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Mission Five Wings Cast A Mighty Shadow [Empire of the Lost - The Diarchy]

Tales of the Rule of Two

The Tapestry of Darth Bane

Five Wings Cast A Mighty Shadow


Bastion, Outer Rim Territories, Braxant sector, Sartinaynian system;
The Diarchy

Velran Kilran to the Old Imperial Ruling Council in The Emperor Revealed during his coup d'état.



The EGGMAN is dead but his dream is still alive. In the EMPIRE OF THE LOST the newly coronated PHANTOM EMPRESS has succeeded her father as HER MAJESTY OF ALL IMPERIAL KIND, and in doing so, takes up the work of her predecessor to reconstitute the GALACTIC EMPIRE!

On the ruined world of MALACHOR V the HEIRS OF THE EMPIRE came face-to-face with the newly risen power in the form of THE DIARCHY: a galactic superpower that has taken root within the BRAXANT RUN! In the ASHLAN VAULT the powerful DIARCHS were lured into a trap by the sinister DARK LORD OF THE SITH and her SITH APPRENTICE where it was revealed that the seditious, treacherous organisation known to only a few as THE FIFTH WING have taken root on the capital LIANNA and were the ones responsible for luring them into the remnants of the ASHLAN CRUSADE as they sought to recruit them into their plot to destroy the JEDI!

As DIARCH REIGN confronted the machiavellian HER and the cunning DARTH TRIGONUS the apprentice of his brother DIARCH RELLIK was captured by the assassin B/I-800 "EVELINA" and was taken by the NEW IMPERIAL SECURITY BUREAU while the SITH plot to bring the EMPIRE OF THE LOST and THE DIARCHY into conflict! After turning TRIGONUS against his master REIGN escaped with the knowledge of the SITH PLOT that has taken the TION CLUSTER and returned to BASTION to host a grand ceremony consisting of important dignitaries from across the galaxy as THE DIARCHY announced itself as a galactic superpower!

With festivities coming to a close the forces of THE DIARCHY were put on high alert when an OBSCURER-CLASS STAR DESTROYER called THE QUEST emerged from hyperspace in the SARTINAYNIAN SYSTEM! Belonging to the EMPIRE this destroyer hails planetary defences indicating that the EMPIRE OF THE LOST have accepted their invitation to the grand ceremony and wish to meet with the SONS OF KAKUS in the wake of their skirmish on MALACHOR V!

With conspiracy gripping THE LOST can a crisis between them and THE DIARCHY be averted?



861 years following the death of the legendary GILAD PELLAEON the infamous PELLAEON GARDENS continue to be tended to even in the age of THE DIARCHY'S RULE over their capital of BASTION!

As THE QUEST rests in high orbit above the planet a delegation consisting of members of the IMPERIAL RULING COUNCIL and the NEW IMPERIAL SECURITY BUREAU are directed planetside to meet with the SONS OF KAKUS to negotiate terms that would see them pull out of planet and turn it over to the rightful HEIRS OF THE EMPIRE!

As tensions rise with the presence of a star destroyer in the SARTINAYNIAN SYSTEM and in the wake of their skirmish on MALACHOR V can you navigate the difficult crossroads of a negotiation without it escalating into a conflict between THE DIARCHY and the EMPIRE OF THE LOST?



It is not a coincidence that the NEW IMPERIAL SECURITY BUREAU were dispatched alongside the IMPERIAL RULING COUNCIL to bring BASTION back into the Empire! As the IMPERIAL DELEGATION convenes in the PELLAEON GARDENS to negotiate the turn over of the planet to the EMPIRE OF THE LOST there is more to this than meets the eye.

The seditious, treacherous FIFTH WING have long since infiltrated the ranks of the N.I.S.B and have been using it to their advantage ever since! Orders from the highest office within the BUREAU have tasked their agents to enter the capital city of RAVELIN to complete a reconnaissance mission on the strength of THE DIARCHY'S MILITARY and the planetary defences of BASTION!

