be easy for you. Find it... And harness it. Feel it's heat. Take the Force as your friend, take it by the hand, reach out. The Force is not a plaything as the Sith would tell you... It is not a tool. It is a living thing. So long as you embrace it as your friend... It should come to you."

He would fire the charged fireball at the wall then, and it would explode into flames on contact.

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
Dusaro in general took training fairly seriously. Sure some of his relaxed comments and bodylanguage remained, but when actually applying himself and doing what he was told he would shut up and do what he was told and pay attention, even with his wry humorus remarks. Granted there were quite a few of those, but with several Jedi he had met so far if he didn't go overboard with them the conversation would become so bland and one dimensional he feared it might make a black hole.

"Something you feel strongly that isn't negative huh.." Dusaro found that a bit amusing. Not because he disagreed, just because Dus knew how the human mind worked when it came to emtotions and their strengths and that negative ones tended by far to be stronger. They also tended to be the most uncontrollable ones. Though he never really had that issue, but that probably had something to do with being raised by Mercs and as an Echani.

"No gasps from me." Dusaro said with a wry snort, making a bit of a bemused look for a moment before shaking his head. So something he himself could focus on, was it? "Mmm... Something that can capture my attention and is a strong emotion for me. I don't have any one particular emotion that stands out really. I focus and temper what ever i happen to be feeling at the time, i don't try to focus on any one thing." It wasn't that his desire to help and the like as a Jedi were not there, they were. But those were more desires, not emotions. But there was one thing that did stand out. There was something he had felt many times, something that had pulled him through hellish battlefields many times before and would again in the future. 'I can fight with that aye.' He thought, Dusaro nodding to himself as though something came to mind.

What came into Dusaro's mind was not any passion, anger, fear or hate. It was a desire. It was not something most people could understand. Even Jedi who had been in battle would not quite be able to grasp it, because they had not quite 'been there'. They had not been in the trenches as a normal person but Dusaro had. Sure he was a Firrerreo, but a lucky blastershot or a unlucky mortar round could have spelled his death. In those kinds of pits of despair, the only people you had to lean on was your battlebuddy. Your comrads. In the battlefield, no one fought to win a war for their country or some higher reason, but for the person standing beside them. That kind of dedication was what let men become warriors. When Dusaro shifted into that mental state, his demeanour changed slightly. His body became slightly tensed and on alert. He was still relaxed, but there was an edge to it, like how he was in a fight.

But he did not let the feeling simply sit there. He remembered the despirate times. The time on Naboo, seiging a fort held by Sith where he had artillery fragments riddled up his right side. How he and other warriors had fought against a Rancor and other sith beasts and their troopers. He had even engaged a Sith Spawn Drexel that he had defeated and made flee. He remembered that feeling and he took hold of it. It had taken time but in that instant, it would appear. A little spark. It was not something he could just make appear at his level or strength in the force so instead Dusaro went to being creative. He lit afire a peice of lint from his clothes, setting it alight and controlling the flame, keeping it from fading when it should and maintaing it. It took concentration for him to pull it off, but he had pulled it off.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
Josh wasn't sure what emotions, what feelings that Dusaro had used. But he would watch him pull it off, and slowly nodded his head as the little spark would appear. That didn't seem to satisfy Dusaro, so he would then spark a piece of lint instead enough to light it aflame. He nodded again, at least impressed by his creativity. Resourcefulness was good for a Jedi, and he made a mental note of it.

"Tell me, what did you use to make that happen?" He would inquire. They would practice this a fair bit before he let him go, obviously, to be sure that Dusaro had it down. Of course, once they did, then only practice and use would help him improve on it. But at the least, Josh could give him the tools to work with. "What emotions, what feelings, did you use? It seems to have been a mixture of things... Though some of it felt like fear. And fear is something you should avoid. Don't harness it. Fear will only bring out the negative side of yourself. And that is a path that you don't want to walk for obvious reasons.

Remember Dusaro... Fear leads to the dark side. And the dark side is a pair of chains you might never break. The Sith that you claimed killed those you loved... And the Sith that take slaves even... They are nothing but slaves themselves. Even if they don't realize it."

Whether Dusaro was using fear or not, it was a good lesson to remember.

