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Faction First Week Braidless | RNR


Shiraya's Sanctuary
Tags: Open

Echo was quite good with winding paths. Half of the time the older sections of the Jedi Archives on Coruscant seemed like a maze. To that end the pathway to Shiraya's Sanctuary was rather novel. As much as Echo loved the expansive tomes of the archives, she was rather refreshed by the change in scenery. There was a charm to the greenery of this place. Not that anyone around her would be able to tell, of course. Echo Athoth was as deadpan as ever, wearing an expression that veiled her interest in her surroundings rather well, though nowhere close to intentionally. That's just how her face was.

The young Ogemite woman stepped out into the open air, now able to feel the fullness of the morning breeze moving through her plumage. The architecture of the Naboo was as fascinatingly intricate as ever. Should she have enough free time to allow it, perhaps she'd be able to more in-depth research the history of the style. Something fun to pass the time.

She wasn't here to have fun though. First and foremost, Echo was here to fulfil her sacred duty as an archivist. Only a week ago now, Padawan Athoth had become Knight Athoth. Through her unwavering commitment to academic persuits and skill with a blade, she had proven herself amongst the most capable of her generation. Now the responsibility fell on her shoulders to ensure that the decision of both her Master and the High Council was made in well-educated confidence. The Order of Shiraya was extensive, no doubt with an archive that held it's own unique complexities. It was almost like a geode, an unassuming shell which could be broken open to reveal something far more complex and beautiful within. This was one mystery box that Echo was very eager to crack open. A structure of antiquity lost to time and reborn. What could lie within?

Echo would discover in time. She was certain of it.

The Jedi Knight crossed one of the bridges of the outer walls with her modest bag of luggage, taking in the scenery. She was quick to spot the temple's landing platform. She could have taken a designated shuttle in, but she opted not to. It gave her some time to better grasp the layout of the nearby countryside and settlements. Or maybe that was just an excuse to gather more knowledge to stuff into her brain...

It wasn't long before she was at the entrance. She would surely have to link up with the temple's leadership, though the sentaries along the hidden pathway leading to the Sanctuary had no doubt already sent word of her arrival. Her feathers bristled with anticipation, though her face muscles couldn't muster up a similar excitement.

Now was the time to prove her worth.



Journal Entry:

Alright, the second day hasn’t been that bad so far. Yesterday was rough, to be sure, but at least now I have a path that I can walk on. I need to have a talk with a few people, but I don’t feel so alone anymore. Uncle Caltin wanted to talk to Master Kahne Porte Kahne Porte and I about something, hopefully it was a good thing because I need to talk to him about something that isn’t good.

Enough of that right now.

I’m writing because there’s a new person that came through one of the entrances today. I know this because of all of the people that were there. It was weird to see, but kind of cool. She had the most ravenesque black hair, and spectacles.


Anyway, what was cool was her lightsaber. It was the coolest looking hilt I have ever seen, and I have an uncle who has two long handles!

Hi! I’m Michael, Michael Angellus. How’re you? Gee, way to sound aloof and cool. I swear I don’t have a crush!


Lorn's bare feet padded softly against the cool stone floor of the Sanctuary, a familiar rhythm that soothed his mind after a morning spent wrangling younglings. He'd been hesitant to engage the older students, their complexities a bit daunting, but the little ones… they were a blank slate, eager to soak in every word, every gesture. Teaching them was like planting seeds in fertile soil, a rewarding experience indeed.

He smiled, a genuine, unguarded one that didn't often grace his features. The teamwork lesson had been a hit. He'd divided them into small groups, handing each team a jumbled pile of colourful, lightweight blocks. The task: build a miniature tower, but with a twist. Each team member could only touch the blocks while wearing an oversized, silly glove on one hand.

The chaos that ensued was glorious. Limbs flailed, blocks went tumbling, and peals of laughter echoed through the training hall. But slowly, they started to communicate, to strategize. They began offering their gloved hands to one another, creating a network of cooperation.

"Sometimes, the best way forward is to lend a hand, even if it's a clumsy one." he'd said, chuckling along with their efforts. Eerie, surprisingly, had been fantastic at demonstrating this principle, showcasing the importance of trusting your fellow warrior in battle. She brought a strength and clarity that the children really responded to. He enjoyed working with her.