Can you navigate the streets of this ecumenopolis without being caught while completing your work? Or will you be caught by THE NETWORK?



Lianna, Outer Rim Territories, Tion Cluster, Allied Tion Sector, Lianna system;
Capital of the Empire of the Lost;
The Fifth Wing.

Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Darth Nexion Darth Nexion | Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik | Her Her | Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Laphisto Laphisto | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Ova Ziss Ova Ziss

"House Dimegor served the Sith Empire for a quarter of a century. Your father was loyal to the cause."
"The Sith no longer rule the Tion Cluster. They pulled out of here well before I was even born?"
"We are Eternal, and our reach is long. Won't you serve again?"
-- Alicia Drey recruiting Sieliel Dimegor into the ranks of the Fifth Wing.


At the turn of the ninth century the Empire of the Lost was infiltrated.

They called themselves the Fifth Wing;
A seditious, conspiratorial cell seeking to weaken the powers that be on

The reach of the
SITH is long, and eternal.
Won't you serve again?



In the background of the suite played in the offshoot a lie that had shaken the upper echelons of the EMPIRE OF THE LOST. It was likely a strange thing to listen to oneself on repeat (as had been the routine since returning to Lianna City after debriefing the Imperial Ruling Council on board the Revenge) but for Sieliel it had become a form of meditation to focus the mind on the mission. When your life becomes intertwined in a web of lies it was easy to lose oneself in the fog. She had to remind herself that her guarantor was not as dead as the N.I.S.B and the Trigonus Report would lead one to believe.

Sieliel Dimegor in "NISB Statement: The Death of Director Drey" said:
"Following our investigation we have concluded that the Tsis'Kaar played no part in the murder of the late Director. It is our conclusion that Alicia Drey was a victim of an assassination carried out by the rebellion known to us as the Tingel Arm Coalition which was crushed at the recent Battle of Maldra IV. Our findings are concrete, and resolute."

It was hard to imagine how many there were out there across the Empire. Sieliel knew that she couldn't be the only one. After all the conspiracy had shown itself to be far reaching and ever insidious among even the Imperial elite. Was the formation of the Tingel Arm Coalition real or was it apart of the Director's plot to bring back the Sith to Lianna? It had certainly helped distract the Moffs from the catastrophe at Tion, and now, given the events circulating in from Malachor V, it was the playbook of those spinning the heads away from looking inwards to the sinister forces that had crept their way in as they were continually turned away from the idea that they were being used to weaken the very institutions they had come to rule over.

Sieliel Dimegor in "NISB Statement: The Death of Director Drey" said:
"Several months ago the late Director was arrested by agents of the Bureau following her return to Lianna after the Sith attack in the Tion system. There we carried out our own internal review of the Director, while she was being detained, to investigate the data packets released by Sith forces during their attack on the Empire. Our findings, at the time, found that Alicia Drey was Force sensitive, and that she had been acting beyond the scope and permit of her position as Staff Director in the New Imperial Security Bureau. Conclusive evidence was provided during her subsequent trial hearing which proved that Alicia Drey had carried several seditious acts against the Empire which included the deaths of several Stormtroopers on Lothal. Nevertheless, despite our proof, our late, and beloved Emperor, declared the Director not guilty in a rare sign of mercy."


Sieliel averted her cold, callous gaze away from the traffic to the sound of an incoming transmission. Pouting her lips in anticipation of what was to come next she shook away the anxiety and settled her gaze upon the Lenoi. It was a rare, and now obsolete line of datapad compared to the modern day marvels being released by the likes of the Arceneau Trading Company. But what it made up for in being old tech was also a method of remaining off-grid as a means of communication which was advantageous for someone like Sieliel and her precarious position within the N.I.S.B.

With a flick of her wrist Sieliel paused the statement recording and turned her attention to the message that she had received.


//. . .
//. . .