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
Dusaro had never been particularly strong in the force, so he made up for it with creativly using what he did have on hand instead. A good thing it was then that he had plenty creativity to spare in how he thought and planned. He liked to think it even surprised his master on an occasion or two, but he doubted that. Josh had been around the block and then some after all.

"Mmm... Calling it fear would not be inaccurate, but it would be missing the point." Dusaro mused as he thought on best how to explain it. He knew Josh would not be satisfied with a 'don't worry about it' explination, but at the same time it was hard to put into words. "Resolve. It isn't determination, that is something you actively choose to do. Being determined, deciding something. Its more like accepting what is coming. Death is knocking on the door, both your flanks have been surrounded and its just you and your mates set up on a hill. Supplies are low, comms are down and you can't radio in for help and casualties are high." Given by how Dusaro was talking and his body language, it was fairly plain that this was not some hypothetical situation he was speaking of. It was something he lived through. "All you have is a bunch of city boys turned soldiers, guys who were used to having to fight for their daily bread. Buncha thugs in uniform really. But the only order they got was to hold the line. Retreat aint an option they were given. And so they, on their own say, 'Kark It. This is our hill. We are not giving it up to no man.' They get offered the ability to surrender and be treated well as prisoners of war, but they send the messenger back saying 'send us to hell, or send us to victory."

Dusaro went silent for a moment, making a mixed face before laughing, shaking his head. "You'd have to be insane to say that. You'd have to be insane to look at someone and expect them to lead you when you are acting like that, out numbered, out gunned and with no kind of backup or support. But they did. And they looked at me." He tried not to dwell on the events of that day much, after all he was not here to tell a story, but to explain to his master what kind of emotions he drew upon for this. "Fear... I can't deny i had a healthy dose of fear. I was angry too, don't really remember at what now though, just kinda was. But there was resolve. I couldn't let a single one of those stupid, insane thugs down. None of them had even chosen to be there, they were all drafted. But they didn't care. How could i give less than them, then? I wanted to be there. I took the contract after all." It was then that Dusaro realized he had begun rambling, and he made a wry expression in apology. "In simpler words... I suppose it would be somewher between insanity, fear, anger and despiration." Dus joked with a little grin, figuring his master had got what he meant at some point in that longwinded, round about explination.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
Josh listened to Dusaro's story, as he tried to use it to the best of his abilities to explain what he was feeling and what he was drawing from. It was unclear if it was fear exactly, though Josh would at least try to clarify something. "Fear is not something in of itself to be afraid of... If that makes sense. Fear is normal. Fear makes us human. I feel fear. But do not draw on it. Jedi are calm, can we rely on emotions? Sure. But there are emotions we can draw on to keep that calm, keep collected. Fear, anger, how do you stay calm and collected, able to quickly analyze a situation and your surroundings... When you are feeling these things to the extent that you are drawing on them for your strength?

You can feel emotions... But always stay calm if you can. Fear is a part of us but you can never let it consume you. Overcome... Always overcome.

But you say that it is not fear exactly, that is your strength. Resolve though... Hmm... I'm not sure what resolve can do" Josh would admit. "But then again, my determination to serve the Order the best I can, my love for the Order and for my family and those I care for, my passion for what I do, and my resolve to see it all through... Those are much of my power. Things that in another perspective may be used for the dark side, but if used the right way and for the right reasons...

My point is... Find things that drive you and give you strength. But also ones that can keep you calm and collected. Things that keep you... You. Are you following?"
"Never been one to loose myself in what i feel but i understand your warning aye." He said with a respectful nod. Really, Dusaro had never honestly just sat down and meditated on what exact kind of emotions and feelings those were before. To begin with, he was not good at dealing with such things. It wasn't that they were beyond him, but when it came to certain aspects of emotions and how to properly understand them he seemed to have a screw loose or two. That was also part of the reason he had never had any lovers or the like, ignoring a specific instance or two. That was a long time ago though, before he was even twenty years old.