Lost in thought, Lorn continued his tour with Eerie. He had always found solace in the Sanctuary's tranquility, the quiet solitude a soothing balm after the rigors of teaching. He was explaining the nuances of the hanging gardens, when they reached the entrance to the Sanctuary, drawn by a subtle change in the air. Michael was already there, his posture hinting at the weariness that had been clinging to him like a shadow. They stopped, Lorn wanting to remain respectful of the new arrival, but a small part of him eager to meet her.

With a gentle exhale, Lorn stepped forward after Michael had finished his greeting, his bare feet making no sound on the stone floor. He met the Ogemite woman's gaze, his own a gentle mix of curiosity and welcome. "Hello," he said quietly, offering a small, genuine smile. "I'm Lorn. Welcome to the Sanctuary." His soft voice echoed against the high ceilings. "We're very glad you're here."
Eerie had expected several things when she was invited to the Jedi temple on Naboo. Meditation was definitely one. Maybe even searching the force for answers to some of life's biggest questions. The first one was definitely something she had seen, not so much of the second.

What she hadn't expected was too find herself wondering around barefoot on a guided tour of the temple. An idea she hadn't expected to come from a Jedi Knight. Then again, she didn't know the Jedi well enough to call this normal or not. She wasn't complaining though, the cool floor did feel somewhat soothing on her small feet.

Her heterochromatic eyes took in every detail she could of the building. While tuning into whatever Lorn had to say about the history of the temple. Her gaze fell upon the man when he made a comment about today's team building exercise. "My teachers at the academy say the same thing. They tell us that we have to rely on our squad mates. Be there to lift each other up and fill the gap of someone's weaknesses with another's strengths."

The mention of the academy caused the young teen to straighten up some. Taking on a more formal military posture. Maybe some habits stick harder then others.

Eerie came to a halt when Lorn did. Following his gaze towards the main entrance. There, she could see a padawan, Michael Angellus Michael Angellus , if she recalled correctly, welcoming a woman with raven colored hair and glasses. Eerie fell in line behind Lorn as he made his say over and greeted the newcomer. Standing a few paces behind him at rest, the young teen gave a small wave.

Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard , Echo Athoth Echo Athoth
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Shiraya's Sanctuary
Tags: Michael Angellus Michael Angellus , Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard , Eerie Omera Eerie Omera

Hi! I’m Michael, Michael Angellus. How’re you? Gee, way to sound aloof and cool. I swear I don’t have a crush!

Echo tilted her head towards the newcomer, a boy. Teen, probably still a kid. He certainly seemed young, and trying really hard to come off as cool. The Ogemite let out a soft breath, her face remaining neutral.

"Hey... fine." she answered, her tone cool and collected.

Definitely cooler than she was intending, or even was thinking to intend.

"Hello," he said quietly, offering a small, genuine smile. "I'm Lorn. Welcome to the Sanctuary." His soft voice echoed against the high ceilings. "We're very glad you're here."

This, however, was very clearly a knight. One with an even younger looking padawan with them. The feathers on her head which made up what appeared to be hair bristled ever-so-slightly at the change in the atmosphere. Now she had to be social. Time to put on her game face.

Which just so happened to look like her normal face.

"It's a pleasure..." Echo stated, "Echo Athoth... Transfer from Coruscant. New aid in the archives..."

Her posture was composed, her tone gentle yet full of clarity; what almost seemed like assurance. Then again, she was rather monotone. Perhaps her true emotions were simply lost in the flatness of her delivery. She tilted her head a little, adjusting her glasses as she took in the structure up close. The excitement to go spelunking in this place only compounded the more she looked at it...

Standing a few paces behind him at rest, the young teen gave a small wave.

Echo's light blue eyes drifted to the youngest, to which she offered a simple half wave of her own before speaking again.

"Anyone know the age of the temple?" she asked, her gaze drifting back to the Sanctuary.



Journal Entry:

Ever have what felt like the life scared out of you? Well, that happened! One of the Council Members, I know this because I saw his holo-image on the wall. Nice enough guy, I’m sure, but HE SCARED THE WIND OUT OF ME!

Lorn Reingard said:

BWAH! Yeah, I jumped out of my socks and had to catch my breath. How many people walk this place barefoot? I couldn’t hear him walk up to me! A little kid was behind him? Where did she come from?! I hope I didn’t scare her!

Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard , Echo Athoth Echo Athoth , Eerie Omera Eerie Omera

Casual Cloths

"Anyone know the age of the temple?" she asked, her gaze drifting back to the Sanctuary.