<LAETOR>: hey
<EXULAE>: hi
<LAETOR>: great work. think they fell for it?
<EXULAE>: hard to say. mecetti looked unconvinced and rasnuhl might be a problem.
<LAETOR>: what about the report you filed?
<EXULAE>: remains to be seen director.
<LAETOR>: ok.
<LAETOR>: the new empress wants to continue the eggmans work.
<EXULAE>: did you kill him?
<LAETOR>: don't ask me questions and i will tell you no lies.
<EXULAE>: ok.
<LAETOR>: the obscurer-class destroyer is being deployed to the braxant run.
<EXULAE>: the diarchy?
<LAETOR>: yes.
<EXULAE>: what for?
<LAETOR>: the eggman wanted to rule the galaxy. so his heir wants bastion.
<EXULAE>: so?
<LAETOR>: a delegation will be sent to negotiate their surrender. you are being assigned to it.
<EXULAE>: orders?
<LAETOR>: capture reign. bring him to northwest.
<EXULAE>: is it really you?
<LAETOR>: yes.
<EXULAE>: i don't know.

Bastion, Outer Rim Territories, Braxant sector, Sartinaynian system;
The Diarchy;
Old Imperial Headquarters, Pellaeon Gardens




Alert klaxons across THE DIARCHY'S CAPITAL OF BASTION were triggered when a hyperspace anomaly was discovered and subsequently scanned on the edges of the SARTINAYNIAN SYSTEM! There they detected an Obscurer-class Star Destroyer named The Quest approaching the planet with a hailing frequency that was subsequently accepted. The EMPIRE OF THE LOST-- an IMPERIAL REMNANT led by the newly coronated PHANTON EMPRESS-- Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran -- have accepted their invitation to the grand ceremony held on the planet surface where important dignitaries from across the Galaxy bore witness to the rise of THE DIARCHS as this galactic superpower entrenches itself within the rich hyperlane corridors of the BRAXANT RUN!

As if on que the Empire has arrived just as festivities have ended. While the likes of Darth Caedes Darth Caedes -- KING OF KORRIBAN-- and the TRADE FEDERATION OF PLANETS consider their next move after fostering their alliance with THE DIARCHY the RULE OF TWO seek to bring this new galactic power into conflict with the HEIRS OF THE EMPIRE! Upon accepting their hails the Empire have requested a meeting with the SONS OF KAKUS and their burgeoning government to discuss the matter of galactic politics; the recent skirmish between them on MALACHOR V where an incursion into the ASHLAN VAULT was seen as a hostile act by the Empire; and the status of BASTION as their capital planet.

A long table adorned in the colours and markings of THE DIARCHY had been set up within the PELLAEON GARDENS: the infamous setting of the legendary GILLAD PELLAEON who had once served the former Imperial Remnants that banded together following the collapse of the FIRST GALACTIC EMPIRE!

As Sieliel walked in line with the others assigned to the IMPERIAL DELEGATION TO BASTION she quietly prepared herself as the mission assigned to her some weeks ago by the GHOST OF KALIST came into focus now that she was planetside.



Location: Ravelin
Objective: II
Gear: In Sig
Tags: Open


There are a few skill sets I have mastered over the turbulent years I've walked the galaxy; politics, espionage, intelligence and counterintelligence containing the bulk of my capabilities. I serve my new Empress in the role of a High Inquisitor, and I take my position very seriously, deadly in fact. Lie once, and one doesn't see a second opportunity to offend me. I'm not very patient, testing me is a dangerous route that more often than not leads to one's pathway in life to a dead end.

To those that work with me, or can loosely be called my peers, could testify that when my mind is set to a task, success is guaranteed; and on occasion, collateral damage is a possibility. So it was easily understandable why I chose to infiltrate the capital city to conduct reconnaissance, a thrilling game of hide and seek.

Upon exiting the transport shuttle, with Mystique at my side, we moved through the docking area of the city heading toward the innards of Ravelin. Outside my concealed hilt, I dressed the part of a pilot looking to score some credits via transporting goods. Attention and attraction were two symptoms I was desperately trying to avoid. Though Mystique, in her own right, would entice gazes and glances; she was unique and one of a kind, the closest to having a child I would have.