"Me, not be calm? Have you ever seen me loose my temper and get angry?" He asked with a 'innocent' look and tone. In truth he couldn't recall any time that he had ever 'lost it', aside from the one time with a Spirit that was an illusion of a sith in his crystal cave trials. Dusaro didn't really count that though, most people tended to get a bit funny in the head in those trials so he didn't personally think that it applied, but his master might very well think differently. "I undertsand, i will be careful on how i go about things. I am not the best at leaving emotional tension there, i am one of those people who feels a need to 'do' something about it, a bad personality trait for a Jedi i know." And he had been working on it, though how successful that had been was up to a reasonable amount of debate.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
[SIZE=10.5pt]"Anyone can. Doesn't matter who it is. Might not be you right now, but it could be you later"[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Josh would warn. This was a warning in general, not just for the Dusaro of right now. The Josh of old had not been capable of it... But the Josh now could, if he wasn't careful. Everything had changed in the lifetime that had passed since then. For Dusaro to know this early, would be the best thing for him. And Dusaro already showed that he could let his emotions get the best of him during the crystal caves trial. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Anyhow, let's get back to work" Josh would advise as he would take a deep breath, holding out a hand then toward the wall. "Try and sense what I'm projecting here" Josh spoke as he would focus on what he had brought up, trying to form it into heat. Before long, a fireball would begin to form from the palm of his hand and once it was big enough, he would let it fly, watching as the fireball would slam into the wall and explode. Luckily these walls were insulated.[/SIZE]
Dusaro had a history with Sith. One that Josh already knew about, it wasn't something special or abnormal. Plenty of people had horror stories. The diffrence was how they dealt with it. Some moved on, others just let it lay. Some sought revenge. Dus had sought revenge too once. Now... Who knows. Dusaro himself was not all to sure. He hadn't thought about it much, but Dus was one of those people that rarely got anywhere by thinking on how he felt about something. When he was in the moment and had a choice was when he could feel clarity. It wasn't a good way for a Jedi to be, he knew. Just one more things he had to work on.

Dusaro nodded, focusing his sight and his senses in the force. This was one thing he was good at, feeling things. But he 'cheated' a bit, using magnify sense and shift sense to quite literally 'see' what was happening, something he had been taught and been honing for a while. Watching in the actual thermal spectrum and magnifying both that shifted sense and his own force sense to feel the flow of the force, he watched the 'heat' build as the air particles rubbed together and generated a quick, intense heat, amplified by the force. Naturally, he was not so skilled that Dusaro was watching this unfold at the actual particle level, but he could see the shimmer in the air from the particles moving around and building up the heat. He watched as it turned into a full fireball, and then Josh threw it against the wall, the force that was keeping it contained breaking as it exploded in a fireball. "Mmm... I saw. Actually pulling that off may take a while, but i am pretty sure i comprehend how it works fully." He nodded, dropping the shift sense and magnify sense he had been focusing on sustaining.
Dusaro demonstrated an... Interesting tactic for being able to sense what he was doing. Honestly, the way he was handling things made it a tad difficult to know how to teach him this sort of thing regarding the Force. It was good that Dusaro had found his own way to succeed in areas he was weak, but it did become an issue for Josh's own teachings. It told him that Dusaro was beginning to reach the end of what he could teach him. Suppose it was just starting to get to that time. Either way, Dusaro seemed to understand what Josh was saying and doing, so that was a start.

"Well, practice makes perfect. So let's begin practicing" Josh would respond as he would charge up another fireball, this time smaller and indicating he wanted Dusaro to start with the smaller ones. With that, he would then fire it at the insulated wall and then look toward Dusaro, hoping he had been watching and was preparing to be able to try and do the same. "Begin."

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
Dusaro knew a fair bit about physics and chemistry. Not to a college level or, anything like that. He simply had done some study into more practical day to day applications of how things worked.The way his mind worked was fundamentally rooted in practicality and how things worked on a basic level, so for Dusaro this was the perfect way to understand something. It was limited, he acknowledged that. It meant that certain things were going to be either much harder to reach, or completely out of his reach. But he was as ever, focused not on what he couldn't, but what he could. And this he could do.

