☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
{ Location: The Silver Rest, Kashyyyk }
{ Equipment: Gym clothes, field medkit,
holographic disguise matrix }
{ Tag: [member='Amon Vizsla'] }
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It was high time she had put off since the Grand Admiral had appointed her: Combat training. Sure, she had taught herself a little bit here and there--the very, very bare foundations--and had once asked a promoted stormtrooper to help her clean her sidearm, but when it came down to it? She didn't really know anything about self-defense. Prennis had no doubt that she was safer here in Silver space than she had ever been in the First Order's, both mentally and physically, but it wouldn't hurt to learn a thing or two.But she had to find a teacher first.
And one willing to give her a lot of help, to boot. She was just a registered nurse, not a combat medic, so she hadn't been issued a weapon, nor had she bought one. It would be fine though, right? The people here had been nice enough in the months since she began working as a medical professional.
With a quiet, under-the-breath sigh, Prennis stepped out into the courtyard and started jogging the a path to the Ranger's base attached to the Rest. It was her best bet, she had decided this morning as she dressed for the gym. Of sorts. Maybe a firing range. Maybe a padded ring. She was keeping an open schedule. But still, her nerves continued to fray. The day was nice enough; the wind against her face helped quell her anxieties a bit but, as always, it felt wrong, probably was wrong for all intents and purposes, to ask for help from a stranger while continuing to be dishonest about her name, her past, even her face.