We slowly integrated ourselves into the crowd, blending in with the masses as we observed everything and everyone around us. Our destination wasn't far, but it wasn't close either; and it was always best to move cautiously than take a direct line to the objective, that's how you look suspicious and draw that unwanted attention from the seekers. We visited a couple of kiosks and other vendors, making purchases for appearances whilst discarding the items at nearby trash containers.

"Stay alert, Mystique. Once we cross over to the next sector, begin running diagnostics in preparation for downloading the information."

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Location: Pellaeon Gardens
Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Her Her Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Laphisto Laphisto Ova Ziss Ova Ziss Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran

The tension of the grand declaration was still coursing through the Diarch when he received word of the Imperial Star Destroyer entering the system.

Wishing to see how far reaching this “Fifth Wing” truly was within the self proclaimed “Heirs of the Empire”, The Diarch had allowed the Star Destroyer to approach and ordered the Pellaeon Gardens prepared.

The Gardens had been selected as the meeting point for these “Negotiations” for the history of the man they were named after. With the Diarch wanting to show that while history was to be honored, the old ways were dead. Utilized by a new power for greater purpose, and those that clung to the past needed to recognize that change was coming.

The Diarch and a few aides had arrived first, ensuring that the black and gold banner draped along the table and the decor of the gardens projected the power and unity of the Diarchy.

He remained standing, his
black and gold outfit showing a mix of Military strength and Nobility. Hands clasped behind his back, he awaited his and his brother’s “guests”

Location: The Crucible of Order - Bastion
Objective: II - The Infiltration of Ravelin
Sub-Objectives: Download List of Brotherhood Members From Archives │ Study and Record the Crucible’s Defenses │ Gain Entrance to the Library of Forbidden Knowledge - Optional
Cover Identity: Nirala Lalu
Tag: Zara Saga Zara Saga Iellax Pellis Iellax Pellis

Lissa took a deep breath as she stood alongside Iellax Pellis Iellax Pellis while waiting just outside of the gates to the Crucible for the Archon of Light to arrive. Posing as newly-recruited Initiates into the Brotherhood, the two assassins had been assigned cover identities and tasked with infiltrating the Crucible of Order to achieve a number of objectives so that the Quasesitorum could gain a deeper understanding of the Brotherhood’s inner workings.

For her part, Lissa was now Nirala Lalu—a Hapan ex-university student from the little-known planet Sargon within the Hapes Cluster. Her Force-sensitivity had manifested late in life rather than at a young age—a rare, but not entirely unheard occurrence. Thus, at 19-years old she was old for an Initiate, but had been recruited into the Brotherhood regardless.

She and Iellax had been paired and roomed together because both were older, adult Initiates among a class that was mostly composed of children.

And this was to be their first full day.

At that point, Lissa—now Nirala—offered her companion a knowing glance as the doors behind the gates slid open, revealing the delicate figure of the one who had been assigned to meet them.

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Location: Palleon Gardens

Current Outfit

As the Super Star Destroyer Kisaragi loomed over the planet, an Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle followed by a 2 Squadrons of TIE Fighters exited one of the many hangar bays making a beeline towards the surface. Once the Imperial Shuttle landed on the platform, 10 Galactic Marines: The 141 Hellhounds marched down the ramp splitting into two groups of five as Empress Kanni walked down gathering the skirts of her white dress and was accompanied by Clone Captain Wrym.

Kanni's expression was that of calm her mind focused as she walked towards the Gardens. Bastion was an Imperial planet and will remain such under her rule. Her father despite being an expert in Imperial History, never cared much for Bastion even as a symbol of Imperial Dominance. Kanni never knew why but if there was one thing that Kanni would difference herself from her father is to claim Bastion. It was a way to unify the divide between those who were loyal to the Empire of old and the ones who embraced her father's vision of a stronger Empire free from the shackles of beaucracy.

"I think that's why father didn't care for Bastion." Kanni thought as she headed towards the Gardens.

