If I was green, I would die.
The people of Dromund Kaas had a lot work ahead of them to rebuild their settlement from the attack of the Diversity Alliance, but for now, Raylia's work among the injured and the sick was at an end. The blue Twi'lek had worked tirelessly to help treat the victims of the anti-human organization's unprovoked attack, to the point she herself almost needed medical treatment for exhaustion.
Although she was scheduled to speak at a conference on Lianna regarding the current galactic laws on grave robbing and repatriation, she was forced to cancel her appearance, sending a colleague to speak in her place. Instead, she returned to Voss and took an extended break to recharge and work on the manuscript of her latest scholarly work.
Ray had slept for what felt like days, but when she finally ventured out of her rooms at the Silver temple, she felt nearly back to normal. However, there were plenty of things on her mind. As depressing as Dromund Kaas had been to deal with, it had forced a conversation between her and Kurayami where they finally admitted there was something more than friendship between them. He had confessed his heart to her and she had shown him that she felt the same way, however with the need to focus on her duties there, the matter was not really explored any further.
Days later, she found herself wondering now that the immediate need to take care of her Jedi priorities was over, what did that mean for the changing dynamic between the two of them?
Ray headed off to the mess with her datapad in hand, answering some messages from friends and colleagues about her absence at the conference and trying not to think about how that first kiss caused her heart to beat against her ribs like a caged bird vainly trying to break free.
[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
Although she was scheduled to speak at a conference on Lianna regarding the current galactic laws on grave robbing and repatriation, she was forced to cancel her appearance, sending a colleague to speak in her place. Instead, she returned to Voss and took an extended break to recharge and work on the manuscript of her latest scholarly work.
Ray had slept for what felt like days, but when she finally ventured out of her rooms at the Silver temple, she felt nearly back to normal. However, there were plenty of things on her mind. As depressing as Dromund Kaas had been to deal with, it had forced a conversation between her and Kurayami where they finally admitted there was something more than friendship between them. He had confessed his heart to her and she had shown him that she felt the same way, however with the need to focus on her duties there, the matter was not really explored any further.
Days later, she found herself wondering now that the immediate need to take care of her Jedi priorities was over, what did that mean for the changing dynamic between the two of them?
Ray headed off to the mess with her datapad in hand, answering some messages from friends and colleagues about her absence at the conference and trying not to think about how that first kiss caused her heart to beat against her ribs like a caged bird vainly trying to break free.
[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]