Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Fish-faced Nautolen? What's your kind doing here, scum?" came a voice, watching Gul Junso from across the bar. The whole room silenced. It was quite clear that he was a Jedi, or a Force User. "What?" came the reply, with a cutting tone. His lightsaber was ignited and he advanced. A blaster bolt was fired. Deflected. And again. And again. Gul stood over the person. His blade entered the creature's chest, the searing heat burning through his flesh and bones. He then kicked him harshly to the floor, and strode out.

He walked down the streets of Coruscant, looking at the Sith Temple, where his own Jedi Temple was once situated. He'd lost all faith in the Jedi. He leaped into the air, jumping and hijacking a speeder, heading to the temple.
"Another Nautolan," the Bounty Hunter known as Luminous murmured to herself. She cringed ever so slightly as the the thrust a lightsaber blade needlessly into a poor soul. Even she thought that kill was unnecessary, and her job required her to kill on a regular basis. She reached down to her heavy blaster pistol at her waistline, checking it was there and making sure it was secure. She had a bounty to claim. As the Nautolan strode from the room, Luminous followed. She wore only a chest plate and helmet that was attached by a connector tube. The rest of her was covered in an armorweave bodysuit. She stalked the Force User outside, watching with a frown as he hijacked a speeder. "The universe delivers you to me as an act of providence," Luminous said as she moved to her own B&W-18 Landspeeder.

Luminous twisted the throttle, foot slamming on the ignition. The engine of the bike roared as she took off after him.

@[member="Gul Junso"]
His speed increased, headingbout of the main part of Coruscant. Slowly, his speed decreased to a stop, and Gul clambered out. He turned watching the Bounty Hunter. He grinned, juggling his lightsaber in one hand.
Luminous reefed the throttle. The engine roared loudly as the speeder reached speeds in excess of two-hundred kilometres per hour. The neon lights danced upon her eyes as she howled after the Nautolan. He had caught onto her, but in a city as densely populated as Coruscant, she was baffled as to how he had known. Better yet, the man was retreating from public view or so it seemed. The creature was leaving the largely inhabited parts of the planet-wide-city. She was far behind when she saw him come to a halt. She hit the brakes, screeching to a gradual standstill. She was a few hundred meters away. She reached over her shoulder, pulling free the AMR-1 Anti-Materiel Rifle. Her eyes glanced down the scope and began to align the crosshairs. Armour-piercing rounds accompanied by an anti-materiel rifle allowed her to puncture the hull of tanks at two thousand yards. She didn't intend to kill her opponent but simply disarm him. She bit her lower lip, holding her breath, crosshair upon the hilt of the lightsaber. She pulled the trigger. The sound of thunder boomed.

@[member="Gul Junso"]
He felt the power of the blast expel his lightsaber from his belt. "Oh, just brillaint." he hissed, and began to walk toward the assassin. He desperately needed a weapon, or this would soon be over. To his left, lay a large docking area, to his right, industrial. Gul's instinct was to leap into the dock and swim away as fast as he could.

Reaching a hand to his lightsaber, clutching it in his hand. He let out a grin, leaping into the Dock.
Luminous hit the throttle, moving to hover over the dock. The speeder bike levitated above the waters, slowly moving across the waves high above. Luminous reached down, detaching a 9320/B sensor pack from her belt. She held it up, observing the movements of the Nautolan from above the water. Though she was disgusted that the Nautolan had dived in, the waters on Coruscant tended to be heavily polluted. Coruscant had once been a world mostly covered in oceans. However, all natural bodies of water were drained and stored in vast caverns beneath the city as a result of years of overpopulation. The only body of water visible was the artificial Western Sea, with many artificially-created islands floating on it, used by tourists on holidays.

@[member="Gul Junso"]
Diving deep to the bottom, Gul leaped up from the bottom of the water, igniting his Lightsaber and slashing at the Bounty Hunter. He gives out a battle cry, using the Force to fling it into the water. "Sleeping with the fishes.... Ha." he leaped onto her speeder, slowly cruising across the water, using the Force to sense life on the Dockbed.
Beep. He was close. Beep, beep. He was getting closer. Beep, beep, beep. He was right under her. Luminous shouted, "That's it!" reaching for the holstered MP-77 Heavy Blaster Pistol. Beep, beep, beep, beep! the scanner screeched loudly. She ignited the jetpack that ran the length of her shoulder blades. Fire burst from its exhaust as she leapt high into the air as water burst upwards, the fallen Jedi attempting a swing at her. Too late, she was too high. He landed on her bike and attempted to speed off. She raised her pistol and said, "Not on my watch you mongrel." She glanced down the iron sights and the length of the barrel, aiming for the bike rather than the Nautolan. She fired three shots in an attempt to blow the engine. Luminous remained hovering high above the water.

@[member="Gul Junso"]
He span, dodging the shots, slinging his lightsaber in a wide arc at the Pantorian. "I don't think so." he snarled, leaping onto the speeder bike above him, his own crashing into a large oil container. White noise. Fire. A blast. On the ground. About 300 yards away. Gul's head was spinning, his joints screaming in protest as he moved. Black was closing in, he saw the Pantorian, also a few hundred yards away. The blast had triggered the whole rig to explode, the smoke rising high into the air as he blacked out.


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