A new Faction had arose, this Diarchy, Kanni had plenty of Information on them thanks to the NISB. But she didn't want to make assumptions, it was best to meet them on "neutral" ground and look them in the eye. Only then, Kanni can see who these Diarchy truly are. When Kanni arrived at the Gardens she stared at Diarch Reign Diarch Reign her dark eyes peering at his blue ones.

"Lord of the Diarchy?" Kanni spoke in a dispassionate whisper. "I am Empress Kanni Kilran of the Empire of the Lost, It is..... an honor to meet you."

And to see who he truly is.

Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss , Her Her , Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti , Laphisto Laphisto , Ova Ziss Ova Ziss , Darth Nexion Darth Nexion , Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl , Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik
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The Quest - Obscurer Class Star Destroyer
On Orbit over Bastion

____________________________OBJECTIVE I: BASTION BELONGS TO THE EMPIRE!____________________________

Maldor had once been a politician by trade. Often, a diplomat in service to the Galactic Alliance.

Since leaving that life, he had become an Admiral. A fleet commander, guiding millions of metric tons of machines into battle. It was a role he'd been forced to learn. Required to refine and perfect. He'd managed to get pretty good at it.

But today... today was a day for diplomacy. A day he could truly shine, and achieve great things on behalf of the Empire. The sorts of things he'd been born to do.

But he wasn't on the planet below.

He wasn't engaged in high-level diplomacy.

... He wasn't able to protect the Empire from Her machinations. The Empress was vulnerable to her manipulations, unaware of the depth of the plots arrayed against her. Plots designed to subvert the Empire and turn it entirely into a puppet of the Sith.

No... he was here, on the Quest. Given the 'honor' of commanding this ship while the real action unfolded below.

He was being pushed out of the center. Chilled out of Imperial affairs. Soon, when the Imperial forces had fully recovered from recent conflicts, it might be decided that his fleets weren't so vital to the success of the Empress' ambitions.

And then?

Maybe the Empress would decide he was expendable, under Her direction.

Maldor sighed, gazing out of the bridge viewports at the planet slowly turning below.

He had to do something to change the course of his life.

...But he did not know what.

Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss , Her Her , Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti , Laphisto Laphisto , Ova Ziss Ova Ziss , Darth Nexion Darth Nexion , Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl , Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik , Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran
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Zara stood, a study in elegant composure, just inside the immense gates of the Crucible of Order. The black of her finely tailored attire only served to highlight her luminous blonde hair, which cascaded down her back in a smooth, shimmering waterfall. Her eyes, the color of a clear summer sky, kept drifting upward, pulled by the imposing presence of the Obscurer-class Star Destroyer, a silent, metallic leviathan hanging in the sky like a storm cloud. The tension of the past few days still lingered, the grand declaration of the Diarchy's power a recent memory and the arrival of the Empire of the Lost a current source of palpable unease. Every nerve in her body was screaming for a full scale alert, but Zara knew she had a duty, a role to play, and the new Initiates were as important to the future of the Order as any diplomatic event.

The great gates hissed open, revealing two figures standing patiently at the threshold. Zara's gaze swept over them, her lips curving into a genuine, almost surprised smile of pleasure. Both were striking women, confident and poised, not at all the children she usually encountered in the Initiate program. It was a welcomed change of pace. She lifted her datapad, her thumb swiping across the screen to bring up their profiles. A Hapan, the datapad confirmed, her name: Nirala Lalu. A raised eyebrow, that was an interesting piece of data, she loved the Hapan people, always so well groomed and elegant.

Lowering the datapad, Zara stepped forward, her movements as graceful as a dancer's. "Welcome," she greeted them, her voice a lilting melody, warm and inviting. "Welcome to the Crucible of Order. I am Zara Saga, the Archon of Light, though please, just call me Zara. It is so nice to meet you both finally." She paused, her gaze flickering between the two women. "You've arrived at a…peculiar time, so I thank you for your patience. I do hope your journey here was pleasant?"