"Aye, lets." He nodded in agreement, indeed paying attention. Dus had never planned to try and match Josh in making some large, big fireball. But funnily enough, making something super small was not going to work either. Make it to small and it would just fall apart. At least he was fairly sure that was the case, given how heat normally worked. The main thing seemed to be that friction to generate the heat needed to be maintained and continuously move in a swirling, circular pattern. That was sense make, the fun part was keeping the friction, heat and rotation contained in a nice ball that would then after a certain point was reached, burst into flames. Having the idea pictured in his mind, Dusaro began to 'contain' a section of the air and start moving it in a swirling pattern. Next was increasing the friction and heat of the air particles. Easy to do if you already had a fire going, but he did not. That was the part that took him several tries to 'catch' on to. Dusaro diligently and silently worked on it, but there just didn't seem to be enough there to 'spark', not quite. It was then Dusaro realized he had been missing something. A vital fact. It was not enough air. He made a momentarily quizzical face before understanding dawned, he needed more, compacted air to make this work. He had the size of the bubble right, but the bubble needed more air in it to get the friction and ration needed to burst into flames.

Realizing his mistake, Dusaro 'dropped;' the bubble he had built and paused for a few moments. He was letting the idea process, going through and reviewing in his mind to make sure he had not been missing any other key factors. Satisfied after a few moments of reflection that he was not, Dusaro began again. Creating a much larger 'bubble' this time, he shrunk it down and contained it, compressing the air into a smaller space. Then he began the next step, making it move and increasing friction to generate heat. It actually surprised Dusaro with how rapidly the process started, his focused calm getting broken when the fist sized fireball appeared earlier then he had planned for, this ball of flame nearly going 'pop' before he even had time to release it. It didn't though and he kept it contained, now that the fireball had started, it was relatively easy to keep going and contain. But without any aid, it was going to deteriorate rather rapidly, so he 'chucked' it at the wall where it would hit and go off with a small, explosive 'pop'.

"Huh. That was... Both easier and harder than i thought it was going to be Master." Dusaro said with a bit of a surprised blink. When the idea was gotten, it wasn't hard exactly to get. It was just a meticulous, detailed process. And given that it was fire you were dealing with, you couldn't exactly let your mind wander. Like with a real fire if you didn't pay attention, it could quickly go out of control. At least, that is how it seemed to Dusaro.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
To expect Dusaro to do as he had done would have been foolhardy. Josh knew that this was going to take a great deal of time to master. It had taken him years, after all. But Dusaro had done a solid job of pulling it off so far, and they had even tackled one of his primary weaknesses along the way not long ago, as well as tackling Josh's lesson today about control. He hoped that one would stick to Dusaro as well. Fear is a human emotion... But letting it control you leads to the dark side. Feel and feel, but never channel it, and never let it become who you are.

Dusaro had a unique way of doing things, applying things, handling and using the Force... And Josh felt a bit like he had failed as a teacher if he couldn't keep up enough to learn this style and apply it to teaching him. But Josh knew that everyone was different too. To feel this way would be to have regrets over something he had no control over. So all he could do was help Dusaro learn in what ways that he could. Josh would continue to watch as Dusaro would take what he had said, and apply his own methods to it, eventually creating sparks but no flames. Not yet, anyway. Once he seemed to realize what he was missing, Dusaro would pause and start again. The fireball would appear, though almost disappeared before Dusaro could control it. Josh watched with interest, and watched as Dusaro let fly.

"Good" He would praise calmly, giving a smile as he nodded his head in approval. "I want you to do it one more time before we call it a day. I want to be sure you've got it, and can practice on your own. You know what I always tell you, after all. Practice makes perfect. If you can practice it... You can make it work no matter what it is."

"While you're working on that..." Josh would trail off. "I do have some questions I'd like you to answer for me as you're doing this."

It was a test, in a way. A Jedi needed to be able to multitask. Handling this while answering his questions seemed simple, but it was a good simulation of having to think on one's feet, multitask and handle watching your six and others in the process on the battlefield. This would help him get to a point he could use it more quickly and efficiently. It'd just take some trial and error.

"We talked of this last time, but if you feel there's something you can improve on, anything you want me to teach you if you're capable of it... Let me know. Is there anything else you'd like to cover before we leave today?" He first asked. "I'm also interested in what your plans are, if I haven't talked about this already. Jedi Guardian, Jedi Consular, Jedi Sentinel... You are familiar with these terms, yes? What did you have in mind?"

