Théodred Heavenshield
Norbæn Véurr
[member="Judah Dashiell"] and Makai
He had already been gone from Voss for about four months, his first step into the wider galaxy had been interesting one to say the least, having stopped off on Nar Shaddaa, now a place of complete lawlessness, more then it had been according to the local people there. He had been working there in the even lower end of town, in a bar. Not doing much, servicing drinks and washing glasses with the dirtiest rag known to exist. Théo had found himself in the middle of bar fights on more then one occasion, but that was not new to him, having seen the likes of the Valkyri do the same in the mead halls on Midvinter. But life on that planet was cheap, dirty and corrupted. Most of the people forced into such a life, poverty reigned surpreme, and those that took advantage of this did so without ethic. It is very much a survival of the fittest there. But his stay in Nar Shaddaa had always been but a stepping stone, to come to Ceto.
Théo had earned enough credits in the bar to buy passage off the horrid place, most did not have that luxury, but he got out at least with the bag and clothes on his back. As the transport shuttle approached Ceto, Théo looked out of the view port upon a very beautiful sight. It reminded him of Dac, and he smiled remembering his time their with Makai and [member="Zak Dymo"], kicking backing enjoying the sun and surf, that seemed so long ago now, almost as if in a different life time.
Yet, the death of his grandfather, still raw in his heart seemed like it only happened yesterday.
The shuttle descended through the atmosphere before approaching the ocean and descended beneath the waves. The announcement made from the captain informed the passengers that they would arrive within ten minutes and to prepare for departure. Théo gathered his bag, and jacket and before long had stepped onto the surface of the underwater star port. He looked around with amazement, it is very beautiful here, and he looked up. Above the city is a some kind of a dome, or shield to protect it from the water and make life habitable for those that do not breath the liquid. He did not know his way around or the direct to the Kauai Residential District where to find Makai and his father.
So instead of wandering around aimlessly, Théo found the local caf with Holonet free to use and sent Makai a message he had arrived.
::Makai Dashiell::
Hello Makai
I have arrived on Ceto and I am lost already! I am at a caf called... Blue sails in the sunset.
I need directions to your home.