She gestured with a hand towards the vast interior. "Please, do come in. We have a lot to discuss and I'd love to show you around. I imagine you are both keen to settle into your new accommodations." She turned, walking slowly, so that they could keep up. "Tell me," she added, glancing back over her shoulder, her smile widening, "did you two happen to know each other before arriving on Bastion?" The question was casual, a pleasantry, but there was a keenness in her eyes, a subtle awareness that missed nothing.

Governor Pro Tempore, Dantooine



Objective 1: Backroom Politics / Defend Bastion
Location: Pellaeon Gardens, Bastion
Tags: @Kari Von Strauss | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Diarch Reign Diarch Reign | Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik | Darth Nexion Darth Nexion | Her Her | Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran | Zara Saga Zara Saga | Laphisto Laphisto | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Ova Ziss Ova Ziss

Ova was in a better position to talk now, after he and Rellik de-briefed what happened at the Ceremony. Ova exuded an attitude of calm but passionate diplomacy. He was ready to talk, but - if necessary - he was prepared to take action right then and there. His white officers' uniform shone in the afternoon sun.

Ova and Reign walked briskly to the place in the gardens where the meeting was to occur. They passed flowers of all sort: flowers that the tour guides often bragged were grown only on Bastion. There were also beautiful, colorful, yellow tulips that were in bloom. Ova tried to appreciate the garden. It was a far-cry from the filthy political games, the ones that made Ova's hands feel unclean. It was a revolving door of respect and reputation: who had it, and who didn't. The political talks were killing Ova lately. Why couldn't the politicians just kill people with bombardments, instead of sitting them in a room for four hours and talking them to death?

Ova followed shortly after Reign, and he thought that he could see Rellik there too. The best of the Diarchy had assembled.

We're just going to talk, the mineral baron reminded himself. Ova prayed that it wouldn't turn into a battle, but something inside of him said that it could. Tensions were high, and Ova was determined to make them better this time, and not worse. Now, the consequences of bad diplomacy wouldn't be a blaster round to the head if diplomacy failed; now, the planet would be bombarded. Of course, knowing the insanity of the current eleventh Sith Empire, they could always do both?

Ova stood at "Imperial Attention", the sort of discipline that Reign and Rellik expected in this situation. He held his hands in front of him. He had nothing to hide: putting his hands behind his back always felt uncomfortable.

Ova had watched the city of Ravelin live and breathe, and he already felt a soft spot for the city. All of that work outside in the city, all of that legacy, all of that unity, it could be gone in the blink of an eye, merely over "reputations" and "respects". Ova wouldn't karking allow it.

While Diarch Reign Diarch Reign stood waiting for the Empress, Ova engaged with him and with some of the other Chancellorate and Diarchy allies. Ova had developed a habit of divulging whatever information he knew about the other side just before a diplomatic meeting.

"I read the Trigonus Report, in its entirety. The Lost are spreading propaganda all over the galaxy."

Ova wanted to make certain that Reign had the information he needed to make the right decisions.

"I've lived in the Tingel Arm my entire life. Whatever they're accusing us of...this "fifth wing" doesn't involve us at all."

Ova gritted his teeth - but then, he remembered to relax himself. The angrier he became, the more the force sickness would affect him. It was in his best interests to remain calm.

The Lost could come to Dantooine, but all they would find would be the Space Wolves, a group of pirate vigilantes who had formed an impromptu resistance against the Dark Empire; against anyone who would harm Dantooine. It turns out that the only thing the pirates hated more than Ova Ziss was the Imperial Empire, in all of its forms. Dantooine had only moderate wealth even at the best of times: they were not the crown jewel of the Tingel Arm that they used to be, and the Sayu Ni Temple Enclave was still in ruins.

Ova reminded himself of how often these politicians postured an invasion angle, even to him personally, but how their threats of conquest were often dissuaded by even the most shallow offers of credits, kybers, and favors.

Seeing that the Empress was almost here, Ova spoke quickly, muttering into Reign's ear.

"We've been betrayed by one of our allies. It must have something to do with that weird droid on Jaemus. I must tell you something."

