King of Pumpkins

- Intent: To create the first wolves as a military group within the Fel Empire
- Image Credit: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/6ogwW
- Role: They are a strike team, specialised in taking down Force users
- Links: The Fel Empire, Dan Tray, helping-loose-the-unwanted, requisition-fel-imperium-militant, securing-hostile-intent
- Unit Name: First Wolves
- Affiliation: The Family, Dan Tray
- Classification: Special Ops
- Equipment: first-wolves-armour, g-11-shield-gauntlet, t-7-vibro-brace, pr-20, werewolf-machine-gun, n-4-probe-droid.
- Availability: Unique.
- Deployment: Limited.
- Strengths & Weaknesses:
- + Force dead - Due to the experiments to create this group they can't be affected by the force personally. However this doesn't extend to their equipment.
- + Strength and speed - The experiment doubled the strength and speed of the men and women within the first wolves.
- + Stealth - The First wolves are a stealth unit that generally specialise in assassinations and black ops missions.
- - Not air ready - this group is useless against air vehicles or attacks
- - Vong forming - Due to the high casualty rates during the experimentation done to them, not many of them survived to exist.
- Overwhelming numbers - small group, can be overwhelmed by sheer numbers
- Open areas at range - not well equipped to deal with open area combat at long range
- Description: The first wolves are an anti-force user assassination and black ops group. They came about due to experiments run by [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] during the helping-loose-the-unwanted thread. Also during this thread Dan Tray took command of the group due to his natural leadership qualities. During the thread Jaster used Vong shaping to make them force dead while also twice as fast and strong.
- Their training after that consisted of stealth courses as well as CQC and weapons training. Their functions are to act as agents of the Fel Empire killing any force users or political targets that the grand moff or the emperor deem necessary.