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
Dusaro's way of doing things was a circumstance of birth, more or less. How people think and use their minds, effects how they tend to apply various things up to and including the force. Dusaro never had felt like he had been failed as a Student, he knew that he himself was both hard headed in certain ways with how his thought process and ways of approaching things were. Those circumstances of growth and upbringing were not something either of them could be blamed for and in his training with Josh, Dusaro had learned how to approach things differently, thing through things differently. More Jedi like, among other things. To Dusaro that made his Padawan training plenty of success. He had never been worried about learning how to fight or any book learning, but rather as both he and Josh had found out, figuring out how to adapt and expand in the force which he had slowly, but surely, started to do. Today's training was an example of that progress. That control to manipulate the Pyrokenisis like he needed to along with telekenisis was not something he would have had the ability to do not so long ago, for example. But now, he did it with relative ease once he figured out how the pieces 'fit together'. It gave him a bit of a sense of pride in his time shared learning and growing with his Master and Dusaro did not think that feeling was a bad thing, pride in being taught, having issues but both of them mutually keeping at it and overcoming said problems.

"Always one more time with you, never 'thats good enough, break, lunch time, lets go back to bed'." Dusaro said with a joking grin as he rolled his slightly tensed shoulders and relaxed a bit, calming his nerves after having nearly singed his eyebrows off. While that kind of an accident would have made for a funny story, Dusaro liked his eyebrows.

"Questions eh? Alright, shoot." Dusaro said, streching his neck a bit before starting the process over again. Now that he knew waht to look for and how fast the reaction was, he could more accurately gauge how much to use of what, when and how. Taking care to not over do it, he created the bubble as he thought on Josh's question.

"Mmm... Jedi Guardian, for sure. Sentinel is, well. It fits but it doesn't. It implies a greater level of versatility in other skills like slicing, security or repairs that i don't have. I could learn it and it would be a good challenge, but it also feels like... Not a waste, but i feel like i would be better keeping my efforts more focused. And Consular, well, we know my track record with the force." He said with a dry chuckle and light smirk. Yeah no, that one was not happening. "What i want to become, one day, is a Weaponmaster. Call me a muscle head, but that kind of thing fits my charming personality dont ya think?" Dusaro asked with what could only be described as a 'cheeky grin'. All the while he had been taking the same kind of pace he had last time, not rushing himself, making sure he did the steps properly and in order. It was easy to get caught up in the moment of success and botch something simple, like forgetting to switch the gear shift to reverse and pressing on the pedal while it was still in neutral or even worse, forwards. The ball of fire would appear just about the time Dus made teh comment about his 'charming personality', Dusaro actively working on sustaining the ball for a few moments while Josh would respond before throwing the ball against the wall.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
Josh understood by now that Dusaro's way of doing things was different and it was his duty as a Master to try and accomodate for these things. Even if he found himself getting a little frustrated when he felt he had failed in that job at times, Josh had been happy that he'd been able to help Dusaro find what he needed to find. He just hoped that he'd be able to overcome this on his own once it was time.

"The lesson for that will conclude once you've demonstrated you can do it with no thought to it being a fluke. It will help your confidence as well. Once that's settled, you are free to go" Josh would respond to Dusaro's joking. "That's even better than a break."

Josh listened to Dusaro's answers to his questions then, and listened carefully at that as he appraised each one with care before formulating his answers.

"Time will come to learn those other things, never sell yourself short. If you feel a Jedi Guardian is where you should be, it's where you shall be, but never think that something is not open to you" Josh would recommend as he shrugged his shoulders. "I've been at this for decades and only got to learning how to build and service droids the right way within the last few years, for example. There's always going to be a time for it, even if it's not right now."

Weaponmaster. Josh would smile at that, and nodded his head in approval. "Like me, then" Josh would remark. A Jedi Guardian, advanced to a Jedi Weaponmaster. Either way, Josh would watch as Dusaro would summon the fireball and toss it, once again. Good, good, he nodded his head in approval once again. "Good" He spoke. "Put it into practice and we'll revisit later."

Josh would get into stance than and give the traditional bow used for both the beginning and end.

"You're dismissed. Unless you had any further questions yourself?"

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]

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