Ova takes a deep breath, and then gives Diarch Reign and the Diarch's diplomatic assembly what he perceived to be some really bad news. But, Reign needed the information, if he was going to make a proper choice about the Lost.

"The droid bought two million credits of Dantari kyber crystals. He aspires to kill the Emperor of the Dark Empire, but he doesn't trust us even after our deal went smoothly. I swear on my life, Diarch Reign. We have nothing to do with this 'Fifth Wing'. It is a traitor of a different sort."

"Tell the Lost to go after the droid. I will take full responsibility for anything that goes wrong."


The Empress of the Loss had arrived: a female wearing a white, regal dress, and they were strolling over now. It could only have been the Empress. She was flanked by a substantial royal guard, and the Captain. The Lost had docked up and landed quicker than expected. Not only had they landed, but they landed with force. There was nothing quite like doing diplomacy with an 0-1A Blaster pointed at your head.

Respectfully, Ova let the Diarchs and higher-ranking members of the Chancellorate introduce themselves first.

When it was Ova's turn to introduce himself (which came much later in the meeting), he would bow his head and body low to the Empress.

"Empress Kilran, I am Ova Ziss. It is a pleasure. I am the Governor Pro Tempore of Dantooine. I wanted to talk about these 'Tingel Arm' folks who have been giving you trouble. - Ah, but I suspect we will get into that soon."

Ova followed after the delegation, saying nothing else as Archon Zara and Empress Kilran began their conversation.
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Objective One:
Location: Crucible Academy upon Bastion
Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss Her Her Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Laphisto Laphisto Ova Ziss Ova Ziss Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Sieliel Dimegor Sieliel Dimegor Shan Pellian Shan Pellian Darius Vex Darius Vex

The Declaration had gone about as well as the high council was expecting. Although Rellik himself had personally hoped for more talks with everyone invited. Those aligned to the dark side postured and the members of independent planets along with those of the Galactic Alliance never showed, despite promises of delegates. It was a troubling sign to Rellik that the endless crusade across the galaxy was the only means to truly achieve piece. Everyone's flaws were on display, easily eligible by any looking to read into the matter. As the Diarch peered out of his window a large ship had arrived casting a shadow upon the city streets below his room within the tower. The answered request for talks from the EOTL had arrived. Hopefully to Rellik, there was a chance for someone within this galaxy to have their senses still in tact.

Reaching out to Darius Vex of the "Network" while still within his chambers Rellik began to discuss the finer workings of their operation over a secure link. With majority of guests now gone their manpower could be used to oversee the next few hours. The Diarch personally wanting to know exactly who followed within the Empresses' entourage. As powerful as any one being in the galaxy could be, those who whispered in their ear had tricks of their own to employ. A uniquely pliable tool if the need arose.

Once done there he would contact Shan Pellion and Laphisto to ensure the space above the city was safe. No matter what happens this day, within the heart of the Diarchy's control. Those they cared for would not see the brutalities of war brought upon their children. He entrusted the men to do their job with diligence and that if need be Darth Nathrax Darth Nathrax would provide the militaries support to evacuate civilians.

A hand placed upon his shoulder Rellik would turn to see Varis Oakertain Varis Oakertain standing by his side. "My lord, it is time to depart. You will be late to the meeting at this rate. You invited the whole galaxy here. The men know what they are doing, now it is time to do your job." A playful laugh left the Diarch as he gave a sigh of relief. "You are correct my friend. Let us be on our way."
Location: Palleon Gardens

Arriving slightly behind Reign and some members of the EOTL Rellik would stage himself a few meters behind the table on their side of the room discussing with Varis for a moment longer. The Diarch requesting he watch closely for any signs of poisoning, fidgeting, or other nuanced behavior. The Diarchs personal hunter had a keen eye for perception. Not on the level of any inquisitorial type but his view was trusted more than others to Rellik.