A singsong voice answered from behind Lorn and Eerie. Eyes wide and staring at all of those assembled. Rocking back and forth on bare feet with excitement at seeing more new faces in the building.

Temple. It was a temple. Though they didn't seem to worship anyone and instead spent all the time of the day studying different things. Which seemed strange to call it a temple when it should have been called something like a school. The excitement that had been present slowly ebbing away as the thought ran through her mind as brain and mouth finally connected.

"Why is it called a temple?" She had taken the correction at face value without question when it was explained to her. But being reminded of the fact brought the question back to the front of her mind again as she looked at each person in turn.


Lorn's heart lurched when a sudden, sharp intake of breath made him jump. He hadn't realized he had walked so silently until Michael jolted back, eyes wide with surprise. Lorn immediately held out a hand, gently grasping Michael's shoulder to steady him. He offered a reassuring smile to the young man before turning his attention back to the newcomer, Echo.

"It's a pleasure to have you here." Lorn said, his voice warm and welcoming, and then stepped aside to allow Eerie the space she needed to speak. He was glad that the newcomer was here, a new mind in the archives surely held so many possibilities. After that moment, Lorn noted another figure behind him, that he hadn't even noticed, a young girl with a singsong voice. Mellomere had answered the question about the age of the temple, and she seemed to know more about it than he did.

Lorn was taken aback as she followed up with a genuine question about the temple. His eyes glanced around the Sanctuary, his mind whirling. Why was it called a temple? He'd never really considered it. He opened his mouth to speak, a few scattered ideas coming to mind, but stopped himself. He was not an archivist or a historian. Echo, with her sharp questions and clear gaze seemed far more likely to have the answer. He closed his mouth, pushing his own thoughts to the side. It was best to let knowledge speak for itself.
Eerie and Lorn had made their quiet approach to the entrance. Well, maybe too quiet. Their arrival had nearly scared the life out of Michael Angellus Michael Angellus . Eerie tensed some, almost losing the look of composer, as her left foot slid back some for better footing just in case.

What she wasn't prepared for was Mellomere Mellomere suddenly appearing behind her and Lorn. The young teen almost cursed herself for lack of situational awareness as her gaze quickly moved to the other girl. Letting out a slow breath, her attention focused on Echo Athoth Echo Athoth as she greeted everyone. Her monotone voice held less boredom in it and more professionalism. A slight amount of excitement became momentarily visible as she asked questions about the temple. Defiantly one who loved her profesion then.

Then Mellomere posed a question that seemed to stump even Knight Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard . Eerie's gaze drifted between each memeber in an attempt to gage their reaction and answers. "Well, back in my home planet. Temples are used for places of worship and meditation, amongst other things. Meditation is something I've seen here. So that fits in with some temple stuff."

Shariya's Sanctuary
Tags: Michael Angellus Michael Angellus , Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard , Eerie Omera Eerie Omera , Mellomere Mellomere

"Well, back in my home planet. Temples are used for places of worship and meditation, amongst other things. Meditation is something I've seen here. So that fits in with some temple stuff."

"Temple's root classically means 'consecrated piece of ground,' roughly speaking," Echo stated.

So it was old, but nobody was sure how old? A mystery, one which she could sink her teeth into during her free time. The Ogemite couldn't resist the temptation of the structure's depths. What wonderful things could be-

Her thoughts stopped in her tracks for a moment. Oh. Everything was fine. Echo adjusted her glasses again.

"I'll look into the matter," she assured, her tone just as flat as before. "I'm sure such a thing will hold value..."

In the meantime...

"Perhaps... I could bother you all for a tour."

Such a thing would certainly help. She was going to be needing to become familiar with the Sanctuary's halls sooner rather than later. A task that the Ogemite awaited eagerly, of course. She was positively thrilled to sink her teeth into the challenge.

And she couldn't look more thrilled.



Journal Entry:

Yeah, that was embarrassing. As Mr…. Jedi… Knight Reingard held me up. It was kind of funny now that I sit here at the end of the day writing this. It was still crazy though.

Thanks. I still didn’t say anything to the little girl at this point. Hey, sorry about that. I’m Michael. Normally not that intense either.

As they were talking about this place, I was an idiot again. This place is big, beautiful and intimidating. Nice, really cool. Real aloof Michael.

Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard , Echo Athoth Echo Athoth , Eerie Omera Eerie Omera | Mellomere Mellomere

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