Ova Ziss Ova Ziss 's arrival was a pleasing site. He has taken much initiative lately, a fiery spirit is what they would need for the wars to come. As whispers would peek Reigns ear from the man, Varis would point it out to Rellik. With the new information Ova' Disclosed during the declaration it would be no surprise to see him lost in the anticipation of the moment. Once all of this was behind them for a time, the Diarch would take him into the high council chambers to divulge more of what he knows.

With the Empresses' arrival Rellik was now at full attention. Despite reports probably reaching her of our movements across the galaxy at large, she noticed Reign sitting at the table in his charismatic manner. A person of presence where Rellik tended to stick to the shadows until the spotlight was upon him. Awaiting his moment to take action or use words. What had actually caught him off guard was her beautiful dress. Something more akin to Naboo fashion than a lady of the empire. The brightness of it and he kind introduction to his brother had increased Rellik's hope for peace among them all today.

Now stepping forward from the rear of the room, Rellik announced himself to her in return.
"Dear Empress Kilran, I am Diarch Rellik. Co-Head of our people here. The honor is ours." Giving a soft bow to her and her delegation, Rellik would sit next to his brother. A united front for whatever may come.



Bastion, Outer Rim Territories, Braxant sector, Sartinaynian system;
The Diarchy;
On board
The Quest.

"We have been tested, but we have emerged stronger. We move forward as one people: the Imperial citizens of the first Galactic Empire. We will prevail. Ten thousand years of peace begins today."
-- PALPATINE'S Declaration of a New Order a millennia ago.

It is the Age of the Imperium.
The Jedi are gone.
Stars quake at our feet.

The DARK LORD OF THE SITH traverses the walkways of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer to gaze upon the greatest weapon in the known Galaxy. Each breath is laboured, and difficult. Grief is at the forefront of his mind. Doubt has gripped a heart made of iron, and steel. On Mustafar a hero died, and in his place is what was left. The DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE is flowing as the tides shift and a NEW ORDER takes their place among the Stars. Woven into the tapestry of DARTH BANE the promise has been fulfilled.

Tyranny has replaced freedom. Justice supplanted by greed. Terror instils a cruel sense of order.

Ten thousand years of peace begins today.

"Is that doubt I feel in you my apprentice?"

The Obscurer-class Star Destroyer is a marvel of engineering. A product of House Mecetti Nationalized Industries of Obulette it was the result of a deal created between the Empire and House Mecetti brought about by Nimian Totan Nimian Totan : a Lieutenant Colonel who sought advancement among the Imperial elite by producing a new lineage of naval power in the Tion Cluster in exchange for a promotion. All that Totan had to do in order to guarantee the deal was to leak intel to the son of Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti about the whereabouts of Sith paraphernalia that he came across as the EGGMAN pursued his agenda to expand the borders of his Empire beyond the old realms of the TION HEGEMONY.

That was until the deal was discovered and subsequently supplanted in exchange for a better arrangement for the SITH. Was it a co-incidence that The Quest had been selected for this mission today? Beneath the DARK LORD OF THE SITH and her apprentice loomed the old Imperial stronghold of BASTION. As their predecessor once stood on the precipice of their rule across the Galaxy so to did their successors on the eve of another age of the NEW ORDER.

Beneath the hem of a dark robe, with only the silhouette of a face peering under the hood, HER averted her gaze away from Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti to gaze upon the planet below them. The DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE swirled and flowed around them as their machinations looked to take the SONS OF KAKUS into their grasp and mould their crusade across the Galaxy. Interlocking her arms into either sleeve the Dark Lord said:

"You did well on Malachor 5 my friend. Reign has been deceived by your powers in the dark side as he has been tricked now into these negotiations."

A cruel smile crept beneath the hood as she conversed with Maldor. "But I fear Maldor Mecetti may yet still live to cause us a great many problems." Her turned to look back up at her apprentice. "I believed, after Kalist, that you would have killed him. Yet I sense that the holocron you came to possess did not help. It is only through power that your chains are broken, Lord Trigonus. Are you deluded into thinking it is the Empire of the Lost that you serve, or me?"

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